Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Handstand Walk x 20-30′
Rest as needed
Short distances, no extended time under tension, but continuing to gain familiarity with balance points.
“2014 Regionals Event 4”
Complete rounds of 21, 15, 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Front Squat (195/125 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
Yes, I know you just tackled this over the weekend. Get after the full deal again. You need to determine how you are going to strategize the handstand push-ups and attack the reps in each set. You can improve your time drastically in this event with a good plan, and it is going to require some testing to come up with your optimal plan.
Twelve sets of:
1 Legless Rope Climb (14′)
Rest – Varied
Variable Rest: Start off by resting 10-15 seconds less than your ideal competition intervals between rope climbs. Once you begin to fail or lose confidence in maintaining that pace, increase the rest interval to your ideal competition pace. If you lose confidence in that rest interval before completing 12 sets, then back off another 10-15 seconds.
Make detailed notes here as to how you felt at the different rest intervals. It’s going to be important for you to be very familiar with pushing up to redline, but recognizing when the pace is too fast to maintain.
For time:
50 Deadlifts (180/120 lbs)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Ring Dips
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Rope Climbs (14′)
Rest 30 seconds
Please note if you broke the thrusters at any point during the 30 seconds of your set.
Complete rounds of 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Hang Power Cleans (160/110 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
For time:
49 Pull-Ups
7 Overhead Squats (185/115 lbs)
A. 3 boys Thrusters UB 11/10/10- 12/11/11- 10/9/9 Rope Climbs 2/3/2-4/4/3-4/4/3
Girl (others out of town) thrusters 8/8/7 rope 1.5×3
B. 3:20/3:46/5:45 slower fro everyone today by 40sec-1min Girl has no HSPU so she practiced
C.4:25/2:30/2:46 two of us that rarely miss OHS missed at 3 today
Girl 5::41
A. Done
B. 30:15. Hspu were just brutal
C. Didn’t have rope access today
D. 10:35. Dips took forever. Sets of 5.
A. Skipped, hands are ripped on base of my palm
B. 19:07 — :34 second improvement
C. Had to skip
D. 7:58 — Deadlifts complete in 1:32, ring dips faded quick
Did them in a different order for training purpose: B. 12:59 HSPU 11/10, 10/5, 9, 6, 3 FS 11/10, 15, 9, 6, 3 I can pick up speed on on the FS and burpees. My hip flexors are really sore right now. D. 13:01 Moved the bar every 10 reps for DLs 15/15/10/10 on the wall balls to save my shoulders Sets of 5 for the dips. RESTED A. Done. Had a friend spot me to do a full 120′ – yikes my shoulders! C. Done. Started with :45 of rest but ended with about 2:00 between the last six… Read more »
A. Got to 18 feet, a PR!
B. Did with banded strict HSPU. Got through round of 15 in the time cap. Strict HSPU are a major struggle.
C. Done (to 12 feet, the only rope at our gym). Varied rest 30 sec to 1 min.
D. Did this morning. 16:10. DL and WB done in 4 mins. Dips disappear so quickly! Working on stringing kipping and last half were faster than the first half.
A. 3 sets of 30ft hsw
B. 15:03- 1:10pr shspu were faster
C.12 legless rope climbs. Started off with 45 sec rest then went down, 35sec, 25sec, 15sec
D. 10:52 – ring dips took 6 mins
A. Slow progress
B. Made it through set of 15’s within 20 min time cap. Had 30s left and failed 2x for HSPU. Better than last time
C. Did this last since rope wasn’t available. Arms were shot. Got it done in 8:45
D. 12:17…still sore/tired from ring dips Sunday. Dips alone took 7 min
felt totally out of it today. one of those sessions I really had to push myself through. body and mind felt tired and slow.
A. done. trying to straighten my legs out and bring my feet together a little more. felt good
B. 10:45. pretty happy with this given how I was feeling today. only :11 slower than my last attempt. I think my plan will be to push the burpee pace at regionals.
C. done with one rope climb every :20 seconds.
D. 6:06
A.) Done
B.) 16:45 – Felt HORRIBLE today as I woke up with a nasty sore throat :/ Over 3 minutes slower than on Saturday! (shit)
C.) 1-12 reps :15 – :18 rest consistently, done @ 4:26
D.) 5:22 – DL UB, WB UB, 10/15/10/5/5/5
* Hoping to knock this cold by tomorrow!
A. Done
B. Will do tonight
C. 1-4 10 seconds rest/ 5-8 20 second rest/ 9-12 25-30 sec rest
D. 9:04 done with elevation mask
CJ, what do you think the best way to train for elevation is? I live in Phoenix which is about 1000 feet which is about a 3000 foot difference from SLC. I’ve been wearing the elevation mask for some stuff and try to row at least 2K per day with it on. Is there anything else you would recommend between now and the southwest regionals?
A. Complete
B. 14:31
C. Complete at 12 feet….really struggle with these, only have full use of my right hand. Radial and ulna nerves were severed , have atrophy in my left hand.
D. 8:23
Great work getting through Portion C Jared!
B. 16:19 – about 1:40 slower than Saturday, for some reason lungs just weren’t there today but still working on the game plan.
C. 1st 4 – 10 Seconds of rest, 2nd 4 – 20 seconds of rest, last 4 just finished on the minute to work technique
D. 7:20 – broke deadlifts into 10/10/10/10/5/5 w/ :10-:15 rest b/w, wall balls 20/10/10/10 with :15 rest b/w and dips 10/10/10/7/5/3/1/1/1/1/1. I think the rest was a little much but legs were fatigued from front squat workout
D. 7:28
This is a comfortable distance for me…well only just 🙂
Someone turned the clock off…
Think I was to aggressive on the first set went
10/5/3/3 8/6/4/3
4/4/3/2/2. 6/5/4
3/2/2/2. 6/3
2/2/2. 6
1.1.1 3
Struggling to make up time on this. Tried to push front squats but I think this may just fatigue lats more.
First 6-15s rest
Last 2-20-25
Hi Coach, Team WODs have some varied movements (no ring dips, front squats but toes to bar, CJs) and loads (DL at 275/185 vs 180/120) vs. Individuals.
In our minds, there are some things we’d like to work on. Any coaching advice you can provide how to attack/approach training tomorrow?
Thanks CJ!
Hey! Follow the above tam workout!
Got it, Tino!