Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
T-Spine Self Opener x 45 seconds
Ring Pec Stretch x 45 seconds
Hawaiian Squats x 8-10 reps per side
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes complete:
Minute 1 – Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5-6 reps @ 2011
Minute 2 – Freestanding Handstand Hold x 20 seconds (use assistance if needed)
Minute 3 – Dragon Flags x 4-6 reps
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 15 Heavy Russian Kettlebell Swings
Minute 2 – 10 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells or Dumbbells (you choose the load)
Minute 3 – 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Box Step-Overs are allowed
We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held June 12-14 in San Diego, CA. Please click here for more information and to register.
C: Used 32kg and 20kgs for lunges
Mt Bike Ride – 1:13 – 5 km run
A. 6 strict PU. HSH against the wall but worked on trying balance with touching the wall once I was up. Dragon Flags, I’m no Bruce Lee
B. 245/260/275/260/275/290
C. 72lb for swings, 53s for lunges. 24″ box. 10 BBJO rds 1-4, 8 rds 5-9, 10 rd 10.
A) 5 strict ctb (fell short on a few reps last couple rds/ :20 freestanding hold with help/ 2 attempts was more of a negative.
B) skip- I’m doing a Hatch cycle right now so will front squat tomorrow
C) wow- good EMOM!! Min1: used 53#kb, Min 2 used 35# kb’s, Min 3 did 10.
A: With the strict chest to bar I was having trouble with the last inch trying to get my chest to the bar especially in last round. Need to continue to work on the handstand hold.
B. 180,195,205,195, 205,215
C. EMOM 2 pd. swings, 2pd each hand walking lunge, 10 burpee BJ. Only had 15 mins to do wod.
M and A done
A. Done with 5 per round; handstand hold practice more than actual hold
B. 225, 235, 250, 235, 250, 265
C. Done. 32kg bell and 16kg bell lunges. Dropped down to 6 burpee box jumps in later rounds.
A. 4 strict ctb per set, HS Hold was hard, HS walk happened mostly, did negatives on the dragon flags.
B. 145, 152, 162, 152, 162, 171
C. EMOM done, 1.5pd, 20/h, 10 bbjo
A) C2B done not to tempo / HS holds varied times / flags done but I’m no Bruce Lee!!
B) 83/88/93/88/93/101
C) done rounds 8&9 though 8 BBJ / 35lb
Andrew / 40 / Australia
A. Strict C2B except for last couple of rounds normal strict pull ups. Handstand shoulder taps/Wall runs Dragon Flags – Done. First time trying and stoked I had the core strength for them. B. FS: 195, 210, 220, 210, 220, 230 C. 2 pood RKBS Two, 1.5 pood in each hand Lunges 10 Burpee Box Jump overs. Had to stop after 15 min. Had the motor to keep going, but my back started to nag me on the RKBS, even after dropping down to 1.5 pood on the last round. Just couldn’t stabilize as I needed to finish and protect… Read more »
Men 40-44
A. Done
B. In kilos 50/75/85/70/80/90
C. Done but did burpee box jump overs
D. Immediatelly after C. did 30 min watt bike, cadence 100 and heart beat 70%
E. Evening ride with mountain bike for a hour of easy ride in the woods.
A – Done with 5 strict regular pull-ups, 20-30 sec unbroken hs hold, 4 attempts at dragon flies B – Strict press (back) – 5×68, 5×78, 5×83, 3×88, 3×93, 3×93, 1×98, 1×103, 1×105 another 2# PR 🙂 then 2 x max reps at 85#: 8 and 6 C – Another brutal EMOM! Really trying to be easy on my back so did: 10 cal on Airdyne, 8 burpee BJ overs, 10 front rack lunges w/85# Heading to a basketball tournament for our son in Reno for the long weekend. Will do a couple hotel gym words. Have a great weekend… Read more »
Nice job on PR! I’ve been gone for a couple weeks.. I’m sorry to hear about back! Take your time and heal up!!
Thank you Holly! I just took 5 full days off while on a long weekend with the kids. Hoping I’m on my way to recovery!
Mobility done.
A. 5 strict C2B turned into strict pull-ups by the 4th round. 20 accumulated HSH, balance was off tonight. 4 not very pretty dragon flags per round.
B. Done.
C. 53# KB swings, 40# DBs for lunges, 7 BBJ all rounds.
Mobility done
+ row 1k – 3:35:5/150 du’s
A. Done
B. 180/190/205/190/205/215
C. Not enough time/will do tomorrow
A Done have trouble with holding a handstand. Balance. Can only hold for 10.
B 93 100 106 112
C KB 12 reps 32k 8 lunges 35 # 8 BBJ
Mob and Act done
A. Min 1 – worked butterfly C2B, Min 2 – best hs holds yet :), Min 3 – awful attempts at Dragon Flags.
B. 140, 150, 160, 150, 160, 165
C. 15 KBS first half 10 second half w/ 70#, 10 lunges w/ 35#dbs, 6-8 BBJO (last two rounds stepped up).
Visiting Box Montery Crossfit-Good People
A-Did class which focused specifically on the Snatch. Coach worked with me on mid thigh hang snatch. Came out of session confidently achieving sets of 135 x 3 of Mid thigh squat snatch which is 78% of PR.
B-Front Squats up to 285.
A) did strict pull ups (3); used the wall
B) 75,80,85,80,85,90
C) ran out of time only did 21:00. Single arm kb at 25, carried 2-25’s, 5 burpees box jumps (actually jumped them!)
Glad I only did 21:00 as my back started to feel the kbs and the box jumps.
A) 5, 5, 4, 5, 4 strict C2B on tempo, H.S. Hold sad but attempted, Dragon Flags, holy cow hard!!! 4, 3, 3, 3, 3
B) 115, 120, 130, 120, 130, 135…felt good!
C) 15 R.S. 44#KB, 10 W.Lunges with 26#KBs, 10 Box jumps until round 7, went to step-ups.
Male 53, NC
A. Done
B. 155, 170, 180, 170, 180, 190
C. Done 35# RKBS, 20#DB’s for lunges, did step ups on the BBJ’s
A. Done
B. 250/270/280/270/280/315
C. Done used 2 pood for swing and lunges