Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Handstand Walk x 20-30′
Rest as needed
Short distances, no extended time under tension, but continuing to gain familiarity with balance points.
“2014 Regionals Event 4”
Complete rounds of 21, 15, 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Front Squat (195/125 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
Yes, I know you just tackled this over the weekend. Get after the full deal one more time. You need to determine how you are going to strategize the handstand push-ups and attack the reps in each set. You can improve your time drastically in this event with a good plan, and it is going to require some testing to come up with your optimal plan.
Twelve sets of:
1 Legless Rope Climb (14′)
Rest – Varied
Variable Rest: Start off by resting 10-15 seconds less than your ideal competition intervals between rope climbs. Once you begin to fail or lose confidence in maintaining that pace, increase the rest interval to your ideal competition pace. If you lose confidence in that rest interval before completing 12 sets, then back off another 10-15 seconds.
Make detailed notes here as to how you felt at the different rest intervals. It’s going to be important for you to be very familiar with pushing up to redline, but recognizing when the pace is too fast to maintain.
For time:
50 Deadlifts (180/120 lbs)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Ring Dips
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Rope Climbs (14′)
Rest 30 seconds
Please note if you broke the thrusters at any point during the 30 seconds of your set.
Complete rounds of 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Hang Power Cleans (160/110 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
For time:
49 Pull-Ups
7 Overhead Squats (185/115 lbs)
A: 13/2- 10/1- 8/2
B: 6:? (More than one minute improvement from last time)
C:49 pullups 2:30. Failed and gave up on the OHS. So I took a 10 minute break and then did 1 rep from rack every minute for 5 minute. Then I tried again from the floor and managed 4 reps unbroken. This is a big weakness for me.
A 8/2 on every set
B 2:49, I can push a little more on the burpees, transitions and I felt once on my HSPU
C PU in 1:45, rested about a minute before picking up the bar, 6 unbroken, waited another min then finished. I’m happy this is a huge improvement over Sunday but realistically I won’t get to the OHS before the time cap as I’ll go 5th.
A. Done
B. Just did the 21-15-3 portion again.. strict handstands are getting better but shoulder take a beating every time! any tips?
C. 10:00
D. 9:30 used the 20 pound wall ball.
Practiced box jump overs and added in some snatch pulls also.
A) 7/7/7 and 2/1/2 (babied the thrusters today to save for some team stuff tomorrow)
B) 3:26 (gonna cut off 20 seconds by reg)
C) did this on sunday 1:53
A: done
B: 18:34
About 22 seconds slower. Went for a faster time and failed a handstand push-up which cost me.
C: did only 10, approximately 7:30
Did this right after B and I just couldn’t get all the way up dammit lol.
D: 7:05
Dead lifts 30/10/10
Wall balls unbroken
Dips 5’s/3’s/2’s
A. Complete
B. Elected not to do full workout, feeling a little tired, beat up and rushed. Just did the full volume of handstand push-ups
C. Did rope climb every 30 seconds 1-9, had to space last 3 out
D. 8:15.
A. Done
B. Through the 15’s (25 rep pr from first try). Still went all singles on HSPU’s, went way faster on squats and burpees. Last time I was really trying to save my shoulders.
C. Did this immediately after B. I feel fairly confident about the climbs
D. 7:40. Moved bar. Broke up wall balls as I will at regionals. Practiced a really exagurated lock out at top of dips to simulate having the band behind my shoulders, this slowed me down significantly.
B. Got to 4 hand stand push ups in set of 9 which is a huge pr. Only got 12 hspus on my round of 15 last time!
C. Did rope climbs yesterday
D. 13:50… Dips are singles for me
One session & alone.
A. done.
B. 12 legless rope climbs – 3:46
C. 50/50/50 – 6:37
D. 9/6/5 – 2:46
E. 47/7 – 2:09
A) done
B) 19:38. 2 second PR. Changed it a little from last time but I think I was pretty tired today. Not a great nights sleep
C) 5 minutes. I wS faster with the run
D) 8 minutes and change. Deads UB every 10. And moved bar. Unbroken wall balls. Dips suck!!!!
A. Getting better
B. 15:36! Happy with this as last time I did it in 18:25
C. 7:20 – died at end and started resting way too much
D.. Not sure exacty bc started working in the kip on my dips. I do not use my momentum and really need work on this
Life is crazy! Training when I can. Did yesterdays training + today’s legless rope climbs. A) 12 legless rope climbs was able to 10 ten climbs, starting every 15 seconds, for 10 rounds. Round 11 and 12 I had to rest more B) Hang Squat Snatch used yesterday’s percentages based off my starting weight of 215#. Hit every rep except the last one at 235, but I just missed it out front. C)30 Pistols + 5 MU with a 15# vest Round 1: 1:40 Round 2: 1:50 Round 3 1:36 D) Rowing – done based off a target pace of… Read more »
B) 11:01
A. 9 thrusters in 20s per set, 4 rope climbs per set – the thruster event crushed me on the weekend so I did 20s instead of 30 today…
B. 3:38 – slightly faster than the weekend – tried doing the round of 9 faster to see how i would hold up…
C. 1:52 – UB pullups and OHS – on the weekend I was 2:29 so I think best strategy for me is to go for the glory on this one (if I have any grip left after Event 7…)
A. first try only like 10′, then 2x 30′
B. 12:59 (45sec pr, 1:15 better than saturday)
C. tried every 25 seconds, maintained for the first 5. aroudn sest 7 i totally lost count and was just trying to push myself about 5 seconds faster than i wanted to.
D. 8:29 (deadlifts 35-15, moved by walking the bar, wallballs done 30-10-10 at 4:15, ring dips obviously slowed me down.
Nice work on Portion B!!
A) 3 slow sets with small steps cut off at 30
B) 11:58 4s pr need to break first two sets smaller and less break big sets did not work for me today. Gonna for sure go closer to 11 at regionals
C) 12 in 9
Minutes. Started every 45s ended closer to 1:30
Huge improvement
D) 6:54. Ring dips were not happening today everything else nice and smooth. Deads 10/10/10/10/5-5
Wb 15-15-11-9
Ring dips took forever broke into doubles by the end
A. done
B. 11:50, 37sec pr
C. 7:22!!! sooooo happy i could do all 12 of them!! don’t care about my time, i just want to finish event 5 in the time cap at regionals!! went around every 30 second, failed only once
D. 7:38
A.done to 3 front squats on round of 6 much better
Then last time 4 frontsq on round of 9
D.10:30 struggeling with the ring dips
a) done
b) 10:17 – 12sec faster then last time, wanna go sub 10′ at regionals
c) done, 4:59. it’s relatively challenging for me, ’cause i can’t catch that high. will be fun though
d) 5:30, moved bar every 10 reps
Blazing fast on B, man! Do you just pump out those HSPU unbroken?
thanks filip! i got a short range of motion, i’m relatively small & have short arms. you gonna crush event 1&2, your hs walk seems to be amazing! see you next week!
A) Done
B) 16.35 – 30sec PR, God this is tough for me.
C) 10 RCs completed in 2.50(!), all 12 RCs in about 3.30. Started with 5s rest, then increased. Ended up on like 15-20s rest.
D: About 8 minutes. This event is the toughest for me. Not sure if I can finish within timecap.