Regionals Week Two Athletes, this is your final approach before you will have the opportunity to showcase what you’ve worked so hard to earn over the past many months. Keep your final training days focused, and understand that you’ve already put in the work. Regionals is not a test you can cram for, but rather the platform on which you’ll demonstrate your months of hard work. Your understanding of the sacrifices you’ve made to get to this point and the reasons you’ve chosen to pursue this goal will carry you through the weekend. Set goals for yourself around how YOU will perform in events, and how you will react to success and/or adversity. Do not get caught up in the things you can’t control. The leaderboard is out of your control, judges are out of your control, and other competitors are out of your control. Your effort and attitude is fully within your control and is the greatest measure of your character. Step onto the floor with full confidence in your preparation, and pride in the effort you’ll put forth. We know that if you can do that, you’ll walk away from the weekend successful.
“Satisfaction lies in the effort, not the attainment. Full effort is full victory.” –Â Mahatma Gandhi
Tuesday’s Training
Session One
Two sets of:
Run 1200 Meters @ desired event pace
(wear your weight vest for this)
30 Air Squats (emphasize speed!)
Rest 6-8 minutes
Session Two
Three rounds of:
50 Calorie Row @ 50-60%
50-Foot Overhead Lunge (80/55 lbs)
50 Double-Unders
25 Wall Ball Shots (30 to 10’/20 to 9′)
4 Rope Climbs
10 Wall Ball Shots (30 to 10’/20 to 9′)
Three sets for times of:
30/25 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
Rest 8 minutes
10-15 minutes of Cool Down Activity (row, cycle, jog, etc…)
Wednesday’s or Thursday’s Training
(Most athletes have a preference as to whether they train or rest the day before competition. This decision will also be influenced by your travel to the Regionals venue. Perform this on either Wednesday or Thursday based on your preferences and circumstances. If you would prefer to perform this on Thursday, take Wednesday as the day that you get final body work and tuned up to be at your best for the weekend.)
Three sets, easy pace, just feeling rhythm of movements:
4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Air Squats
Weight vest is optional for this session.
Three sets for efficiency of:
30-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Toes to Bar
30-Foot Handstand Walk
Rest as needed
Three sets for efficiency of:
3-7 Muscle-Ups
9 Dumbbell Overhead Squats (80/55 lbs)
One set of:
Row 2000 Meters @ 5k pace
Good luck this weekend everybody! I’ll be rooting for you all!
Thanks Connor!! Its going to be another fun weekend!