Workout of the Day
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
Strict Shoulder Press x 5 reps @ 80-85%
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
High Hang + Mid Thigh Clean + Jerk @ 70-80%
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
2 Ring Dips w/Pause @ 1112
(stick to the tempo, pause one second in the bottom position, and two full seconds at full elbow extension)
2 Overhead Reverse Lunges (barbell starts on the ground)
4 Ring Dips w/Pause @ 1112
4 Overhead Reverse Lunges (barbell starts on the ground)
6 Ring Dips w/Pause @ 1112
6 Overhead Reverse Lunges (barbell starts on the ground)
8 Ring Dips w/Pause @ 1112
8 Overhead Reverse Lunges (barbell starts on the ground)
…and so on, up the ladder by two reps each round.
Don’t cheat the dips just to get more rounds. Stay strict to the tempo.
40-49: 155/105 lbs
135/95 lbs
55+: 115/75 lbs
Three sets of:
Supine Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2112
Rest as needed
Banded Clam Shells x 8-10 reps per side @ 1021
Rest as needed
Face Down Chinese Plank Hold x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held June 12-14 in San Diego, CA.Â
Please click here for more information and to register.
Second day in a row of uninspiring results. Just like the squats the
other day (every two minutes), just can not maintain the desired weights
and reps based on my 1rep max.
A. R1: 65kgx5, R2: 65kgx4+ failed, R3 60kgx5, R4: 60kg 4+1, R5: 55kgx5
B. Used 70kg for first 5, then 75kgs. I really feel like these exercises are helping me improve my form.
C. Finished 8 ring dips. Used 50kgs and still really struggled with the lunges.
D. Totally missed this section!
A) w/u 10 x45/5 x 95/115; working sets @ 125#. Only got 4 out of 5 in the last set. B) w/u 95/115; working sets 1×130/3×135/2×140 At this point jumped in with the regular class – hspu skills & drills session which I need work on. Worked up to strict nose to wall hspu – sets of 3/5/5. Stayed on to do the metcon. Row 250, run 200, 25 d/u’s (10 d/us & 25 singles) 30 squat thrusts, 25 d/u’s (did singles) run 200. 8:05. After the strict press/jerks/hspu work, my strict dips were ugly – going to do C… Read more »
A. 145
B. 215
C. Have a knarly infected in-grown toenail on my big toe, can’t push off on lunges was also running out of time so I did
“Randy”- 3:38
D. No time
A. 65/75/80/80/80/80
B 105/115/125/125/125/125
C. 12+10 @ 105
D. Missed :-(( out of time
A. 135#
B. 175,175,180,180,185,185 limiting factor here is high hang
C. 10 dips + 3 lunges @ 155#
D. Complete
A. 140#
B. 170,170,180,180,190,190
C. 3+2 dips RX
D. Done
A. 80
B. 105, 115, 120, 120, 120, 120
C. 6 + 3 ring dips. Could not do reverse (caused weird knee pain) so did forward at 105.
D. done
Rested – nagging piriformis issue going on…I can get it loosened up with a supernova but it come back pretty quickly.
A: complete@ 155#
B: complete @ 210#
C: complete,RX, finished @ 10’s
D: complete
Left shoulder impingement pain flared a bit today, so had to go light and conservative on everything overhead.
A. Shoulder press: 95 95 105 115 115 110
B. Hang Clean Jerk Complex: 135
C. Completed round 10 dips, 10 lunges @ 95#
D Completed sans clamshells. Box didn’t have the right band.
A. 65#, all sets
B. 95#, all sets
C. 6+5 dips, 75#…buff shoulders would have come in handy for me here. LOL
D. Completed
A. done at 105#, shoulders very tight
B. 3 sets at 135# 3 sets at 155#
C. got to 10 dips plus 2 lunges @ 115#
D. subbed GHDs for chinese planks
A. 115/125/125/130/135/140
B. 135/145/150/155/160/165
C. 8+1 dip 95#
D. Done
+ 500m row 1:35:00
150 du’s
Brand new to the program and lovin it so far.
A. 6 sets at 75
B. 95
C. Got to 12’s. I love ring dips, but the overhead lunges were a new and challenging movement, 75# was just fine.
D. Done
Welcome Naomi!
A. 6 sets of 75×5 (did first set at 85 but only could get 3 reps so went down to 75)
B. 105, 110, then did the rest at 115#
C. got thru the 8’s + 13 reps at 105#
D. 3 sets done
Easing into some movements I haven’t really worked with before…I’m really enjoying the balance of the programing, great stuff!
A) 73, 68×5
B) 83, 83, 93, 93, 93
C) 6’s plus 8 lunges (63#)
D) Done
A) still figuring out my new maxes so 55,65,70,75,80,80
B) @70
C) got thru round of 10. Used 25# KBs to get unilateral work. Still plenty tough!
D) done. Those Chinese planks sucked! Could only hold :20 at a time
E) a little muscle up practice with only 25# assist tonight
A-155×5,5,4 then 145x5x4x4
B-195 each round, struggled with pull on mid thigh clean.
C-135, 6 Rounds plus 13 reps. More difficult than I originally thought.
Missed Monday so combined the two for went to a crossfit gym in Monterey in the morning and worked with a lifting coach (still traveling). Worked on cleans and MU’s for an hour. Got a MU from a bent arm starting point!!! Getting closer….. Rested then hit a non-crossfit gym – Monday: A. Snatches @65# B. Snatch pulls @ 85# (1), 90# (3) D. Back Ext w/ 15# bar x 8, Leg curls using ball x 15 – 3 sets 100 situps Todays A. 75# all 6 sets B. Skipped for did earlier w/coach Did WOD of 10 rds –… Read more »
Thank you. Best of luck this weekend at regionals to all invictus athletes. I know everyone will rock. I will have my MU soon!
A) 6 sets @ 108# (torn supraspinatus hurts on repeat press)
B) skipped to do c/d before coaching
C) 8+6 @115# (if we see this again I know I can go heavier)
D) done