Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch
x 60 seconds per side
Bird Dog x 10 reps per side
x 10 reps
Leg Reach x 10 reps total
followed by …
and then …
Three rounds with a medicine ball:
Turkish Get-Ups x 2 reps each side
Medball Squats x 10 reps
Ball Slams x 10 reps
Front Squat
Set 1: 3 reps @ 70%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 75%
Set 3: 3 reps @ 80%
Set 4: 3 reps @ 85%
Sets 5-6: 2 reps @ 85-88%
Rest as needed
Primary Conditioning || Zone 2 Training
Three rounds of:
Run/Bike/Row x 20 calories or 400 Meter Run
Overhead Carry x 50 meters (single arm, double, or whatever you’d like)
Run/Bike/Row x 20 calories or 400 Meter Run
Front Rack Carry x 50 meters (single arm, double, or whatever you’d like)
Run/Bike/Row x 20 calories or 400 Meter Run
Farmer Carry x 50 meters
Three sets of:
GHD Hip Extensions x 15-20 reps (unweighted)
Rest 45 seconds
Prone Facing Behind the Neck PVC Pipe Press x 10-12 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Three rounds of:
45 Second Superman Hold
45 Second Hollow Hold
150 Foot HEAVY Farmer Carry
Athlete Notes:
Pick your path today! You can either row, bike or run (or a mixture of all three) in todays zone 2 training. Your pace should be conversational so that your heartrate is between 65-70% of your max heartrate. You can choose what weight for your carries (single-arm or double) depending on how you feel. The goal today for the conditioning piece is restorative work plus grip strength training.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Skill Development Option
Pull-Up Skill Development
Chest-to-Bar PVC Pipe Bender x 20 reps
and then …
Two-Three sets of:
5 Scap Pull-Ups
4 Kipping Swings
3 Baby Butterfly Pull-Ups
and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
200 Meter Run
3-7 Pull-Ups (your choice; butterfly, kipping, chest-to-bar)
The goal is to build volume while focusing on solid pull-up mechanics.
Semi-Finals Track
Bar Muscle-Up Drills
One to Two sets of:
Supine Banded Lat Pulldowns x 8-10 reps
Followed by…
One to Two sets of:
Box Jump to Full Support x 4-6 reps
Followed by…
One to Two sets of:
Air Chair Swing x 4-6 reps
Followed by…
One to Two sets of:
1-2 Bar Muscle Ups
Please choose one of the following drills and complete 3 sets of 16-20 reps:
Handstand Marching
Wall Facing Handstand Marching
Handstand Marching on Box
Rest as needed
For time:
50 GHD Sit-Ups
80′ Handstand Walk
50 GHD Sit-Ups
80′ Handstand Walk
1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups
For time:
50 GHD Sit-Ups
200′ Dumbbell Overhead Walk (35/20 lbs)
50 GHD Sit-Ups
200′ Dumbbell Overhead Walk
1 Bar Muscle-Up
Three sets of:
GHD Hip Extensions x 15-20 reps (unweighted)
Rest 45 seconds
Prone Facing Behind the Neck PVC Pipe Press x 10-12 reps
Rest 45 seconds