March 9, 2024 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Individual Warm Up:
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets of):
8-10 Pull-Ups (any variation)
10 Dumbbell Push Press (35-60/25-40lbs)
10 Line Facing Burpees
*Easy jog or machine until next set*

Team Warm Up:
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets of):
10 Synchronized Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Synchronized Dumbbell Push Press (35-60/25-40lbs)
10 Synchronized Line Facing Burpees
*Easy jog or machine until next set*

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets of):
3 Power Jerks @ 80%

Three sets of:
10 Incline Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbells)
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets

*Pick a weight that 12 reps is doable, but challenging.


Individual Option:

At 0:00 on the clock…

Four sets of:
Complete as many reps as possible in 90 seconds of:
20/16 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Max Toes to Bar in the remaining time
Rest 30 seconds between sets

After the 4th set, rest until the 10:00 mark, then…

Four sets of:
Complete as many reps as possible in 90 seconds of:
20 Line Facing Burpees
Max Calorie Echo/Assault Bike in the remaining time
Rest 30 seconds between sets

After the 4th set, rest until the 10:00 mark, then…

Four sets of:
Complete as many reps as possible in 90 seconds of:
20 Toes to Bar
Max Line Facing Burpees in the remaining time
Rest 30 seconds between sets

Team Option:
Synchronize all toes to bar and line facing burpees. For the bikes each athlete will get their own and the sum of the two bikes is the total for the team.

Three sets of:
8-10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (each arm)
12 Gorilla Rows (each arm)
Rest 60-90 seconds

Three sets of:
10 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
20 Banded Hammer Curls
Rest as needed

Athlete Training Notes
We’re looking for consistent effort during this workout today. Aim to be around 50-65 seconds on the bike followed by around 25-30 seconds worth of toes to bar. In the second part we’ll be pushing the pace on the burpees then holding on for the bike. A good goal is around 30 seconds on the bike or more. The last section you should aim for 1-2 sets on the toes to bar then hit a sustainable pace on the burpees. Remember, that 30 seconds goes by real quick so don’t go too hot or you’ll blow up early on. Or do and see if you can hang!

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Running Progressions
30-40 Minute Run @ Flush Out Pace

*Aim for around zone 2, this should be a pace that you feel good after running for this amount of time.

Grip Strength
Five sets of:
Max Weighted Strict Pull-Ups (70/50lbs)
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

35-54: 50/25 lbs
55-59: 25/15 lbs
60+: Bodyweight

Followed by…

Three sets of:
Max Effort Weighted Bar Hang (70/50lbs)
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

35-54: 50/25 lbs
55-59: 25/15 lbs
60+: Bodyweight

Followed by…

Accumulate 5 minutes of Barbell Wrist Rollers

Additional Swimming Option
Three sets for total time of:
200 Meter Swim
Rest 2 minutes
50 Meter Swim
Rest 30 seconds
50 Meter Swim
Rest 15 seconds
100 Meter Swim
Rest 3 minutes

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