AM Session
Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Twisted Cross Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Wall Slides x 6 reps
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 6 reps each
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Band Pull-Aparts (overhead) x 15 reps (light band)
Inchworm Walk + Scap Push-Up + Press-Up x 3 reps
Gymnastics Skills & Drills
Spend 3 minutes working on proper hand and foot placement for a kick to handstand.
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (2 sets) complete:
Interval 1 – Single-Leg Thigh Taps x 20 reps or Single Leg Thigh Taps on Box x 20 reps
Interval 2 – Handstand Kick-Up to Wall x 15 reps
Interval 3 – Hand Plank Shoulder Circles x 16 reps (8 circles each direction)
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets) complete:
Strict Handstand Push Up
35-49: 5-6 reps
50-54: 3-4 reps
55+: 1-3 reps
*If you do not have strict handstand push-ups, then please progress with the following:
Option 1 – Strict Handstand Push-Up Negative (go as slow as you can on the way down, keeping the same tempo the entire way through)
Option 2 – Assisted Strict Handstand Push-Ups (have someone stand on a box, hold your ankles and help pull you back up from the bottom position)
Option 3 – Strict Handstand Push-Up to 2″ riser
Five sets of:
Pause Jerk x 3-4 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Pause at the bottom of the dip for 2 seconds, then drive. Please use blocks. Work up in weight each set but focus on mechanics.
For time:
50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
40 Thrusters
30 Bar Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
35-54:Â 95/65 lbs
55+:Â 65/45 lbs
Optional PM Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Warm Up
Two sets of:
Jog x 200 Meter
Backward Jog x 100 Meter
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Forward Lunges x 10 reps
Lateral Lunges x 10 reps
High Knees x 10 reps
Skipping for height x 10 reps
Skipping for distance x 10 reps
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Foot Drag
Ball of Foot Hopping Drill
Followed by…
Tabata Sprints @ 70% effort
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 8 sets
Work Sets
Four sets of:
60 second run
Rest 3 minutes
Followed by…
One set of 60 second sprint all out effort.
Track your distance covered
Cool Down
Easy 2 minute jog
10-15 minutes of static stretching (Focus on Calves, Achilles, SMR your feet)
Mobility done
Strict hspu 4 every minute pretty easy
A. Up to 215# felt good 3 rep a little slow
B. 8:26 these are the three things I hate.
Been swimming everyday before training. I felt my best before wodapalooza when I did this so I’m sticking with it.
A: 190
B: 7:12
Skipped running. dad visiting. will run some tomorrow.
Mobility, drills, skills done..rusty on strict hspu…or still tired from mq x 2
A. 185, felt weak, just form
B. 7:59
Off to the track…
Performed all in one session:
Mobility/activation done
Gymnastics skills drills done; 5 strict hspu ea min
A. Pause jerks: 125-165# (kept these a little lighter)
B. 7:00
Optional session:
Body was already warm from metcon so did the foot drag and hopping drill and then performed just half of the running volume…wanted to make sure I didn’t too much to flare up the back.
1/2 tabata
3 sets of 60 sec sprints, rest 3 mins. Last one I ran approx 330-340m.