Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
T-Spine Self Opener x 45 seconds
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Two sets of:
Press in snatch x 5 reps
Wall Slides x 8-10 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Mid-Thigh Snatch from Blocks x 3 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
Four sets of:
Snatch Pulls x 1.1 @ 95-100%
Rest 2 minutes
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps @ 85%
Three sets, not for time, of:
GHD Barbell Hip Extensions with Snatch Grip x 8 @ 02X1
Rest as needed
Banded Leg Curls x 30 reps
Rest as needed
Heavy Sled Drag March x 100 Meters
Rest as needed
We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held June 12-14 in San Diego, CA. Please click here for more information and to register.
Mobility Complete
A. 135, 145,145,145,145 No blocks each 3 from hang without dropping
B. 210
C. 245,270,315,…. 300×4 then dropped to 290 for last 4 sets of 4 wasn’t gonna make it
D. 95# on GHD Barbell hip extension w/snatch grip & 220# + sled on march
Due to travel and work, following two days behind…
A. Used 40kgs. Great practice/exercise for me.
B. Used 60kgs
C. (used 135kgs)
C2: Well, what did you think was going to happen. Have not
slept over 4-5 hours past three days and then had a work event/night out
the night before. Only did 3 reps first round of 115kg, 2 rounds
+1failed rep, then reduced to 105kgs and then 4 reps each next two
D. Skipped after last set of exercises
A. 115-120
B. 180
C. 205/215/245 – 5×4 at 230
D. Done – used pvc and 180 on the sled
A. 105
A. 115
B. 165
C. 245/275/315 then 295 for 5sets
Still have pretty bad knee pain today – going to orthopedic doc tomorrow so I am modifying today.
2 sets of:
– push press in snatch grip @ 165
– 8 wall slides
A) did hang power snatches – 155, 155, 155, 165, 165
B) 4 x 1.1 snatch pulls @ 245
C) 20 inch box squats 5@245, 3@295, 1@330. Every 2 for 10 min – 20 inch box squats x 4 reps at 315.
Sorry I’m not staying true to the program.. 🙁
I hope to get these knees figured out.
Mobility done.
A. 75/75/85/95/95; Shoulder bothersome in this movement – these %’s 45, 53 and 60
B. 165; no pain with shoulder in this movement
C. 200/235/245 then 245
D. 5# plates in each hand, 1.5″ band, 235# sled
A) 50kg
B) 70kg
C) 88/101/116 and 111 for E2MOM
Andrew / 40 / Australia
A. 95lb mid-thigh box snatch
B. 155lbs Snatch pulls
C. BS: 205, 230, 260 and 245 E2MOM
D. Done. 205lb sled drag / 168lb bodyweight
May 19th session missing….
A&B. Skipped. Felt pain in my right wrist yesterday, so I didn’t want to do any work that would make it worse. Flossed a few times while at work and hoping it will get better soon!
C. 120/135/155, then 155
D. Banded leg curls only, blue band (no GHD & sled at home).
Mob Done
A. 75 worked on technique
B. 105/115/115/120
C 205/235/255 Then 5 x 2reps @ 85%=255
D. Done w/ 135lb sled, 35lb bb one set, 2 sets wo,
A. 75/80/85/90/95
B. 135#
C. 190/220/245
then, 5 sets 230×4
Mobility done
A – did this from the blocks to a power snatch as back is still not 100%; all reps at 95# ; worked on getting bar to hips.
B – skipped and did some MU work
C – shoulder press (still can’t squat) 5×67, 5×77, 5×82, 3×87, 3×92, 3×92, 1×95, 1×102, then twice max reps at 77#: 12 & 9 reps
D – done w 160 on sled; 15# bar for back ext and blue band on leg curls
Glad you are being smart and safe!
A) 105#
B) 185#
C) 210/235/265, then 225 for the e2motm. Dropped % after last weeks fail.
Didn’t have time for D as the gym was closing.
Just checking to see if I’m unusually slow…how long does it take everyone to do these wods? For me, if I get through everything it’s usually over 2 hours.
Oh yikes, this should be 90 minutes but that means you are moving quickly from A to B to C etc.
Taking into account my own warm-up and the listed mobility frequently get to 2 hours.
Ok, that gives me a pace to shoot for. Sometimes it goes slow because I’m working around the regular classes; although I have to admit I can talk too much, especially during warmups. I’ll start tracking my time & see where I’m losing production.
A-No blocks, practiced HHSx2/Snatchx2 at 125 for 5 rounds.
C-Up to 330 then 310x4x5 whew was tough last two sets.
Any video on Banded leg curls?
A. all sets@135
B. snatch pulls@195
C. 175/205/230
5 sets 230×4
D. completed
Mobility done
A) 35
B) 55,60,65,70
C) 65,75,85,85 (last set of 4 back not very happy)
D) GHD w/ pvc, banded leg curls with small band. Didn’t do the sled drag.
E) wod with class: EMOM x10 odd- power clean, hang squat clean, 3 front squat 35#, even-3 strict pull ups. Then row 1000m 21-15-9 kbs 35#, burpees = 10:26
Mob and Act done
A. 85
B. 120
C. 145, 165, 185 – then 5 seta of 4 @ 175
D. Done – banded legs curls looked so innocent but ouch! 10# barbell for hip ext.
Aren’t they great? 🙂