Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Spend 60-90 seconds in a Banded Front Rack Stretch (each side)
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1 Vector Lunge (each direction)
10 Plank Position Toe Touches (each side)
20 Pronated Grip Banded Pull Aparts
20 Banded Good Mornings
Followed by…
Two sets of:
5 Left Leg Pogo Hops
Rest 10 seconds
5 Right Leg Pogo Hops
Rest 10 seconds
10 Double Leg Pogo Hops
Rest 30 seconds
5 Broad Jumps (for distance)
Rest 90-120 seconds
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s heavy…
Compare to 1/24/24.
Five sets of:
Power Jerk x 10 reps @ 60-65%
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95lbs)
Three sets of:
10 Incline Bench EZ Bar Skull Crushers
15 Weighted Side Bends (each side)
Rest 30 seconds between movements and 1-2 minutes between sets
General Training Notes:
Just like last week we’ve got a quick hitter coming up on our pre-open Wednesday primary session. The goal here is as few sets as possible to knock out the 30 reps. If you’ve done this before but weren’t able to go unbroken, try a different strategy. High intensity + quality reps is exactly what we’re looking for. You’ll be smoked right after this but should recover just fine by the time Friday rolls around.
✔️무료 스포트 중계❂【벳모아✔️】 [축구] 3월09일 14:00 J2리그 요코하마FC vs 야마가타 +0
A. 220
B. 115
C. With 115 3:51
D. Emom24 14 row/12 bike
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