May 13, 2023 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
200 Meter Run
5 Right Arm Windmills
100 Foot Right Arm Overhead Carry
5 Left Arm Windmills
100 Foot Left Arm Overhead Carry

Followed by…

Three rounds of:
5 Behind the Neck Push Press
5 Snatch Balance
5 Overhead Squats
5 Low Hang Power Snatches

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets of):
Snatch + Hang Snatch
Sets 1-3: 65%
Sets 4-6: 75%
Sets 7-8: 80%
Sets 9-10: 80+%

*You may touch and go or drop and reset, the order is reversed from two weeks ago.

Every 3 Minutes, for 15 Minutes (5 sets) of:
Sets 1-3: 7 reps @ 70%
Sets 4-5: 12 reps @ 65%

Eight sets of:
60 Second *Hold*
200 Meter Run (assault runner preferably)
*Gymnastics Movement*
Rest 90 seconds between sets

Odd sets:
For the gymnastics movement perform 20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Even sets:
For the gymnastics movement perform 2/1 Legless Rope Climbs + 2 With Legs

*For the holds either perform a sandbag bearhug hold or double kettlebell front rack hold.

Two to Three sets of:
15-30 seconds Bottom of Dip Hold
Rest 15 seconds
15 seconds Top of Dip Hold
Rest 1-2 minutes

*Please use either rings OR a stationary stand dependent on availability AND ability.

Athlete Notes:
Put the body under tension, release the lungs and run hard, then fight the lactic acid and try to push the pace on the gymnastics movements. We want to see how going from holding something heavy (looking for 150+lbs for men and 100+lbs for women) will affect your ability to run hard and then perform a higher skill movement. The good thing is that each round changes the gymnastics movement, so that should hopefully change the stimulus just enough to where you’re able to push them.

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