Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
T-Spine Self Opener x 45 seconds
(as demo’d in the opening image)
Ring Pec Stretch x 45 seconds
Banded Ankle Pulse x 10-12 pulses per side
Two sets of:
Press in Snatch x 5 reps
Wall Slides
x 8-10 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
High Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
Four sets of:
Halting Snatch-Grip Deadlift + Snatch Pull
(pause for 2 seconds at mid-thigh – use straps)
Rest 2 minutes
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 80%
Three sets, not for time, of:
Barbell Hip Bridges x 10 @ 11X1
Rest as needed
Kettlebell Box Step-Ups (strict) x 6 per leg
Rest as needed
I know this is a late question. @CFInvictus doing #mastersoffseason and what if prescribed is 70% with 2minutes of rest feels like too light? Should I increase?
A. 145
B. 210
C. 245,275,315, … 6×5@ 280
A. 115,115,115,120,120,120,125,125
C. hatch program
D. 45, 95,75 glute bridge and 24 KG for step up.
A. All at 125
B. All at 205
C. 245/280/315 …. 6 sets at 280
D. 95/115/135 for BHB. No weight for step ups
Worked with a coach on snatch technique – progress!
One day behind, due to work (so essentially had two rest days). Oh, the luxury…
A. Built up to 57.5kg
B. Used 60kgs
C. Used 135kgs max for first 3sets, but only used 100kgs instead of 108kgs for the last 6 sets. Rx would have been 108kg, but I think I would have failed.
D. Used 40kg barbell, and two 24kg kettlebells.
A: complete @140#
B: complete, stayed @ 205#, concentrated on form
C:complete, 245, 280, 320
Complete part 2: @280
D:complete, used 2pood kbs
B) sets at 125lbs (no straps)
C)145, 165, 185. Sets of 5 @ 170
D) skipped.
Awesome Leg and Hip Day!
A. 95lb High Hang Snatch (Light/conservative due to shoulder on the mend)
B. 115lb Snatch Grip Dead + Pull (no straps) worked on mechanics but probably should go heavier next time
C. BS: 195/225/260 then 230 6×5
D. 75lb Barbell Hip Bridge
88lb KB Step ups / 70 lb KB Step ups
A. 80/80/85/85/90/90
B. 85/105/115/125
C. 205/236/255 then 235×5 reps x 3 sets. Back was really tight so shut it down.
D. Done
A. 55/55/55/60/60/65/70/70
B. 100# x 4
C. 120/135/155, then 145# x 6
Back to Invictus programing after Saturday competition, btw I took a first place in 50+ age group:)
Mob and act done
press in snatch is hard movement but I did it:)
A: 55,55,65,70,75,80,85,80
B: 80 with straps
C: 5×125, 3×140, 1×160
6 sets 5×140
Then did class WOD
Wahoo, congratulations Jarka!!! And welcome back!
Wall slides – very hard to keep my lower back against the wall at all.
Press in snatch- couldn’t even do 15lb bar until I did about 30 wall slide reps.
A. 135,145,150,150,150,150,150. Couple fails
B. 205,225,235,235
C. 225×5,265×3,295×1
285×3. Stopped there, knees just weren’t happy today.
D. 75×10, 40lb Dumbbells to 20″ box.
That is why we are attacking so much mobility – eventually you should be able to just prop yourself up on the wall and easily knock out wall slides!
Mobility & Activation – done
A. 85×8
B. 135, 135, 145, 160
C. 150×5, 170×3, 195×1 5 sets of 170×5
D. 135×10, 18″ box w/ 12kg KB in each hand
mobility completed
a. didn’t do these. shoulder on the mend- it’s tendonitis… but still no overhead.
b. to 125 no straps
c. 165/185/205
every 2 min. at 185- this tightened up my low back, but happy i got through it.
d. hip bridges to 105
step ups with 20’s on 20″ box
Mobility & Activation – done
A. 85×8
B. 135, 135, 145, 160
C. 150×5, 170×3, 195×1 5 sets of 170×5
D. 135×10, 18″ box w/ 12kg KB in each hand
A) 3 sets @ 105, 3 @ 110, 2 @ 115 B) 155/175/195/215 C) 5 x 210/3 x 240/1 x 275 then for the e2motm 3 sets of 5 @ 240, 1 set to 4 – failed & bailed at the 5th badly. After a longer rest I decided to reset to 215 to finish the last 2 sets of 5. I haven’t done a 1 rep max in a long time, & evidently it’s not as high as it once was. Legs are smoked. D) BBHB @ 95#, box step ups w/2 25 # kb’s. Cool down w/3 200m… Read more »
A) 35, 3@45, 4@55
B) 55
C) 65,75,85 then 75 felt solid, but I can tell it’s going to take a while for me to build back up to my previous max
D) 35- pretty happy with this since I couldn’t even do a hip bridge with no weight without pain a few months ago. Step ups w 10# db’s and 18″ box since I was home
A-115(1), 125(2), 135(3). All full snatches. Took a bit longer today to get hips and shoulders loose.
B-215×4-no strap
C-Up to 325 then 290x5x5. Last two sets split 5 into 3/2.
Mobility complete
A. High hang snatch@135. Stayed a little lighter to get position down
B. Worked upto 185. No straps
C. 185/205/235
6 sets x 5 reps 215
D. Hip bridges 135…box step ups 53kb