Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Trap Smash x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Pec Smash x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Banded Hip Distraction x 60 seconds per side, pulsing x 5 reps every 15 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Inchworm Walk x Scap Push-Up + Press-Up x 5 reps
Russian Baby Makers x 8-10 reps
and then . . .
Assault Bike x 5 minutes @ a relaxed pace
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Narrow Grip Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 4211
(We have gone through this cycle last year and loved what it did for our athletes mobility and stability with their snatches)
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
(pause for 2 seconds in the bottom position after each snatch balance)
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 45-55%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 55-60%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
4 Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift x 1 rep
Stop @ 2″ off floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8-10 reps per leg @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds between leg; 90 seconds between sets
DB Z-Press x 5-7 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011*
Rest as needed
Push-Ups x 20-40 Unbroken reps
(make these perfect – they’re not for time, so don’t rush through them)
Rest as needed
*Need some options to scale your glute ham riases? Check out this video.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Run 800 meters @ 60%
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Perfect Stretch x 20 meters
Reverse Lunges x 20 meters
A/B/C Skips each x 20 meters
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Maintaining Ideal Position (Posture Drill)
Ball of Foot Hopping Drill
Followed by…
30 second sprint @ 50% effort
Rest 30 seconds
30 second sprint @ 60% effort
Rest 30 seconds
30 second sprint @ 70% effort
Rest 30 seconds
30 second sprint @ 80% effort
1-Mile TT – Bench mark
All out effort. You will be using your time as a pacing marker for future running sessions.
Cool Down
5 Minute Jog
10 Minutes of Static Stretching (Focus on Shoulders, Quads, IT Band and Shins)
Hi all! 🙂 I’ve decided to start from behind to get the full benefit of your offseason… Hope you don’t mind!
Warmup: 5′ Fanwheelbike + crossover symmetry + inchworm and russian babymakers;
A. 30; 40; 45; 50; 55kg (clean grip)
B1. 40; 55; 60kg
B2. 45; 47,5kg the others
B3. 50; 52,5kg the others
B4 80; 80; 85kg (2” pause at each point)
C. Done
D. Done (push-ups: 32; 28;25)
Cooldown: 10′ row @slow pace
Thought I already posted Monday, here it is now:
A. 80#–narrower than normal but still not very close to shoulder width. Upper this is area the issue.
B1. No blocks, hate bringing weight down up to 105#
B2. 57#
B3. 65#
B4. 110#
C. Split squat up to 20#, knee on bench is a little too bent for right side (band knee). z press up to 25#
D. Done 20 push ups
caught up a day late on some of this:
A: Narrow OHS up to 70kg
B. SNatch Balance at 70kg x3 (3 sets); High Hang snatch x3 at 60kg; high hang + hang snatch at 70kg
C. Split Squats at 60kg. DB Z Press at 22.5kg 50lbs x7 (3 sets)
A: 95-115 lbs (+5 per set, Clean Grip)
95-115 lbs (Snatch Balance)
[somehow missing HHang-only sets]
85-105 lbs (HHang+Hang Snatch- @ patella?)
125-145 lbs (Halting Snatch DL)
C1: Bulgarian Split Squats- 4sets10reps @ 35lb KB
C2: Z- Press: 4sets7reps @ 25lb (probably easy)
D: Ran out of time…
Mob always 🙂
A. Stayed at 95 and simply worked hands in closer each set.
B. 95/115/135/145 then 185 for DL
C. Done, used 50# DB’s for both
D. Done 25 for push -ups
A couple hours later Did Mike run 6:28.
Legs were tired.
A: 55; 65; 75; 85; 95lbs
B1- 135; 146; 155(2)
B2: 95; 105; 115×3
B3: 125×5
B4: 205lbs
C: Split Squats-Used two DBs 40;45; 50×2 (8 reps/leg)
Z- Press: 40×2; 45×2
D: Used red band assistance for raises and only 2 rds – 20 push ups per rd.
Mobility done
A. Mobility getting better. Can get my hands more narrow than in the past, but with light weight (bar).
B1. 115, 125, 135
B2. 95/95/100/105/110
B3. 110/115/120/120/120
B4. 180/185/190
C. Done (45# bar on squats, 40# on z press)
D. Done (22×3 push-ups)
Went to the track for session 2. Wow – legs felt heavy! 6:53 mile.
First day back after a week off. Glad to be back. Only had time for the AM session today.
Welcome back Chris!!
A. 15-20-20-20-25kg was able to hold it almost shoulder width – super challenging B.1 25-30-30kg B.2 30-35-35-35-35kg B.3 38-38-40-40-40kg B.4 50-50-50kg C. Bulgarian SS: 25-25-30-35lbs 10 reps per set/Zpress: 7 reps @25-25-30(6)-30lbs D. Done 6GHR and 20 UB push-ups per round PM I did not run because it is freezing and pouring rain, will try to get my 1 mile TT in this week. Work on my rowing: 4×500 on 2 min rest, damper at 2, avg. SPM 22, avg. pace 2:07. EMOM 10 min: 3 butterfly pull-ups Tried a few Butterfly CTB but timing is really off, lots of… Read more »
Make sure to film yourself doing your CTB so we can provide feedback!
I did lol I will upload them to YouTube and post the links shortly – I can see the problem, just need to find a way to fix it 🙂
Alright, so here are 3 links, I just uploaded the whole EMOM – too lazy to edit- as well as one slow mo of regular butterfly and one slow mo CTB. I can see the problem, I’m definitely kicking my heels back to soon for one thing, more when I attempt a CTB than on the regular butterfly, now I just need figure out how to be more patient and not do that.
Hey Juls, Travis was so awesome and provided you with some tips for improving on your C2B pull ups! Here is what he suggested to work on: 1. Your feet aren’t quite high enough on the forward kipping swing. He’d like your feet to be at hip height and yours are just below. You’re running out of height in the kip too early and this should help. 2. Most of these you’re pulling your feet back before your close to the bar. If you hasn’t see his video of the Butterfly 4 Step then watch below. 3. Improve in your… Read more »
Thank-you both so much! I will try to put that into practice and see how it goes!
I just joined the invictus gymnastics program. How should that programing be used with your Master’s Comp programing? For example today you have programed both an AM and a PM Session (optional) today. I really need to work on gymnastic skills. Should I add a third session or eliminate the Masters PM Session? thanks.
Hey Bob! Great question! Definitely don’t add, that will be way too much volume! If your focus is on gymnastics then substitute one or two of the optional sessions during the week with the gymnastics program. That should be the focus for the next few months. We have dedicated gymnastics skill work on Tuesdays and Fridays so you could do the gymnastics sessions then.
Thanks Nichole. That is exactly what I will do.
Morning session:
Mobility/ activation: done (i enjoyed being on the assault bike today:
A: 95lb
B: 85-90, 90-95, 95, 155
C: skipped split squat (legs burning from workouts Friday and Saturday), did z press with below
D: done, 20 unbroken push-ups each round, 10x z press with 25lb dumbbells
Elbow feels ok, but still feel occasionally throughout the day (but not working out)
Narrow overheads I only used PVC becauce I know I have issues.
Snatch Balances- 75-95-115 All felt solid today
High hang x3 95# Dropping under much better and a great pull
High and hang 105# the more weight the better it felt
Snatch deadlift 185#
morning session / mobility done
A: 3 ohs (narrowly grip) 45/50/55 kg
B 1 :snatch balance 35/40/45 kg
B 2: 3 high hang snatch 35/40 kg
B 3 : high hang / hang snatch 45/50 kg
B 4 : snatch do : 75 kg
C : pass
Running : done – sorry, but I hate running, so here is my time : 9:36 – sorry
Yay you got the running done!!! I know, running can be challenging if you haven’t done it consistently but hopefully with this running progression, you’ll see improvement and feel better when running!
I hope so 🙂 I need cardio work
Morning session:
Dynamic Activation & Mobility: done
A: 65 lbs
B1: 65,75,95 lbs
B2: 75 lbs
B3: 85 lbs
B4: 135 lbs
C & D: will do tonight, ran out of time
Felt weak and lame this morning
Oh no Michael – that isn’t a way to start out a Monday! We will be focusing a lot on positional work so it isn’t necessarily about the loading right now but about perfecting movement patterns.
I will try to get videos on Facebook so you can review my form so I can get it dialed in.
Hate to miss the first week of the new cycle. On vacation with my son on his 5th grade class trip to Washington DC. Y’all have a great week.
Have so much fun Dean!!
More than welcome to take a 30 min trip north to MD, if you can break away, and work out with me Dean. If not where you staying I know a couple of gym owners in the area and can make some recommendations.
Thank you Corey! Would have been great to meet you and train together. Unfortunately our agenda is packed while we are here with little or no down time.
Mob done.
A. Not very narrow grip. 20/25/27/30/32kg
B1. 30/35/40 failed final rep
B2. 22.5/25/27.5/27.5/27.5kg
B3. 27.5/30/30/30/30kg
B4. Didn’t know what % to use so went with 100-120%. 50/550/60kg
C. Subbed 4 sets of 5 strict press 40/42.5/45/47.5kg
D. No GHD. Did sets of 20 sit ups with 2.5kg behind head. And 20 push ups.