Workout of the Day
Every 5 minutes, for 35 minutes (7 sets), for times:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
30 Double Unders
10 Pull-Ups
20-Meter Sled Push (heavy – should take 20-30 seconds)
Three sets of:
Calf Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Optional Additional Session
At a local Track. . .
Sprint 100 meters
Run 700 meters @ 65%
Sprint 200 meters
Run 600 meters @ 65%
Sprint 400 meters
Run 400 meters @ 65%
Run 800 meters
There are still spaces available to the last Invictus Athletes’ Camp before the 2015 CrossFit Games! Camp will be held June 12-14 in San Diego, CA.
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A. Only had rowing machine (20 calories). What a grinder. And to think that the first round felt easy 🙂
Done. Finished every round with time to rest but the Assault bike is so mental for me. We have 2-bikes at our box. on one, it takes me about 1:15 to get 15 calories and on the other I only get 6 calories in 1:15. DU were unbroken every round so that felt good. Sled push was 180#
A; 20 Cal row, 30 DU, 10 Pullup, 15 overhead lunge
2:20, 2:30,2:25, 2:23, 2:25, 1:40, 1:35 Times left on clock at end
B: Done
Did our box’s Partner WOD on Saturday.. 20 minutes.
100 Wall Ball Shots
100 Box Jump Overs
100 Reverse Crunches
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Double Unders
100 Air Squats
Worked on headstands and handstands after WOD. I can go from a yoga crow pose to headstand with no wall pretty well, but having trouble finding the same balance for a handstand.
A. Did 15 Cal Row and subbed farmer carry with 45# DB’s. My grip needs improvement!
B. Done
Did 5 sets 10 dips (strict, stationary) 25 sit-ups
(Preformed Sunday 31st – driving next two days home so back in my box on schedule Wednesday!!!)
Thank you V! Got 1st in all my events, and 1st over all in a Masters Comp. yesterday
Congrats Beau!!!!!!
A. Subbed row and farmers walk with 32 kg each hand. Times 202 to 244. I need to convince box to get bike and sled.
B. Done
Each around 2:00min: Rds 5-7 in the hurt locker
Sled weight about 75kgs.
Great reminder of the journey ahead!!
2 45’s on the sled made it every round that was a huge win!
Shoot! I didn’t keep track of my times…I would say pretty consistently around 3:30 – 3:45/Rd. 15 Cals on Assault Bike and 180# on sled. Quahhhhhhds!!!!
A-Row in place of bike and 15 OH 45 plate
lunges in place of sled. Breathing little difficult this morning-to much caffeine??
C-At track-Breathing felt a little better, completed all no stopping 18:15.
First off…. to the lady that stole my legs….I forgive you. That was masterfully put together. Innocent on paper but sadistic in action
Used th AD and 235 sled push
2:03,2:02, 2:01, 2:03, 2:07, 2:17,2:23
The drip that took place starting in round 5 was crazy. Averaged 400-450 watts on AD through round 4, round 5 fought like crazy to hitt 400, round 6 & 7 took all I had to maintain 350 to 375 watts.
You are welcome 🙂
Done with 210# sled. Only had time for 5 rounds (spent a whole lot of time mobilizing before I started as I am super sore still from those jumping lunges and everything else this week and then ran out of time!):
2:30, 2:25, 2:30, 2:35, 2:50
Done with 300 # sled
AirDyne was brutal today!
You’re welcome 🙂
Done, done and done. Used 225 on the sled push – about all I could do to get everything done in each 5 minute set. Did the runs in box parking lot (our usual course) so not precise on the distances but – got some sun.
A: 2:22/2:33/2:29/2:26/2:31/2:28/2:38
B: Done