Regionals Athletes, please click the week of your Regionals below to access your 2017 Regionals Prep Program!
Week Two Athletes (California, Central, Pacific)
Week Three Athletes (Atlantic, Meridian, West)
Primary Training Session
For time:
100 Calories of Assault Bike
75 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
50 Toes to Bar
25 Deadlifts (315/215 lbs)
Three sets of:
Reverse Hypers x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest 90 seconds
Chinese Rows x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Death March x 20 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Three sets for max weight of:
150-Foot Reverse Sled Drag
immediately followed by…
150-Foot Yoke Carry
Rest 3-4 minutes
Three sets for max weight of:
90-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets for max time of:
150-Foot Farmer’s Carry
immediately followed by…
150-Foot Sled Sprint
Rest 3-4 minutes
One set for max weight of:
400-Meter Sandbag Carry
Running Endurance Option
Run 5k
This is not a time trial. Take your pace at a comfortable push. If your mechanics are smooth and you’re breathing well, push the pace, but back off at any point your mechanics begin to breakdown.
A. 16:32 (box step overs)
B. Done (90# on Hypers; 35 DBs for row; 25# DB for death march
I forgot to post this
For time:
100 Calories of Assault Bike
75 Box Jump-Overs 24″
50 Toes to Bar
25 Deadlifts @107kg
19:49 –
Three sets of:
GHD hip extension 20 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Chinese Rows x 8 reps @ 2111 15kg DBs
Rest 90 seconds
Death March x 20 reps @ 2111 15kg DBs
Rest 90 seconds
Tino – 13.24 rx fucking gross (you’re alright though @tinomarini)
Accumulated time Breakdown
Bike – 4.25
Box jumps – 7.20
TTB – 11.14
Deadlifts- 13.24
Reverse hypers done – unweighted
Rows 8 each arm 32/32/40kg
Death march 20kg Dumbbells
haha thanks. Thats a damn solid time!
that an assault bike time or airdyne??
Assault – I was moving hard.
My leg were jelly and it took a good 35 to 40 box step ups to make hem work before I could eventually jump up without almost dying or killing my self on the box
Primary Session
A. Tino – 13:56 rxd
Bike in 5:00
Bjo all jump up step down for my knee
B. Done, Rev hypers 60kg
Rows 72.5kg
Death march 25kg DBs
3 sets farmers carry @50kg per hand
1 set 400m sandbag carry roughly 35-40kg
A. 100 cal bike legs only 7:49
75 box jump overs
50 v-ups
25 glute ham raises
B. 50ft sled pulls
315, 405, 495, 550, 605, 650lbs loaded onto sled
Session 2
5k on track 20:52, never done one with it accurately measured before so definitely a PR. Didn’t push pace too hard after the first mile though, wanted to keep a 1:36/400m pace but was feeling the sled pulls and box jumps and was windy
3 sets of 20 reverse hypers 60, 80, 80lbs
Nice job on the 5k. Now you have a number to work from for pacing.
….after Tino this AM.
3x 100 foot forward pull with 55/55/55/55/25lbs
100 foot reverse drag with 55/55/55/55lbs
Rest 1 min.
20 GHD w/25lbs (sub reverse hyper)
Rest 2 mins.
And just finished the 5k. 8:12 a mile.
First legitimate run in about a year I think haha.
Tino-14:03 (cal and a half on air dyne)
Box jumps slow and steady and toe 2 bar in small sets low rest liking the dead lifts
Axillary – done
Pouring rain here today so no run
15:37 RX on “Tino” Updates on my new gym and lack of recording workouts/progress. Opening week at my new gym “MC CrossFit” Coached 37 classes this week out of 47 total classes, trained over 70 athletes twice this week and a total of a 117 different athletes. Had 30 in my 8AM and 20 in my 10AM today. However I still was able to train 3 times a day. Weightlifting at 7:30, primary condition and 11 and Optional sessions at 3. I just hope I can keep this up until I can afford to pay a few more trainers to… Read more »
Damn!! Sounds like the gym is going extremely well!! Congrats dude and nice work getting your training in.
Thanks Tino!
Morning session:
A) 14:47 deadlifts are starting to feel better and better each time I do them
B) Done
Afternoon session:
Strongman work done
Pr’d the 400m sandbag carry by almost 2 minutes with the 150# bag, took 7:15
Good and fun day today
A. Tino
20:35 or 21:35. I didn’t go hard enough on the deads.
Off the bike at 6:10 I’m really happy with that. I did 3 sec moderate 2 sec slow for 40 sec then coast the remaining 20 seconds. Then would repeat.
Toes to bar in 4’s
B. Done
5K Splits
Total time 22:11 plus my .1 mile sprintish. We got poured on I couldn’t stop my runkeeper.
A. “Tino” 23:16 RX 100 cals on StairMaster AirFit bike took 10:50. I was happy with this as it is difficult for me to get 10 cals in a minute during metcons on this bike and I was able to maintain that pace for 10 min! Finished 75 bjo at 15:15 Finished 50 t2b at 19:20 – sets of 5 25 deads in sets of 5 B. Reverse hypers: 120/140/140 Chinese rows: 110/115/115 Death March: 35# DB’s throughout Strength Accessory: A. 150ft reverse sled drag with 165# all three sets Subbed 150ft Yoke carry with walking OH DB press with… Read more »
PS: Tino, I missed yesterday’s training session for graduation/festivities. Planning to make up the work tomorrow, but wondering if I’m better off starting fresh on Monday. Thoughts?
Start fresh on Monday. Congrats on the graduation!!!
S1 metcon “Tino” 15:43 bike took me 4:15 ish way to fast slowed everything haha I know I can do alot better with this workout, if I dont go peddle to the meddle at the bike haha B) did rowing 20 set 20 sec on / 40 sec OFF S2 50-40-30-20-10 GHD’s 10-8-6-4-2 MU 15-12-9-6-3 KB thruster 2x32kg ( 70lbs) time 17:09 B) 5 set 2 min on / 2 min OFF 1) 30x bar facing burpee max reps remaining time p.clean 80 kg 2) 25 / 90kg 3) 20 / 100 4) 15 / 110 kg 5) 10 /… Read more »
Primary Training Session :
A. 19:56 Rx ( First time doing 315# DL in a metcon. Deadlifts are slowly becoming a strength ??)
B. Done . 155# Rows and 25# DB Death March
Now off to Prom in a couple hours ??
Tino: 19′ rxd. Hated those deads haha.
Off the bike at around 730, need to improve it
Tino: 18:04rx
Dragged pretty hard. Stayed up past my bedtime last night.
To much partying
Lol. I’m 35. Partying means 2 beers.
Welcome to the slaughterhouse my friend
Took me 23:07 to do Tino
Doing hypers right now
Thats not very nice…:)
I tried staying ahead of Leilani and dropped off pretty hard not the best idea sorry buddy
One session today.
Strength: weighted pull-ups sets of 3 with about half body weight added weight. One arm lockoffs for 5-10 sec
Tino metcon(thanks, tino!!): 18:43RX first time doing that. My 100 cal bike was about 1 min faster than the 100 cal bike test this week! I finished the bike in 8:53, while 3 days ago it was like 9:50 or so… slow and steady on the box, TTB 30/11/9 to save grip for DL, deadlifts 10-6-5-2-2.
-Rev hyper with 50 lbs.
Forgot to mention that I actually enjoyed the bike! Somewhere mid way I thought to mysel: this is kind of fun! There’s a first time for everything I guess. Thanks tino for the encouragement to keep going when I was complaining about the bike!
Glad you had fun with Tino and great work on the assault bike!! Like I always say, you’ll learn to love it 🙂
Primary Training Session
A. 22:23
Did deadlift @205#
Session one
Ankle and knee stuff
Strength stuff
400m Dball carry 80
Yesterday’s wall ball burpee workout 9:25
A) 16:48RX- The 100 Cal bike hurt…..also Matt Chan was there so fan boy adrenaline probably helped.
B)70# Hip Extension/ 175# Rows/ 70# death march.
Option: was going to do 5k but did 2011 regional workout 1000m Run/30 HSPU/1000m Row: 8:36
Off to watch regionals!
Go cheer for Beth, Theresa and Jared!