Monday (Session One)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds:
8 Jumping Air Squats + 8 Pushups + 8 Jumping Lunges
With empty bar:
5 Front Squat, 5 Deadlift, 5 Press In Split
5 Muscle Cleans, 3 Front Squat
5 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squat
5 Clean & Jerks
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Muscle Clean x 3 reps
Keep this light & use it as a warmup.
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Clean & Jerk
*Set 1 = 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 2 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 86%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 92%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 97%
*Sets 6-7 = 1 rep @ 101%+
The goal today is to find a 1-RM Clean & Jerk.
In 20 minutes, establish a 3-RM Back Squat
Three sets of:
Pull-Ups with a 4 second lowering phase x 8 reps
Single Arm DB Row x 8 reps
Glute Ham Raise x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
Wednesday (Session Two)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
5 Rounds:
8 Air Squats + 6 Lunges + 4 Burpees + 2 Pull-Ups
With empty bar:
10 Deadlift, 10 Press, 10 Back Squat
3 Muscle Snatch, 3 Overhead Squat
5 Power Snatch
5 Snatch Balances
5 Squat Snatch
5 Squat Snatch
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
3-Position Snatch x 1 rep
Do not go above 60% of your 1-RM Snatch.
Every minute, on the minute, for 7 minutes (7 sets):
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 = @ 70% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 3-4 = @ 75% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 5-7 = @ 80-85% of 1-RM Snatch
In 15 minutes, establish a 5-RM Overhead Squat
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Panda Pull x 4 reps @ 95% of your 1-RM Snatch
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Friday (Session Three)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds:
3 Inchworm Pushups + 6 Burpees + 9 Lunges + 12 Air Squats
With empty bar:
8 Back Squat, 8 Deadlift, 8 Press
4 Muscle Snatch, 4 Overhead Squat
4 Power Snatch, 4 Snatch Balances
3 Squat Snatch, 3 Squat Cleans
3 Squat Snatch, 3 Split Jerks
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Squat Jerk
x 3 reps
If mobility is an issue – stick with the empty bar and work to get lower each set. If mobility is not an issue, build over the course of the 4 sets.
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
*Set 1 = 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 2 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 94%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 98%
*Sets 7-8 = 1 rep @ 101%+
The goal today is to find a 1-RM Snatch.
Every 90 seconds, for 7:30 (5 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
*Set 1 = @ 75%
*Sets 2-3 = @ 80%
*Sets 4-5 = @ 85%
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat x 5 reps @ 70-75%
In 10 minutes, build to a 7-RM Bench Press
Here’s the snatch panda pull
Thank you!!
Dear Jared,
pitty you do not show either the snatch panda pull and inform if Overhead squat needs to be taken from the raket.
My apologies! I had the link included with the warm-up, but, I forgot to link it in on the program. That is completely my fault. The intention was to include a link. Overhead squats are always to be taken from the rack when they are in this program. Let me know if you have any other questions, I’m here to help!
Hi Jared
No worries thx a lot for ur reply and hope ur doing fine. May one question don’t you have a leaderboard where we can use to sign in to report all our weights etc …
take care and thx a lot for ur help and support and reply
Big day Monday!
Two questions for Wednesday- hang snatch should be low hang (as opposed to high hang)? And what’s a snatch panda pull? Same as a snatch high pull? Thanks!
If it just says hang, it’s just above knee. Mid hang is mid knee, low hang is just off the ground. My apologies for not including a link for the panda pull!
I suppose I could google it, but could you include a link for snatch panda pull? Just in case the internet is divided? Thanks.
My intent was to include the link, my apologies!