Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Twisted Cross Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Wall Slides x 6 reps
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 6 reps each
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 5 reps
Hip Extensions (unweighted) x 10 reps
Band Pull-Aparts (overhead) x 15 reps (light band)
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands
And then . . .
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
*This is for techinique work. No need to load up heavy, just focus on proper footwork as well as body position
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete (10 sets):
Concentric Behind the Neck Jerk x 2 reps
*Keep the load light and work on proper drive and landing position
Depending on preference, you can choose either split jerk or push jerk but focus should be on mechanics
Please use blocks
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes, complete:
400 Meter Run
Pull-Ups x (age division)
15 reps
10 reps
Four sets of:
Single Arm Deadlift x 6 reps per side
Rest 60 seconds
Single Arm DB Row x 6-8 reps per side
Rest 60 seconds
Warmup – done, including 5’FwB and crossover symmetry
A1. Done
A2. Done with barbell and last set with 30kg
B. don’t have blocks, so each rep had a 2” pause in the dip: 40;50;60;70;75; 80kgx5
C. All 15PU UB with kipping, run: 460m with slopes (it’s the distance around the block): 2’27”; 2’25”; 2’28”; 2’34”; 2’34”
D. SA DL 55kg; SA KB row 24kg
Cooldown: 10′ bike slow pace
Delayed entry/ entered on Sunday May 7th did it on the assigned date
Dyn WU. Done
A1). 5 min -footwork
2). JB: 63,68,73 -need more work with these I struggle getting into the bottom position
holding a load overhead
B). Conc. BTNJ: 73lbsx3,78×2,83×5- love this drill focused on getting under which is much
needed work for me !
C) 5 sets 1st) 2:54,2nd 2:50, 3rd)2:46,4th) 2:46, 5th) 2:48
D) DL; 95lbs, DB Row:40lbs
glue act. LOVE THIS.. all done!
A1). done-cool drill
2). done- used my legs since I haven’t done RC in awhile
3). only got 4 BMU Its a mental thing I lost connection mentally 🙁
love this drill
B). FS: 118,156,160,185, 195,205-failed, dropped to 200,-failed, dropped to 185 x3 🙁
Left after the squats – heads not right.
C. Done, sub2.30 each, pull-ups were hard due long time since pulling
A. Done
B. Done
D. Done
Dynamic Mobility & Activation = Done
A. Done
B. Jerk Balance = 165 / BTN Jerk = 185
C. 1) 2:36 2) 2:32 3) 2:34 4) 2:36 5) 2:42
* Running sucks for me, but I’m working on it.
We will be having dedicated endurance sessions every week!
A. Done
B. Used 135lbs. Felt heavy enough to work on form.
C. 1:42, 1:41, 1:45, 1:45, 1:50. Did five strict PUs then 10 x kipping.
D. Used 115lbs for SADL and 60lbs for rows.
Mob/act done
A. Jerk drills done
B. stayed light concentric Jerk work at 155. New to the drill. Worked split.
C. 1:48/1:41/1:40/1:40/1:41 – legs enjoyed the run. PU’s UB
D. Done – 155/70
So fast Art! 🙂
First day back. Still recovering, but feeling better. 🙂 DMA plus prep for snatches, Bergener warmup, etc. A. hip pocket snatch 5X3 hang snatch 5X2 snatch 5X1 B. snatch pull 100% 3×3 C. 21.15.9 power snatch 65# 200 m run between D. 4 rounds 15 GHD sit ups 15 hip extensions A. hip pocket: 55/65/75/80/85 hang: 65/75/85/90/95 full: 65/75/3 misses @ 85. Bar path was off today, was catching too far forward. I should have videoed but forgot. will do so next time. B. done @ 100# C. Time: 8:20, not terribly fast but considering I couldn’t breathe (still very… Read more »
Mobility done
A. Done
B. No blocks (a friend of mine is building me some metal adjustable blocks – can’t wait to get them). Instead paused 2 seconds in my dip and went from there. Worked up to 205×2.
C. Done – rounds at 2:12 to 2:15. Finally getting the hang of butterfly – pumped about that.
D. Done – DL at 115# and rows at 70#
Oh you will LOVE having blocks! Good substitute for not having blocks.
Solid work with your butterfly pull-ups!
A. Done, used light weights for jerk balance
B. Built up to 58kg
C. About 2:50/round – runs were slow 2:00-2:05, practiced 5 butterfly reps per round but straight into 10 kipping to keep it unbroken.
Taught lunch class and totally forgot about part D – oops! but did 5×3 tempo ring dips @3.2.X.1 and 5×5 seated box jumps and then 10 min of handstand hold and HSW practice. I’ll do part D on Friday.
Awesome job incorporating work on your butterfly pull ups!
Mobility done
A. I stayed light as requested and focused on form.
B. Liked this, new to me, helped me focus on being more aggressive but I still stayed pretty light using blocks.
C. Skipped this as running is out for me until I see the back specialist following my MRI. So I did some extra gym from Travis program.
D. Done focused on hinging well on the DL
How is the back feeling?
Good thanks Nichole, I find I can manage my pain with mobility & stretching. I was worried the DL might aggravate it but all good 🙂
M&A DOne
A. 95#
B. used 135#
C. getting hang of BPUPS. 2:08 (lost rythm on BPUPS), 2:00, 2:03 (lost rythm on BPUPS), 2:02 (lost rythm on BPUPS), 1:53.
D. Done
Mobility: done
A: done. Empty bar to 95lbs
B: first 5 @ 130 to 150lb, last 5 @ 155lb
C: 1:48, 1:52, 1:54, 2:00, 2:08.
First 3 rds pull-ups unbroken. 8, 7 for last two rounds
D: ran out of time, will be back later…
Mobility and Warmup Done
A. Done 95#
B. 115. Stayed light think blocks were a little to low but made it work.
C. All PU Unbroken, all runs Slow 2:22,2:40.2:50,2:58,2:59
D. Ran out of time
mobility and warm up done
A : done
B : did jerk ( not behind my neck) no blocks — work my way up to double 80 kg _ felt so good
c : done —
D : dropped. my back did not feel so good after all the jerks. ( but I am happy )
Nichole, if I don’t have jerk blocks what do you suggest? Taking it from a rack and doing one rep?
Unrack it…Jerk it…Drop it…re-rack…jerk it…re-rack. What they don’t want is for you to lower a loaded bar behind your neck to avoid injuries to your shoulders and/or neck.
Also following…
Yeah, if you can do one rep, drop and then re-rack for the next rep that would be the best. I am not a fan of repeatedly letting the bar crash down on you. If it is a lighter weight and not many reps then your call but when working on higher volume jerks, re-rack and jerk (your collar bone will thank you)
Thanks Nichole. I’ll post want I did… I brought it down in front, reracked and reset.
Looked good!