May 11, 2013 – Regionals Group 1

Workout of the Day
For time:
100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
80 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
60 Alternating Pistols
40 Alternating DB Snatch (70/50 lbs)

Rest approximately 4 hours if possible before starting Part B.

2013 CrossFit Games Regionals Event 5

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Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (315/205 lbs)
Box Jump (30″/24″)

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Joe Silvestri
Joe Silvestri
May 12, 2013 6:50 am

A. 16:25. chest 2 bar will be the death of me.

B. 6:25

Taylor Flynn
Taylor Flynn
May 11, 2013 2:29 pm

A. 100 WB in 5:15, 80 CTB at 12:00, 60 pistols at ~18:30 Total time 20:54 My back started seizing up on the pistols.. Did WB in 15-15-10-10-10-10-8-8-7-7. CTB were in sets of 3-5… YIKES!!! I have no excuses there.. Just fatigued. B. I haven’t ever done this one and my back was still super tight so I did 15-12-9 in 5min.. Last year I pulled my back on the last regional WOD so heavier deadlifts freak me out a little.. I think I should for sure break the deads.. I’m thinking 8-7-6, 6-5-4 and then base on feel for… Read more »

Taylor Flynn
Taylor Flynn
May 11, 2013 9:50 am

Yesterday: A. Complete (worked on pistols also since they haven’t been feeling great) B. Started at 155# and it was so easy that I re-started the clock and went for 175#.. Haven’t ever tried this before. Clean and jerked it twice before actually re-racking onto my back. My technique for this isn’t so great b/c I usually use blocks or just drop weight to the floor. Finally figured it out and got two great attempts with 175# but I keep missing the 3rd OHS after coming out of the bottom. Not really sure where I will start on this event… Read more »

Taylor Flynn
Taylor Flynn
May 11, 2013 9:51 am
Reply to  Taylor Flynn

Oh yea.. I didn’t have time for a second session and 10 min of rest didn’t make me feel “fully recovered”..

Caroline Fryklund
Caroline Fryklund
May 11, 2013 9:00 am

A. 20:27 (used a heavier med.ball (8kg) and a heavier dumbbell (26kg) today since we don’t have any with the right weights and our med.balls at 6 kg are smaller than the ones used at competition). Had a judge that counted every rep, so got some times written down when I finished each movement: – wallballs: done @ 5:22 (split them up in sets of 10) – chest-to-bar: done @ 10:50 (did 4x 10reps in my first sets and then 6-8reps each set) – pistols: done @ 14:05 (took some short breaks to shake my legs) – DB-snatch: done @… Read more »

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