Regionals Athletes, please click the week of your Regionals below to access your 2017 Regionals Prep Program!
Week Two Athletes (California, Central, Pacific)
Week Three Athletes (Atlantic, Meridian, West)
Primary Strength Session
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Pause Jerk x 1 reps
(pause for 2 seconds in the bottom of the dip, then 1 second in receiving position, then recover – build over the four sets)
Every two minutes, for for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Build to today’s heavy.
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 80% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 90% x 2 reps
*Set 6 – 95% x 2 reps
Rest as needed
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
100-Foot Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (80/55 lbs)
30/25 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
10 Rope Climbs from Seated
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
30/25 Calorie Assault Bike
100-Foot Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (80/55 lbs)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Barbell Seated or Safety Bar Good Mornings x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Box Step-Ups with Kettlebells x 8 reps per leg
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Chest-Supported Row x 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Banded Triceps Push-Down x 30 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Barbell Curl x 8 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for as many minutes as possible…
120-Foot Sled Sprint
Select the heaviest weight at which you can perform the first set in 10-12 seconds. The complete as many as possible on the minute until you can no longer complete your set in 15 seconds or less.
Rowing Endurance Option
Four sets for max meters:
3 Minutes of Rowing
2 minutes of Recovery Pace Rowing
Goal is to achieve roughly the same meters each set.
A. Built up to 155, worked on form.
B. Worked all the way up to 275 but missed it? Next time.
C. Went 185, 215, 255, 285, 320, and 340 x2
Primary Conditioning Rx’d 17:19
Optizonal Condtioning 3255 meters
All accessory work done
Primary Strength Session
B)315 PR!!!
Strength Acc
A)115,70 per hand
B)53 per hand,Green Band, 95
Rowing Endurance-Completed
Session 1
A and B kind of merged into one and other.
Started at 90kg and finished at 130kg, very happy with this since I havent jerked for 1 month due to my wrist.
Managed to build to 170kg for 2. My recorded 1RM is 173.
then did Strength accessory A.
Used 24kg KBells for step ups and 50 kg for seated good mornings.
Session 2
Primary Conditioning.
Strength accessory B. done
finished with 15 min cooldown row in the sun.
Session 1 – A. Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets): Pause Jerk x 1 reps (pause for 2 seconds in the bottom of the dip, then 1 second in receiving position, then recover – build over the four sets) 65,70,75,80kg B. Every two minutes, for for 12 minutes (6 sets): Split Jerk x 1 rep 85,90,95,100,105,110kg Build to today’s heavy. @110kg C. Deadlift *Set 1 – 70kg x 8 reps *Set 2 – 85kg x 6 reps *Set 3 – 100kg x 4 reps *Set 4 – 112kg x 2 reps *Set 5 – 125kg x 2 reps… Read more »
A. 3 sets 8 each leg weighted split squats 4/3/2/1, 15# DBs Rest 45 seconds 8 RDL 2/2/2/1 145# Rest 45 seconds 6 lateral box step up 20″ 3/1/3/1… Rainger had to assist me a lot every rep on my bad leg and a little on the left. Tried to focus on keeping my chest up and shifting forward onto my toes and using all my muscles that usually I don’t work..? Rest 2 mins B. 3 sets 6 Chest to ring with false grip and 3 sec lower Rest 45 seconds 8 Back extensions, 35# plate 3/2/1/1 Rest 45… Read more »
So smart Leilani! Congrats!!
Thanks Tino!!
Primary Strength
A. Pause Jerk – 185
B. Split Jerk – 260 (failed 275, so so close)
C. Deadlifts – 190/225/260/300/340/355
Primary Conditioning
Airdyne for 45 cals (took ~ 4 minutes)
90# DB (no 80#s at the gym) and 50ft lunge walk
Rope climbs really slowed me down and so did shoulder stability. Definitely an are of weakness I need to work on.
Strength Accessory
A.Seated Good Mornings – 95/115/115, Box Step Ups – 35# KBs
B. Banded Triceps – Green Band, Barbell Curls – 70#
275 is coming soon Ashton!
Session 1
Strength Accessory:
A. Barbell seated good mornings w/ 55#/65#/65#
Box step ups with 26# KBs/35#/35#
B. Chest supported row e/ 25# DBs/35/35
Banded tricep push down w/blue band
Barbell curl w/ 45#
C. Sled sprint EMOM
completed 5 sets w/ 130# (failed 6th set)
Session 2
Primary Strength:
A. 85/95/105/115
B. 125/135/145/150/155(f)/155/160
C. 140×8/165×6/190×4/220×2/250×2/260×2 (failed 260# on first pull…knew I had it in me so I tried again and got the double)
*Scaled DB to 45#
*subbed each rope climb for 5 L-sit towel pull-ups (50 total) *no ropes*
Nice job pulling 260 for a double!
Primary Strength
A) Worked up to 65kg (not feeling too good stabilising overhead today, actually even this felt terrible despite push jerking 110kg at comp on weekend).
B) Worked up to 90kg and maintained this
C) 100/120/140/160/180/190kg
Primary Conditioning
19:24 (Scaled to 5 legless rope climbs and heaviest DB is 50lbs).
Doing the accessory Row later.
Primary Strength Session
A: 135,155,175,185
B: 225,245,265,275,285,305miss. Not my best day overhead. A little weak in the legs.
Primary Conditioning Session
This was cut short. Only made through half the reps.
Stregth Accessory done this morning. Rowing later.
Doing jerks tomorrow cause there’s no blocks here and my other gym has them + open gym tomorrow. Deadlifts: 235 —–> 435 Did the RX sets except I could only squeeze out 1 at 435, which is about 92%. Knew it after the previous set. Metcon: 15:47. (80lbs db) Almost RX… Swapped the rope climbs for 20 strict pull-ups. Did Hand-Over-Hand pulls at lunch. Lats were a bit too smoked to haul my ass up a rope. Did the lunges RX though and forced myself to do 50ft left arm, 50ft right arm each round. Right arm was cake. Left… Read more »
Primary Strength Session
A. Pause Jerk x 1 reps
B. Split Jerk x 1 rep 205# ✅
C. Deadlift
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps✅
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps✅
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps✅
*Set 4 – 80% x 2 reps✅
*Set 5 – 90% x 2 reps✅
*Set 6 – 95% x 2 rep✅
Primary Conditioning Session
19:37 RX
Strength Accessory Option
Morning session:
A) worked to 225
B) Hit 300 which is 10# under my all time pr so I was happy with that today
C) 210/250/295/335/375/395
Primary conditioning: 20:17 used a 70# db because thats all we have at the gym. Those rope climbs got hard haha tried to push for sub 20 but wasn’t in the cards today but next time I’ll get it
Afternoon session:
Strength Accessory work done
Rowing conditioning – finished at 5147 total meters including the recovery pace
Good and fun day today!
Primary Strength Session :
A. Up to 185#
B. 255#
Primary Conditioning : 27:49 (70# DB bc that’s all my gym had otherwise would’ve done 80#)
All I had time for today. Receiving two scholarships tonight for college ??
Congrats on the scholarships!
thanks lindsay!! (:
Ours was tonight too!!!
you’re still in highschool too??
Yep! Almost went to UCSD to train at Invictus lol
Bit short on time today, heading down to Wollongong for regionals so just cherry picked for my weaknesses
Deadlifts upto 2x210kg for PR! Double
Off season Conditioning
19:30 rxd
Just confirming the rope climbs start sitting on floor and legless until you can get your legs on, then use legs the rest of the way?
Strength Accessories
A. Done, 50kg seated GM
2x20kg KBs front rack
B. Done
Primary Strength
A) 230
B) 265
C) 475×2
Off Season Conditioning
18:53. 5 legles rope climbs. Small interference took up a minute or two. Felt good here otherwise.
A. 325, tried 335 5 times lolll but failed each time. Very close though. Only recorded the 335 lift. Weighed myself this morning and I was at 167 on an empty stomach.
B. 225/275/315/365/405/435 (only got one)
Off-season conditioning
15:08. This seems like god awful time. A fetus can do burpee box jumps faster than me. I’d think I’d be good at them bc I’m small but they’re one of my worst and slowest movements.
May do rowing work a little later. It’s super humid and draining in Tallahassee right now I’ll take today as a good session
Are you getting skinny on us?
Lmao that’s actually a 2 pound increase
PM Session following the AM Row:
A: Pause Jerk: 130, 150, 170, 190 – all solid. The pause really helps.
B: Split Jerks: 205, 220, 230, 240, 245 (PR), 250 (PR!)
C: Deadlift: last two sets at 292, 308 – both touch and go, and solid.
D: Conditioning: 20:29Rx, was shooting for under 20:00… I also have a very dominant right arm… was finished through the rope climbs under 12:00, then slowed way down on the way back down, but the lunges were good once I stuck to my R arm.
Good day.
So freaking strong!
A.) up to 235#
B.) up to 290#
C.) finished with 3×2 at 365#, first time going with higher percentages since back injury so didn’t go crazy.
D.) 27:16 RX, wow that was slow haha. Rope climbs took me awhile. WOD full of weaknesses just tried not to die.
Session 1
A. 85-125-155-175
B. 185-190-195f-195-200-205-210-215 (pr)
Congrats on the Jerk PR!
Jerk pr #10 lbs 335
Deadlifts I stayed light cause of my tense back and rib being out and just having it put back in yesterday.
Con- 14:20 only a 55lb db
Need to get some heavier ones
Did some of the upper body accessory will go for a jog instead of run later.
Another PR!!! Loving the progress! ??
Hey me to. My crew has helped a ton. It started with just me now somedays there is 7 or 8 people that train with me. The push helps, and they are seeing progress to. There are a few of us that are wanting to come to one of your athlete camps. When are you guys coming to the twin cities area?
And I’m feeling lighter already. I’m down 4 lbs since Sunday already. And performance is good so far.
The push from a group always helps! Once we get through regionals we will decide on a plan. Where are you guys at?
Menomonie wi. About 45 min east of the twin cities. Either you come to us or I’ll have to make another fitness pilgrimage to San Diego, except this time spend a little more time training and a little less time sight seeing!
Haha most definitely!