Glute Activation Warm-Up (Vandyke Strength Protocol)
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
One sets of:
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Five Sets of:
Front Squat with a Pause x 5-6 reps @ 3211
Rest 3 minutes
For times:
Row 1500 Meters
Shoulder to Overhead x 25 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Row 1000 Meters
Shoulder to Overhead x 20 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Row 500 Meters
Shoulder to Overhead x 15 reps
35-54 Males: 95 lbs for set 1; 105 lbs for set 2; 135 lbs for set 3
35-54 Females: 65 lbs for set 1; 75 lbs for set 2; 95 lbs for set 3
55+ Males: 75 lbs for set 1; 95 lbs for set 2; 105 lbs for set 3
55+ Females: 55 lbs for set 1; 65 lbs for set 2; 75 lbs for set 3
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Six sets of:
Row 1000 meters @ 10 seconds slower than your 5k PR Pace
Rest 60 seconds
Performed on Saturday.
Mobility & ctication done.
A. Skipped (hip hurting)
B. Done forgot to note my times :-/
Did a 12km slow steady run with kids round the lake (gorgeous day & they wanted to ride their bikes)… so why not right.
Dynamic Mobility + Activation = Done – For the first time! A. 125 lb x 6r x 5s – 3s descent is a long time when you actually count it. B. 1) 7:02 – UB 2) 5:02 – UB 3) 2:56 – UB (purposely went slow on the row – 2:05 – in the hopes of going UB on all 3 sets of S2O, It worked. But maybe I could have rowed faster and still gone UB, particularly set 1/2?) * Optional Session = 6x1000m Row = 4:08 – 4:20 (2:04 – 2:10 / 500m Pace). No idea what 5K… Read more »
Dynamic Mobility + Activation = Done
A. 205×5 /225 x 5 /245 x 5 /265 x 5 /285 x 4
B. 1) 6:28 2) 4:38 3) 2:34
* Optional Session = 6x1000m Row = 23:51 (1:59 / 500m Pace)
Mobility Complete
A. 135lb/165/185/205/235
B. 7:16/4:08/2:50
Mobility: done
A: up to 175ob
B: 7:36, 5:43, 5:00
Hugely jet-lagged and fell apart on the final round. 7 reps @ 135, then need to drop to 125 to complete.
Get some rest tonight Tom!!
M&A Done
A. 135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#
B. 7:04 UB S2OH
B2.4:56 UB S2OH
B3. 2:59 10,5
Rowing is a work in progress…:)
Nice job going ub Chris!
Mobility done
A. Up to 185#
B. 6:33/4:42/3:08 – no gas on the rows today. But, the S2OH felt good (maybe because I was so slow on the rows lol).
Did the cleans from Tuesday
A. Pause front squats – only did 3X5@55kg since I did the cleans and hips and tfl are super sore, I guess from the AB yesterday. Saved them for the rowing 😉
B. 7:28 UB/5:16 UB/3:31 10/5 – super challenging
Absolutely Juls!!! Great work to add in that supplemental work to help support your goal!
Limited time today so had to do today’s Invictus work immediately after my normal box workout
5×5 strict press… got new PR at 137#, then four rounds of “400m run + 50 DUs + 2 min rest”
DUs are difficult for me so they took quite a bit of time
B. Kept row at steady 2:00/500m pace.
1) 5:50 (30 unbroken)
2) 6:13 (10, 10)
3) 5:21 (5, 5, 5) <- ran out of gas!
Congrats James!!!
Mobility completed. Glutes fully activated. A)135#/145/155/165/175 B)6:44/5:01/3:09 Did the conditioning today with one of the young bucks (29 year old/ 6′ 1″ and 205#) today. He came out hot on all the rows and needed to rest considerably before picking up the barbell while I was able to finish up and get right on the s2oh. Happy to report I beat him by a few seconds on round 1. He made up the time in round 2 and had a 5 second advantage going into the last round. He ultimately beat me by 2 seconds overall. While I did not… Read more »
That is AWESOME Dean!!! Great to hear that and great push both for you and him!
A. 100 kg,110,120,130×5,130×4
B. 6.18/4.16/2.14
Nice work Ivan!
Thanks, Nichole!
Glute Activation: done
A: 135, 155, 165, 175, 185 lbs
B: 1) 7:36 (10,10,5)
2) 5:35 (10,10)
3) 3:38 (5,5,5)
Had to break up shoulder to overhead in the increments listed above.
A. At 70 kilos steady pause, carefull with back
B. Sub8, sub5 and sub3
No optional today, tired watcing two nights UCL semi finals. #ForcaJuventus