May 23, 2015 – Regionals Week 3

Workout of the Day
Warm-up exactly as you would for this event at Regionals.

For time:
Run 1 Mile
50 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs)
50 GHD Sit-Ups
150 Double-Unders
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (135/95 lbs)
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/18″)

10 minutes of Cool Down on Assault Bike

Practice consuming whatever kind of post-workout nutrition you plan to consume after this event at Regionals.

SECOND SESSION – Preferably 3-4 hours later
Warm-up exactly as you would for events 4 and 5 at Regionals.

For time:
250 Meter Handstand Walk

When the clock reaches 5:00, then…

Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep @ desired opening weight

Be sure to note how many of the attempts were successful. Same as we did earlier in the week, but it’s important for you to know how consistent you can be with these snatches to best determine your opening attempt.

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Holden Rethwill
Holden Rethwill
May 23, 2015 9:52 pm

A. Did this as the full 100 GHDSU to test it out.. Finished the SDHP at 23:55 and stopped there, no box overs today, calves are super tight so I didn’t want to risk tweaking one.. Happy with my pacing on everything today.

Second Session
200 feet and 3/5 at 220, felt pretty solid, misses were correctable mistakes.

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 24, 2015 9:55 am

nice work on that chipper, super fast!

Holden Rethwill
Holden Rethwill
May 24, 2015 12:39 pm

Thank you! I had two buddies from my gym workout with me and they did it as a partner workout, splitting reps with each other, to push me.. It actually worked really well!

Dylan Weller (Canada West)
Dylan Weller (Canada West)
May 23, 2015 7:32 pm

A. 23:50

2nd session

Hs walk in 2:20
5 snatch @ 235 busted my thumb on last round, I’ll have to try and heal it up… bummer

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 23, 2015 7:24 pm

Crazy day with work and lots of driving so I did one big evening session and reversed the order of things. B2) approx. 70′ run across the gym to start then 240′!!! This is a huge PR for me and gives me hope that I’ll be able to finish. Not snatching heavy until the event (*stressed!*) but I warmed up to an easy feeling 145 lbs then did my on the minute work as a snatch high pull then OHS from the rack as 3 sets at 155 and 2 at 165. B1) several modification/changes and hiccups… Finished just under… Read more »

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 24, 2015 9:56 am

congrats on that HS walk PR! you’ll definitely nail the 250ft in competition, i know you can do it 🙂

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 24, 2015 10:53 am

Thanks! It was a good confidence boost!

Andy Rosenbaum
Andy Rosenbaum
May 23, 2015 5:23 pm

A. 28 something. finished the sdhp just before 26.
B. 2:08 (UB/ 2 drops) rested too long on the turn
5/5 at 215. super pleased with this esp after i only got 215 like twice warming up

Lindsay Siolka (North Central)
Lindsay Siolka (North Central)
May 23, 2015 2:47 pm

B. Did 75 GHDs rather than 50, got through 5 box jumps when 26:00 hit. Played with SDHPs… the set of 10-5-5-5 was actually slower than my second set of 25 singles… Good to know. On true form runner – off at 9:30. Not fun doing this by myself!

B. 50ft short – not happy with this…. Snatches: 150×2, 155, 160×2. Very happy with this!

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 23, 2015 1:51 pm

Session I:
B. 23:33. Previous time from may 9th: time cap + 18 box jump overs. Huge improvement! Definitely starting to figure out how to pace everything.

Session II:

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