May 24, 2017 – Masters Off-Season Program

Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Twisted Cross Stretch x 60 seconds per side

and then . . .

Two sets of:
Wall Slides x 6 reps
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 6 reps each

and then . . .

Two sets of:
Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 5 reps
Hip Extensions (unweighted) x 10 reps
Band Pull-Aparts (overhead) x 15 reps (light band)

Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands

And then . . .

Three sets of:
Drop to Split x 3 reps
*Focus on recieving in the proper position. This should be light if you are new to this drill. Focus on technique before load.

And then . . .

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, complete (10 sets):
Behind the Neck Jerk x 1 @ 70-75%

Depending on preference, you can choose either split jerk or push jerk

And then . . .

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete (3 sets):
Jerk Recovery x 1.1 reps
*Focus on proper weight distribution and having good stability with the barbell overhead. Build over the course of the 3 sets to a heavy.

In 25 minutes or less, build to today’s heavy deadlift single.

Only go as heavy as proper mechanics will allow.

As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes:
Run x 600 meters
Deadlift x 10 reps
Push-Press x 15 reps


Deadlift 225/185 lbs; Push-Press 135/95 lbs
50-54: Deadlift 205/155 lbs; Push-Press 115/75 lbs
55+: Deadlift 185/135 lbs; Push-Press 95/65 lbs

Three sets of:
Reverse Hyper x 20 reps (unweighted)
Rest as needed

If you don’t have a reverse hyper, then try this instead:
Weighted Reverse Hyper x 10 reps

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karen wilson 49 north central
karen wilson 49 north central
May 25, 2017 9:07 am

Mobility done
A. Behind neck jerk up to 125
New gym…no cage anymore?Couldn’t do jerk recoveries
B. Deadlift up to 215
C. Metcon used 145 for deadlift and 65 pp
3 rounds + 600

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 25, 2017 6:47 pm

How is the new gym??

Sean M Dugan(47,5'9",191lbs)
Sean M Dugan(47,5'9",191lbs)
May 25, 2017 7:23 am

DMA – Done

A1 drew out footwork and I was definitely to narrow in past good to feel the correction
A2. Stayed light 45/65/95
A3 175 really worked on getting wider when landing.
A4. 185/205/205.
B. 185/225/255/275/295/315/335/355/375(8lb pr) Saw some rounding in back so I stopped. Felt tough but have more. Been struggling to increase deadlift for a long time
C. 3 rounds + 400ish meters.
D. Was out of time.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 25, 2017 8:08 am

Congrats on the PR Sean!

Rob Walker
Rob Walker
May 25, 2017 5:43 am

A. Unable to jerk
B. Not enough room on the bar to PR at the gym here in Spain (vacation). Eleiko wide XFIT plates. So 210kg was it. Really wanted to go heavier.
C. 5 rounds with a minute remaining. Didn’t bother starting the 6th run. It was super hot today.
D. Complete

Alvaro - Costa Rica (35-39)
Alvaro - Costa Rica (35-39)
May 24, 2017 6:06 pm

Dynamic Mobility & Activation = Done.

A. 135 Drop to Split / 225 BTN Jerk / 225 Jerk Recovery
B. 225 / 275 / 315 / 365 / 415 / 465 / 500 (fail)
C. 3 Rounds + 600m Run
D. Weighted Reverse Hyper

Miki Shelton, F/49
Miki Shelton, F/49
May 24, 2017 5:09 pm

DMA, then I had: A. Back Squat EMOM 2 reps @ 80% 4 rounds of: B1. Romanian DL x15 B2. Weighted DB step ups x12 B3. Jumping lunges x20 Four rounds of: C. 30 unb wall balls 15 cal bike 4 mins rest A. Worked at 175. B1. worked at 155# B2. used 2 35# dbs to a 20″ box B3. done C. Times: 2:58, 3:06 (both unb), 3:43, 3:18 (both broke at 20) You can see where I lost my mentality in the 3rd round – I got mad when I broke on the wbs and look how much… Read more »

Juls (45-49)
Juls (45-49)
May 24, 2017 4:56 pm

A. 5@123, 5@128
B. 283
C. 3 rounds + 400m
D. Done

Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
May 24, 2017 4:55 pm

A. 155-175
B. 460 (5# PR)
C. (35-49) 4 rounds @ 19:38

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 24, 2017 6:01 pm

Yay congratulations!

Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
May 24, 2017 6:14 pm

Thanks Nichole!

Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
May 24, 2017 3:51 pm

Had the privledhe to work out with THE One and Only – Pete Mongeau today. I think he was trying to crush me in the Georgia heat/humidity. Started off with a little partner work out. 7 rds (per person) of 5 man makers with 50lb go then I go for at. Then (as if that wasn’t enough) Death by Assault Bike. Add 1 cal every minute. Got 13 of 16 cals. Then 5 min AMrap if partner tire flips. Didn’t keep track. Damn peer pressure!! Then since I was nice and warm decided to do the 25 min for… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 24, 2017 6:02 pm

Awesome job on your PR!

Dean Plummer (48/5'8"/162)
Dean Plummer (48/5'8"/162)
May 24, 2017 7:00 pm

Corey-Today was a mild day. Come back in a couple of weeks when it really starts to heat up.?

Doug Wohlstein
Doug Wohlstein
May 24, 2017 3:31 pm

Done that’s all I will say. Quick question how long have the last 2 workout’s taken everyone? I have been pretty consistent at 90 min for almost all workouts. The last 2 have taken me 2 hours. Just wanted to see if they are longer or I am dilly dallying LOL

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 24, 2017 6:03 pm
Reply to  Doug Wohlstein

The 25 minutes dedicated to the deadlift today pushes this to an almost 2 hour session. They won’t all be 2 hours as I try to keep the sessions to 90 minutes or so.

Doug Wohlstein
Doug Wohlstein
May 24, 2017 8:41 pm

No big deal love working out and being at the box just wanted to make sure I was not a slow poke lol

Tom Hobbs (42)
Tom Hobbs (42)
May 24, 2017 11:51 am

Mobility: done
A1: drop split jerk to 115lb
A2: 8x 150lb, 7x 160lb
A3: Jerk Recovery (push jerk), 150lb
B: to 345lb
C: skipped. Will do this evening
D: weighted reserve hyper, 16lb medball.

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
May 24, 2017 11:49 am

Mobility done
A. 75% across (180#)
B. 455# – 5# PR
C. 3 rounds + 600m – it was so hot out on those runs! I have to get used to the South Florida heat again. Summer is officially here!
D. Done

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 24, 2017 12:28 pm

Great job on the PR Joe!

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
May 24, 2017 2:34 pm


Tine Ch Hanøy
Tine Ch Hanøy
May 24, 2017 6:23 am

did some mobility
A : 1 jerk every 90 sec 75 kg felt easy missed 80. kg .- twice
B : deadlift : back felt ok at 125 kg – but 130 felt to heavy
C : wod : pass

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
May 24, 2017 5:39 am

A) 85-90 (no misses) and 20/40/60/80 (just to get a feel for the exercise)
B) 180 (was hoping for 190 or even 200)
C) 3 rounds rx’d
D) and Mobility in the PM

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 24, 2017 8:42 am

Good work today Markus!

Rowdy Wilson M/50/94kg
Rowdy Wilson M/50/94kg
May 24, 2017 4:58 am

Mob done.
A1. Done
A2. Done with bar
A3. 56/56/57/57/58/58/59/59/60/60kg
A4. Skipped
B. 70/90/100/110/120/130/140/145kg. A 5kg PR.
C. Skipped.
D. Skipped.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 24, 2017 8:43 am

Awesome job Rowdy, congrats!

Petteri Hallikainen
Petteri Hallikainen
May 23, 2017 11:52 pm

C. Four full rounds. 20 sec left but could not even walk a step. Scaled with 0.8
A. Done
B. Skipped
D. Done

Engine shows signs of waking up.

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