Regionals Athletes, please click the week of your Regionals below to access your 2017 Regionals Prep Program!
Week One Athletes (North East & South)
Week Two Athletes (California, Central, Pacific)
Week Three Athletes (Atlantic, Meridian, West)
Primary Strength Session
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps
Build from approximately 70% to today’s heavy double. Use jerk blocks for this, don’t try to re-rack the weight. If you don’t have blocks, work singles.
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 80% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 90% x 2 reps
Rest as needed
Primary Conditioning Session
Off-Season Conditioning Option
Six rounds for time of:
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Burpees Over the Erg
10 Toes-to-Bar
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″/0″ Deficit
Granite Games Qualifier Prep Option
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
10/7 Muscle Ups
15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
20 Bar Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps @ 4011
Rest 90 seconds
Barbell Loaded Hip Thrusts x 10 reps @ 21X1
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 8-12 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Close-Grip Push-Ups x 12-15 reps @ 2011
Rest 30 seconds
Barbell Biceps Curls x 10-12 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for as many minutes as possible…
120-Foot Sled Sprint
Select the heaviest weight at which you can perform the first set in 10-12 seconds. The complete as many as possible on the minute until you can no longer complete your set in 15 seconds or less.
Rowing Endurance Option
Ten sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
Ret 60 seconds
Aim to set an aggressive pace that you can maintain within 5-8 seconds of for all 10 sets.
Accessory work
RDL 100/110/130kg
Barbell hip thrusts 60kg all sets
Pump city circuit
Chin ups 12/12/12
CG push ups 15/15/15
Barbell curls 20/25/40kg
Jacked and Pale!!!
Extra conditioning
Interval piece from class I coached
5 rounds
12 barbell facing burpees
12 KBS 32kg
12 OHS 35kg
Rest 1.30
Primary Strength
A. Split Jerk (Singles) – 185×2/205×2/225×2/235×4
B. Deadlift – 190/225/265/300/335
Assault Bike Conditioning (5/16)
Airdyne – 13:33
“The Assault Bike is in your mind”
Strength Accessory
A. Romanian DL – 135/185/185
B. Pull Ups – 10 reps, Push Ups – 15 reps, BB Curls – 65×12 reps
Jerk 2RM 115kg
Up 5kg for new 2RM PR
Deadlifts 90% x 2 200kg – beltless double overhand grip with no pause
Metcon 22.53 rx – made my goal tonight to go UB on the t2b and I met my goal
DSHSPU – 10/10/10/7+3×3
Really happy with my engine tonight! I didn’t let the hurt deter me from pushing
Looking strong dude! Nice work!
Thanks dude.
I’ll hit the accessory strength work tomorrow AM with conditioning
Primary Strength:
A. 115/120/125/130/135/140/145/150/155(f)/155(f)
B. 140×8/165×6/190×4/220×2/250×2 (2 singles)
Off-Season Conditioning:
15 cals, 15 burpees over erg, 10 t2b – all sets unbroken, subbed strict hspu for L-seated DB press w/ 25# DB’s: 5+5/5+5/5+5/5+4+1/5+3+2/5+3+1+1
Strength Accessory:
3 sets of:
8 sup grip pull-ups
12 close grip push ups
10 barbell bicep curls with 45#
A: 176/198/220/242/253/264/275/286/297(f rep 2)/300
B: 225/275/319/360/407
Finished this part, body feeling really beat up. Weirdly, knees, elbows, and shoulders feeling really pretty sore, kind of hurt. That and sleeping through my alarm the last two days, I decided to call it after the strength tonight. Rest up tomorrow and back in the gym Friday, plus I gotta make up today’s beach muscles accessory work.
Good call. You’ll feel better come Friday. Rest up and eat well!
second session:
climbed and trained on the campus board for two hours, then did part B) of strength accessory, 12 pullup-15 tempo pushup-12 bicep curl, with 15 lb dumbbells cause the climbing gym had no barbells.
thinking of doing the rowing tomorrow…
I would rest and eat lots of good food. You need to get stringer and continuing to do extra hampers that.
Sure thing coach! Eating a lot more carbs got me feeling super rested and energetic all the time, and reduced my recovery time significantly, so I feel ready to go every day now 🙂 But I have to keep in mind to force myself to rest, cause undoubtedly it will catch up with me. Will just do some light activity today to keep moving for some active recovery.
Primary Strength Session
A. 1 Split Jerk 195#
B. Deadlift
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps✅
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps✅
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps✅
*Set 4 – 80% x 2 reps✅
*Set 5 – 90% x 2 reps✅
Primary Conditioning Session
Off-Season Conditioning Option
Strength Accessory Option
Romanian Deadlift @145
Barbell Loaded Hip Thrusts @145#
Nice work Lea!
Tank you? i really hope to get to the 200 soon on the split jerk !
Hit all of the primary work in the afternoon since I accidentally slept in this morning? A. Went: 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 (very unstable) 255 (stable) 265 x 1, felt very good but caught the second one a little low and it bottomed me out. Overall satisfied! B. 8 @ 185 6 @ 215 4 @ 255 2 @ 285 2 @ 320 Felt pretty good with these today. Hit our gyms class workout mainly Bc I didn’t have time and it looked fun. For time: 2 rope climb 4 clean 155 8 Strict HSPU 16… Read more »
The extra sleep seemed to work well. Solid job today!
Morning session: A) worked to 290 only singles – no blocks at the gym B) 210/250/295/335/375 GG: 4 + 14 tried to keep the same pace throughout the workout. Did 6 and 4 for the muscle ups and 10 and 5 for the deadlifts. Pretty happy with how I did, this workout would have murdered me a couple months ago, those are definitely not my favorite movements but I am starting to feel more confident with them and am liking them a little more each time I do them haha Afternoon session: Strength accessory work part B was fun 🙂… Read more »
PM Session:
A: RDLs and BB Hip Thrusts Done.
B = Beach! Three Sets:
Supinated Grip Pull Up x 10,
Close Grip Push Ups at Tempo x 15,
BB Bicep Curls x12
Arm Pump was real here again!
C: Ten Sets of 500m Rows:
Ranged 25-27 s/m
Felt pretty good about that since it’s been 2+ months since doing any kind of rowing endurance being 5ft tall ?
Primary Strength Session :
A. 245#
B. Up to 355#
GG Conditioning : 4 + 10 Rx ( UB Mu first round then 6/4 on the others )
Strength Accessory Option :
A. 135#
B. Supinate Grip PU x12 , Close-Grip Push ups x15 , Barbell Bicep Curls @65# x12
Primary Strength Session
A: up to 120kg for a double. Felt like crap and I was in a hurry. Dropped the weight and did a few at 100kg for technique.
B: 8@265,6@320,4@375,2@425,2@485. Felt good here.
Primary Conditioning Session
GG Qualifier
4+10 MU. Took some longer breaks at the muscle ups. Did 5+5 on MU, unbroken deadlifts, burpees could be faster. Cool workout.
Stregth accessory done.
Rowing later.
Session Uno
A. 3 sets
15 each leg unweighted Bulgarian split squats strict tempo: 4/3/2/1
Rest 1 minute
8 RDL 3/2/3/1 125#
Rest 1 minute
3 single leg six second static hold on 24″ box
Rest 3-4 mins
B. 3 sets
10 V-Ups 2/2/2/1
Rest 45 seconds
1 min plank
Rest 45 seconds
30 sec each side plank
Rest 2 mins
Session Dos
A. Off Season; did step overs on burpees
19:16 all TTB and SHSPU UB (currently lying on the floor DEAD)
Body starting to feel better or is your knee and back still giving you issues?
Yes my back doesn’t hurt at all! My knee is getting better I found out it was a major sprain.. so I’m making sure it’s completely well and stable before I got back into it, which means no GG 🙁 but finally realized that I have a long career hopefully ahead of me a comp like this won’t matter in the long run if I just hurt myself again
Primary Strength
A. Split jerk x2 stayed @105kg/70% for all sets
B. Deadlifts 8@110/6@132.5/4@155/2@177.5/2@200kg
Off season Conditioning
23:05 rxd, hspu went 10/6-4/6-4/5-3-2/4-3-3
Strength Accessories
A. 120kg for both
B. Done, 12 reps of each
Split Jerks failed 280 15lb PR attempt. Barely missed it. Really happy with that, it didn’t feel very heavy on my chest like it typicallyH does. Front rack getting stronger! Got my previous 265 successfully Deadlifts based off 438 and I felt strong today. Last set at 395. Felt smooth. Conditioning had to change a bit because of class 15 cal bike 15 burpees over P Bars 10 GHD Sit up 10 hspu 2′ would do as many as I could strict then switch to kipping. I been doing this for about a month to have more time under tension… Read more »
Nice work on that Jerk dude!
I feel like your posts have been sporadic. Whats been happening?
I would post more often but I get done so late with the exception of this week. You recommended me to just post the following day maybe I should do that
I typically finish at 9 pm, then food shower and bed and by then it’s 1030 ya know
Yes post the following day. I just hadn’t seen many posts and was making sure all is good
Ok, training is going great. I am getting a lot stronger and seeing lots of improvements in strength!
It helps that my girlfriend does it with me now to so I don’t feel like I’m spending too much time away from her. And she keeps me accountable ?
Primary strength:
A. Split jerk doubles 135#
B. Deadlifts 90/105/125/140/160#
Off season conditioning:
31:27 did negatives for the hspu
primary conditioning:
22:51. hspu felt great! 2×5 on first 3 then 3×3 + a single on the others !
HSPU unbroken here 😉
Nipped me by 2 sec ???
Dealing with some funky elbow pain. So I just rode the bike for 30 minutes and did some reading.
Skipped the split Jerks.
Deadlifts done
GG conditioning
5 rounds.
Elbow/forearm felt ok during the workout. I’m feeling it now tho 🙁
To many HSPU?
It started on Saturday with the rope climbs and hspu. I honestly think more from all the rope climbs we do. Legless. I always lead with my right arm and it’s right at the bend where I have my arms on the first pull. Just my guess
Ye, I’ve had that happen. For me it usually stems from being internally rotated so if I do activation exercises like crossover symmetry or complex my sub scap and lats it helps.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! get feeling better dude!
lol I’ll be good for Friday.
A. 305! Failed this for a double two weeks ago. Tried 315 but it kept hitting the blocks when I dipped. Happy with 305.
B. 225/274/315/365/405
Assault bike 100 cals 4:42 🙁 I tried so hard to get below 4:30 but it wasn’t happening. I tried so hard for the last 20 cals but body wasn’t having it.
Off-season conditioning
Will post results and accessory work in a little
OffSeason 19:20. Probably could’ve gotten a better time if I wasn’t dodging the the class lol
Did the bicep curl/pull up work
Session 1
A. 150-155-160-165-170-180-185-190-195-200 (2rm pr I think)
Damn! Great work hitting 200lb. for a double!
Thanks! Whoop says I didn’t expend much energy today…so I’m wondering if I could have done more. ?
Any advice on this thing? I have about a day and a half worth of data to go off of so far.
it takes time to establish your baseline. You will learn as you go.