May 22, 2023 – Masters Program

Mobility + Activation
Two sets of:
Row x 90 seconds
Banded Perfect Stretch x 45 seconds per side

Followed by…

Two sets of:
Slider Seal Walk x 25ft forwards, 25ft backwards
15 Second Dead Hang from Pull-Up Bar

Two sets of:
PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 10 reps
PVC Pipe Press from Behind the Neck x 10 reps
PVC Pipe Overhead Squats x 5 reps (ideally in a doorway or posted by a rig to work on positioning)

followed by …

Two sets of:
5 Scap Push-Ups + 5 Divebomber Push-Ups
50’ft Waiters Carry

Four sets of:
Strict Ring Dips*
Rest 90 seconds

*Set 1 – Strict Ring Dips x Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 2 – Strict Ring Dips x 40% of Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 3 – Strict Ring Dips x 50% of Max Unbroken Reps
*Set 4 – Strict Ring Dips x 60% of Max Unbroken Reps

Scaling Options for Ring Dips

Empty Barbell Warm-Up
3 Snatch Grip RDL’s
3 Snatch Pulls
3 Muscle Snatches
3 Snatch Balance
3 Hang Power Snatches
3 Hang Snatches

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets of):
Sets 1-4: 2 reps @ 70-75%
Sets 5-10: 1 rep @ 80-85%

*Do not exceed 85%, we will snatch heavy in the metcon.

“2023 Semi-Finals Event 4 & 5”

Event 4
For time:
800 Meter Run
Max Snatch
Time cap = 6 minutes

2 minute reset, then, at the 8:00 mark…

Event 5:
For time:
8 Snatches
800 Meter Run
Time cap = 6 minutes

35-49: 155/115 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs

Shoulder Corrective Exercises
Two sets of:
Bat Wings x 5 reps (hold at the top for 5 seconds)
Rest as needed
Powell Raises x 6-8 reps per arm @ 3031
Rest as needed

General Training Notes:
Happy Monday and what a fun session you all have in store for you! We are finishing our ring-dip tempo + strict progressions and are testing max reps of UNBROKEN ring dips. Time to test all the effort and work you’ve been putting into getting your tendons stronger and more stability at the end range of motion for your dips. Please film!

Then you’ll get really warm with your snatches. You are doing 10 sets but please keep your % to 85% or less. This is because you will be testing your 1-rm snatch in the conditioning piece today! You guys are doing a Semi-Finals event! You are going to run 800 meters and then in the remaining time establish a 1-RM snatch. Most will have around 2 minutes to hit a heavy snatch so allow yourself 2 solid attempts. You will be really warm and loose so time to hit a big number today! Then you’ll finish with a for time piece of 8 heavy snatches and an 800 meter run. We loved this event for the individual semi-finals that we had to throw it in for you guys to play with as well!”

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

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