Workout of the Day
Two sets of:
250 Foot Handstand Walk (ask quickly as possible)
(stop at 3:00 if you haven’t completed)
Rest until the running clock strikes 5:00, and then…
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes;
Snatch x 1 rep @ desired opening snatch attempt
Rest 5-10 minutes between the two sets.
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
“Tommy V”
For time:
21 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
12 Rope Climbs (15′)
15 Thrusters
9 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs
Mark 9-feet on your rope and practice the fastest possible descent while still stopping completely and showing control on the rope until your hands are below that mark.
10-Minutes of Cool Down on Assault Bike
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Row 25 Calories
9 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups to 4.5″/3″ Deficit
Three sets of:
GHD Sit-Ups x 15 reps
Rest as needed
GHD Hip Extensions x 15 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
A) 25ft short, 150, 155 (the dropping and turning every 50ft is getting irritating) 50 ft short, 155, 160 (think I might be reaching here, a little gutsy… I’ve only hit 160 3x in my life, including today) B) Did Event 7 instead given a last minute venue change: 2:22 (11 sec slower… ) Cleans felt great and fast, MUs were worse, tried rings up high but then kept hitting my feet on the box I had to jump off of to get there… 🙁 C) Three Sets of 30 Cal Airdyne/30 GHDs. All sets of GHDs UB, feeling better… Read more »
A. Did both sets on 10min because of time restrictions
250 ft = 2:04, 225/225/225 all felt great
250 ft = 2:52, 25/225/235 felt great I haven’t missed many at this weight so trying to figure out if I’m being to conservative?
B. Tommy V = 9:40 PR! Pumped for this, figured out a system and I can go a bit faster… the volume work has been incredibly well programmed
Second Session
A. Complete, hspu were 1. 9 ub, 2. 5/4, 3. 9 ub, 4. 9 ub, 5. 3/3/3
B. Complete
Solid PR on Tommy V Dylan!
Headed to Seattle to meet up with Laura and test a woodway curve.. We went 400m/800m/1600m/400m/400m.. Took a little to get used to it but I found a comfortable pace that I’ll stick to during the event.
A. 190ft.. 220f-220-220
175ft haha.. 220-220-220f/make but after time (4/6 total but had to end on a make..) Confident in this opener especially with a crowd.
B. 9:49 starting with a run up.. 15sec/climb, fastest time yet!
C. 3×15 GHDSU/Back Ext
Did one big evening session today B) 10:04 on Tommy V and super pumped!!! Improvement from my first attempt of 10:23. Second attempt I screwed up wearing the wrong shoes so this was my second full effort go at it. A) 190 ft then snatch pulls at 155lbs. 200 ft then snatch pulls at 165 lbs. modified for shoulder. Figured out a better way to pace my hs walk on the second set so I think with my new plan I have a chance to finish when I’m fresh by attacking it in smaller chunks. C) done A2) rows around… Read more »
yay for tommy V PRs! congrats, thats a killer time 🙂
thanks! i think it’s my favorite event!
Agreed! Great Tommy V time! Take care of that shoulder!
Thank you! I will I’m trying to be smart and careful!
found a woodway curve so went in this morning to try that out. did 400m/800m/1 mile/400m/400m. found a good pace that ill try to maintain during event 3. A. HS walks: 2:00, 1:59 (didn’t run to start/finish). had to drop & turn every 60ft. Snatches all made at 140#. Definitely confident with this opening weight. B. 12:12 with run up to the bar. pacing was 100% on point today – went for a rope climb every ~20 seconds. last round took maybe 20-25 sec per climb. super pumped, best time yet! C. ended with the 3 sets of GHD sit… Read more »
Of course, it was well worth it! 🙂
hooray for treadmill practice and a tommy PR!
A1. 2:03 (intentional drop at 70 left, fell with 1′ left and backed up), made all 3
A2. 1:53 (kick down with 80′ left), missed first, tried again and made under the 20s, missed 2 attempts on the second min, made the third min
So i found a trueform out here but its about a 4 hour drive. Was planning to drive over on thursday. knowing its typically a rest day, any recommendations on what i do that day? full run through or something like the week 2 is doing today?
Andy – I just found one yesterday, also on a recovery day, and I had sports performance gentleman walk me through: 3 min – walk/jog (just to get a feeling for the machine and what is “works.” rest ~5 min 3 min – little faster paced – trying to find that sweet spot for the MPH I’d like to hold for Event 3 rest ~5 min 3 min + 10x OHS @ 135# (to get a feel) rest ~5 min + 1 mile + 20x OHS @ 135# It wasn’t to bad with about 5 min rest between. Purpose was… Read more »