Monday (Session One)
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Press in Receiving Position x 5 reps
Build over the course of the 3 sets.
Followed by…
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
3-Position Snatch x 1 rep
(Perform a Hip Snatch, followed by a Snatch from the knee, followed by a Snatch from the ground)
Build over the course of the 4 sets. Use this as a warm-up exercise.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Slow Pull Snatch
*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 5-6 = 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM Snatch
(Perform a regular snatch, but, the pull from the ground to low thigh should be at half speed. Once you get to low thigh you can explode full speed)
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (9 sets):
Power Clean + Power Jerk x 1 rep @ 80%
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 7 reps @ 90% of your 7-RM weight
*if you don’t know your 7-RM Back Squat, establish that today instead of doing these sets
Three sets of:
Bench Press x 6 reps
Glute Ham Raise x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Wednesday (Session Two)
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 4 reps
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Clean x 2 reps
Build over the course of the 3 sets.
(Use this as a warmup & to practice your pull underneath the bar.)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Clean + Jerk + Clean x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 = @ 75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-4 = @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 5-6 = @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
(Perform a regular Clean & Jerk, drop the bar, then perform a clean)
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Power Snatch x 2 reps
*Sets 1-2 = @ 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 3-4 = @ 80% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 5-6 = @ 85% of 1-RM Power Snatch
In 15 minutes, establish a 1-RM Front Squat
Three sets of:
Bent Over Row x 8 reps
Bulgarian Split Squats x 5 reps each leg
Rest 45 seconds
Friday (Session Three)
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Squat Jerk x 3 reps
If mobility is an issue – stick with the empty bar and work to get lower each set. If mobility is not an issue, build over the course of the 4 sets.
In 16 minutes, establish a 1-RM Snatch
Every 2:30, for 17:30 (7 sets):
Clean & Jerk
*Set 1 = 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 2 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 86%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 92%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 97%
*Sets 6-7 = 1 rep @ 101%+
The goal today is to find a 1-RM Clean & Jerk.
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps
*Sets 1-2 = @ 75%
*Sets 3-4 = @ 80%
*Sets 5-6 = @ 85%
Three sets of:
Sled Push x 100 feet
Rest 90 seconds
Use moderate weight. You shouldn’t be able to sprint with it but you also shouldn’t have to walk it.