Today is a rest day for athletes following the 2017 Regionals Prep Program.
Primary Strength Session
Back Squat Play Day…
Build to today’s heavy Back Squat
Let feel and mechanics dictate loading.
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s 2-RM Overhead Squat
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
Row 500 meters
This is a test! Please go as hard as you can and be sure to report your time.
Compare results to October 17, 2016.
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
For time:
15/10 Muscle-Ups
100-Foot Handstand Walk
15/10 Muscle-Ups
Compare results to October 17, 2016.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Five sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
Rest 30 seconds
100-Foot Farmer’s Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
3 Minutes of Banded March while Holding Sandbag/Ball
Rest as needed
Banded Leg Curls x 30 reps
Rest as needed
Chinese Rows x 8 reps @ 21X1
Rest as needed
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Four rounds performed at 75-80% effort:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
3/2 Strict Muscle-Ups
6/4 Kipping Muscle-Ups
9 Toes-to-Rings
A: hit 405 (99.5%) pretty smooth, missed 410 twice, I want that double bw squat!!
B: no shoulders today, hit 286 for a wobbly single, when back down and hit a shakey 275 for 2 which I believe matches PR
Been slacking on the conditioning lately and I don’t like it, work has been keeping me late and draining me a lot so not a lot of motivation to hit these pieces at 9/930 after lifting. Will be making efforts to work it in.
Your still getting some good work in and are making progress. Hang in there dude and continue to do what you can.
Session 1
Strength accessory:
A. Hand-over-hand rope pull (60ft turf) w/ 135# all 5 sets
100 ft farmer carry w/ 80# KBs all 5 sets
B. Banded March w/ 20# wall ball
Banded leg curls w/ green band
Chinese rows with 115#
Session 2
Primary Strength:
A. Back squat = 210# (PR tie)
B. 2RM Overhead squat = 160# (15# PR)
A. 500m row = 1:51
B. 8:03
Muscle-ups: 5/3/2 (finished at 1:30)
Subbed 100ft. Handstand walk for 100 wall-facing handstand March steps (finished at 5:45)
Muscle-ups: 4/3/3
Aerobic/Gymnastics skills:
15:52 RX
Wasn’t following Invictus Athlete on Oct. 17th so I couldn’t compare!
Great day Kaylenne!! Solid wok on your back squat and 2RM OHS!
Primary Strength
A. Back Squat – 365#
B. Ovhd Squat – 165#
Primary Conditioning
A. 1:36.8 (wanted under 1:30 but legs died)
Invictus Gymnastics
HS Walks/Butterfly C2Bs are coming along, can’t wait to do them in a metcon
Primary Strength A. Back squat upto 185kg, my all time PR is 187kg but that was with knee wraps, then 180kg without wraps, so I’m calling this a 5kg PR B. Upto 100kg, wrist wasn’t feeling great so left it. Conditioning A. 500m TT – 1:22.6, 4 second PR! Really hurt. Damper was set on 6-7. B. 6:36 rxd, exact same time as last time haha, muscles ups were in bigger sets though this time – 10/5 then 5/4/4/2. Also we have moved locations since last time and our rings are on a much longer strap, about 40ft so they… Read more »
Great day Luke! Thats a massive PR on your 500 meter row and its great to see you able to hit 185kg without any “assistance” 🙂
A. Built to 95% at 435.
B. 305 for 2 reps without belt or wraps. Original 2rm is 325.
Hit a 1rm at 330. I feel more confident with heavy ohs using close or jerk grip.
A. 1:30 max cal assault bike at 46 cal.
B. 7:38. Handstand walk has been in the gutter lately. Need to practice it more. Muscle ups were fine.
Primary Strength Session :
A. 355# (95%)
B. 245# (20# PR)
Primary Conditioning :
A. 1:30.1 (5 Second PR.. think I can hit 1:25 next time we test)
B. 7:35 Rx
Tomorrow’s my senior class trip up to disneyland so I won’t be in the gym at all 🙁 See y’all on wednesday ????
Damn good day! Congrats on those PR’s!!
Have fun in Disney!
Primary strength:
A. Backsquat 160#
B. 2RM ohs 115# (20lbs up from my last recorded 2RM)
A. 1:53, (not a pr, 1:48 is my best)
B. 7:00, cut the mu to 7 each time, did 60 sec on the wall for hsw mod
Nice work on the 2-RM Ashlee
Morning session: A) worked to 325 B) worked to 175, happy with that since I’m still working on my overhead technique and mobility but I maintained a good shoulder position throughout the lift 500m row – 1:25.4 that was nasty to say the least haha 5:46 did 10/5 muscle ups 50′ hs walk sections and 6/5/4 for the last 15 muscle ups Afternoon session: Strength accessory work done and then I did the 3 min for max cals on the assault bike from last week and got 84 cals. I tried to hold 80 rpms the entire time and was… Read more »
Backsquats: 340 and it was a grind. Max was 385 pre-open. Haven’t hit more than 345 since but I’ve had some knee/leg issues. They’re starting to feel much better now.
OHSX2: 265 successfully. 285 BARELY missed the last bit of the 2nd rep.
500m Sprint: 1:26
Off Season Metcon: 5:15rx
Neck and lats had enough at this point.
Primary Strength Session
A. Back Squat
Got to 95% of my max
B. 2-RM Overhead Squat
165# had to stop there bec of shoulder pain.
Primary Conditioning Session
A. For time:
Row 500 meters
1:43 (2 sec faster tan october 17)
B. 4:13
Primary Strength: A. 425lbs. 20lbs. Under PR B. 275lbs. Felt like my legs/shoulders could have handled heavier my Wrist hurt & feel wobbly every time I do heavy overhead squats, is there a certain way I should hold the bar or something? Primary Conditioning Session: A. 1:29.6 needed to start faster, 2 seconds slower then PR. B. 4:14 rested to long before I went into the handstand walk about 15-20 seconds. First set of muscles ups UB, HSW was easily unbroken, 2nd set of muscles were 7/5/3. If I did it over again I would do the first set of… Read more »
Have you tried playing with a narrower grip? Normally if your able to get closer to your jerk grip width you will be more stable as your able to stack
I will try this for next time, this will help with wrist stability? My shoulders don’t have a stability problem it’s just seams to be my wrist.
Yes, having your wrist stacked over shoulder and elbow increases stability
Primary Strength
Primary Conditioning
Strength Acc.
Pm session:
gymnastics accessory 14:26. I went 2strict+2kipping MU unbroken, then 2 kipping MU and 9 TTR unbroken.
B. from strength accessory: banded march with sandbag done, leg curls with red band done, regular tempo rows with 85 lbs done.
Primary Strength
A) 365. Missed 385. Rough weekend. Back on the train.
B) 255. Felt good here. Stayed low for ego’s sake.
A) 1:28. 3 sec PR. Assault bike is paying off.
B) 12:32. Second round of MU’s got to me after the handstand walk! Good stuff.
Nice job on that 500! Good to see you’re back on track.
Primary strength
A)up to 385
B)275 (pr)
Primary condit
B)7:55 (10 on MU, went too soon after row and was smoked quick)
a. worked up to 395, failed 405. Didnt feel too heavy, just couldnt drive it out of the hole unfortunately. Bar was bouncing all over the place. b. worked up to 275! This is a two rep PR. Felt solid too Offseason Cond. a. 500 meter row = 1:33. idk how you animals get sub 130, yall got some big legs or something haha. all 5 foot 6 of me could only get this. Idk i thought i gave it my all in this 500 meter…dont see myself getting sub 1:30 in a little bit. b. 4:21 for the muscle… Read more »
Agreed, damn solid day. Congrats on the PR, now you need to get that 500 sub 1:30. I’m sure with a little encouragement you can easily do it 🙂
What if I said it wasn’t that painful either.. I couldn’t get the pace under 1:30, super difficult. I guess my pull isn’t stronger enough. When I get stronger it’ll happen!
A. 1:44.3 I’ve never actually done this for time.. didn’t realize there was another workout till now brb gonna go die real quick
A. Up to 265…had some two year old interruptions
B. 195×2 pr ?
A. 1:55 slower than the camp by :3.
B. 6:50 meh.
Did some assault bike sprints after
60 on
Primary Strength
A. Back Squat up to 355# (ties previous 1RM, 10# off lifetime PR, Always a week point of mine, but felt good)
B. Up to 225# (shoulders felt tight, should have spent more time warming them up)
A. 500m Row – 1:24.5 (2 sec PR)
-10 minute rest-
B. 6:59
1st round of MUs went 5-4-3-3-3 (~2:00)
Handstand Walks done in 4 sets
2nd round of MUs went 5-4-3-2-1 (~2:15)
Solid day dude. Congrats on the 500 PR!
Thanks Tino. Been on the program for six weeks and loving it.
A. 1:27.7 (3 Sec PR. Might be because I’m 10 pounds heavier lol)
B. 6:10
First 15 MU’s unbroken
HS walk . Did 2 sets of 50 feet. First 50 UB
Second, stopped every 10 feet. To kinda simulate some regionals standards
Second set did 4-4-3-2-2
Nice work getting that row under 1:30. Bigger, stronger, fitter and faster 🙂
Thanks man !