May 12, 2018 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Training Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Inchworm Walk

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x 3 reps
Minute 2 – Hamstring Floss x 10 reps per leg
Minute 3 – Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Minute 4 – Rocking Box Bridges x 4-6 reps

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 4 reps

Build over the course of the 4 sets. If flexibility in this exercise is tough, scale to a higher receiving position & do not add weight.

Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets):
3-Position Clean x 1 rep
(Hip clean, then hang clean from mid-thigh, then clean from the floor – use this as a warm-up/preparation exercise, but don’t focus on heavy loading)

Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):

*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 65%
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 5 = 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 7 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 8 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 9 = 1 rep @ 93-96%
*Sets 10-12 = 2 reps @ 80-85%

Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets):
400 Meter Run (on Assault Runner or similar if possible)
20 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Muscle-Ups
5 Ground to Overhead (225/155 lbs)

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
5 Overhead Sandbag Tosses (75/50 lbs)
5 Max Effort Broad Jumps

Broad Jumps: Jump as far as you can and on each jump try to beat the distance from the previous one

One set of:
Deadlift x Max Reps @ 21X1
(open your hand every time you set the weight down to reset for the next lift; choose a weight that will allow you to get approximately 15 reps)

immediately followed by. . .

Sled Drag x Max Distance
(choose a heavy load, but one that will allow you to get approximately 100-feet)

Four sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Drag
400 Meter Run
Rest 4 minutes

Load the sled with a weight that will allow you to move without stopping, but that will make it very challenging to finish out your set.

Running Endurance Option
For time:
Run 4 Miles @ 80-85% of 5k PR Pace

This effort should be sub-maximal, so take your 5k PR pace and divide it by .85, and perform this at that pace. For example, if your 5k PR pace is 6:30/mile, your pace for this effort would be 7:30/mile.

Rowing Endurance Option
Two sets for times of:
Row 3000 Meters
Rest 2:30 minutes

Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across all sets. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and track your heart rate at the conclusion of each interval, as well as at the end of your rest interval. Please post your heart rate numbers to comments, as well as your times.

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Kayla Weiler
Kayla Weiler
May 13, 2018 6:33 pm

B to 65 C to 125
D 155/170/180/190/205/225/195
E: 5:21/5:18/5:14 the muscle ups felt so awesome today. Two sets each time. I think I can do 10 unbroken now.

Yesterday’s strength accessory.
Going to try to be consistent in my endurance sessions this week. Finally feeling back to my old self.

Jake LaNasa
Jake LaNasa
May 13, 2018 12:26 pm

Sunday session
Rowing endurance to warmup
11:51.1 1:58.5 29
11:31.3 1:55.2 29

Ashleigh Moe
Ashleigh Moe
May 13, 2018 10:57 am

3-pos 85/105/125
Cleans 145/155/165/175/185/190/195/200/205/210
175×2 x3 did touch n go!
Metcon: 3 rounds for time. Had to meet my mom. 20:04
MU: 10ub, 7/3, 7/3
That was a really fun workout!!

Lara Erlank
Lara Erlank
May 12, 2018 11:30 pm

B. 65/85/115/125
C115/120/125/130/140/145/150/155/160then doubles at 145/150/155


Strength accessory
A done
B. Dl at 215, sled done

Tyler Weber
Tyler Weber
May 12, 2018 9:43 pm

B. Done
C. Done
D. 225,225,245,245,260,280,295,310,325, 295,295,295
E. 4:41,4:36,4:34

Caroline Essex
Caroline Essex
May 12, 2018 8:27 pm

Did the Performance wod today with the class. That was fun. ??

Michael P
Michael P
May 12, 2018 5:14 pm

One session: don’t know how much longer I’ll be in athlete. Got some big things going on in my life and they surprisingly are more important to me than “decent” level fitness.

Cleans done. Modified to power cleans cause I didn’t feel like warming up my squat and hip was funky.

Then did emom for 20 min
1. 15 cal row
2. 15 burpee over erg

Cheryl Nasso
Cheryl Nasso
May 12, 2018 5:03 pm

Primary Strength Sotts Press 55/65/75/85 3-position clean 85/105/125×2 Cleans – messed up on these and didnt realize if. I was doing 2 sets at every weight eek! Needless to say, I got a few extra lifts in! No misses haha Primary Conditioning : Really happy with this because I was kind of a mental case about it. I haven’t really been able to train muscle ups and I was still a little worried. I can not afford to catch a bad rep (aka chicken wing) because my shoulder is finally feeling better. I was able to go 6+4 on all… Read more »

Andrew Malek-Zadeh
Andrew Malek-Zadeh
May 12, 2018 1:12 pm

Cleans off 365


Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 12, 2018 3:43 pm

Way to be consistent!

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
May 12, 2018 1:06 pm

Press in Sots: 35, 65, 75, 80
3 Position: 125, 135, 145, 155
Built to a heavy: 241, then took doubles at 220lbs/100kg which is more than 85% but that’s my opener hopeful for Nationals in two weeks so a good confidence booster for me.

Condtioning was done as a fun video day with the Granite Games people.

Leilani Lopes
Leilani Lopes
May 12, 2018 12:33 pm

A. Done
B. 65/75/80/85
C. 105/115/125/125
D. 130×2/140×2/150/160/170/180/192(no belt)/202(PR)/210(10#FREAKIN PR)
E. 5:26/5:41/5:36
All 3 rounds muscle ups were 5/3/2 starting to feel more confident!

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 12, 2018 3:43 pm
Reply to  Leilani Lopes

Congratulations on your PR!!!!

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
May 12, 2018 12:09 pm

A. Done
B. 45/45/65/65
C. 95/115/135/155
D. 188/200/216/229/245/256/267
Doubles @ 236/236/245

Cheryl Nasso
Cheryl Nasso
May 12, 2018 1:53 pm
Reply to  Noble Tucker

If you have a bar, bar muscle ups?

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
May 12, 2018 1:56 pm
Reply to  Cheryl Nasso

My garage ceiling is too low 🙁

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 12, 2018 3:44 pm
Reply to  Noble Tucker

C2B should be fine or you could do 15 ring-dips

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
May 12, 2018 4:22 pm

Thanks Nichole!

Dave Redden
Dave Redden
May 12, 2018 11:12 am

Primary Training A. Done B. Empty bar C. 115, 115, 135, 135 D. 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195 (PR), 205, 185 I ignored the percentages because I feel like my 1RM is still a moving target as my technique improves. These felt great today, I’m sure I could have hit 215 but I called it a day after 205. I’ll take the 15# improvement! Strength Accessory A. Done B. 225 for 16, and 145 on sled C. No harness so I pushed on the lowest handle. 145 on sled, and some very slow pushing at the end of the… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
May 12, 2018 3:44 pm
Reply to  Dave Redden

Massive improvement!

Parker Gloden
Parker Gloden
May 12, 2018 10:12 am

Primary training
A) done
B) just the bar, finally getting below parallel
C) 95/115/135/155
D) 195/210/225/240/255/270/280/255/255/255 got up to 93% today felt heavy but good
Strength accessory
A) done
B) 245 for deadlifts and barely made it to 15 then I’m not sure what the weight on the sled was but it was heavy and it hurt lol
C) done heavy sled and I tried to run fast. Done on a woodway
Fun Saturday!

Shely Propst
Shely Propst
May 12, 2018 9:16 am

A. done with barbell and 2.5s on each side
B. 85/105/115/115
C. 125/135/146/155/165/177/183. Failed one at 183# (93%) so didn’t go higher.
waiting about 1.5 hours.

strength accessory:
A. Done
B. 125# deadlift for 15, probably could have gone heavier but didn’t know really. (225# drag–could have gone heavier)
C. 50′ and only 3 sets…just lowering volume. 225#/270#/315# 400s were about a 95-100 second pace. I really wanted to do another set but logically I know less is more for me. 315# was the right weight for 50′

Jake LaNasa
Jake LaNasa
May 12, 2018 8:46 am

Saturday session
Assault bike work: 285ish cals
Depth drops done
Front squats at 245
Power snatch + ohs: up to 235
Primary conditioning: 4:41 (6:02 in April)

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 12, 2018 3:33 pm
Reply to  Jake LaNasa

Fuck Yeah!

Ryan Reilly
Ryan Reilly
May 12, 2018 7:41 am

B. 60/65/70/75
C. 135×4
D. 195×2 205×2 225/235/250/265/285/235/245/250.
Those last 3 sets were so much worse than the 285# ?.
E. 4:56/4:48/4:40
MU went 5/5 first round then UB for next two rounds! For not having done these in a workout in awhile they felt amazing today! And g2O felt great!
Might not have time for conditioning due to me graduating today we’ll see?

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 12, 2018 3:32 pm
Reply to  Ryan Reilly

Congrats on the graduation!

Jacob Garrison
Jacob Garrison
May 12, 2018 7:31 am

A) Done
B) 45/45/45/45
C) 95/115/135/155
D) 190/205/220/230/245/260/270/230
E) 5:35/5:49/6:13
* Ran outside

Going to do rowing conditioning later today since the new rower for the house should arrive today!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 12, 2018 3:32 pm
Reply to  Jacob Garrison

Ooooo nice! Now you need to get an assault bike 🙂

Petr Krejci (6.4", 225lb)
Petr Krejci (6.4", 225lb)
May 12, 2018 5:43 am

A. Done
B. 20-30-40-50kg
C. 50-60-70-80kg
D. 90-97.5-105-112.5-120-125-132.5-120kg x 3 felt good on these
E. 5:25, 5:25, 5:22 run outside, Mu 7/3, gtoh singles

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 12, 2018 6:22 am

Solid finish to the week Petr!

Patrick Buckles
Patrick Buckles
May 12, 2018 2:03 am

500m Row
2 min bike
Pri Strength:
A) Done
B) Bar only, still working mobility with this
C) 95/115/135/155lbs
D) 155/160/175/185/195/210/220lbs/195lbs

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