Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Barbell Shoulder Opener x 60 seconds
Wall Slides x 6-10 reps
T-Spine Pulse with Weight x 5-6 pulses
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Snatch Lift-Off + Snatch
Build over the course of the 6 sets
Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps @ 21X2
Rest 2 minutes
For time, complete:
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 2 minutes; Complete 4 sets
For time, complete:
Assault Bike x 15/10 calories
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 6 reps
Rest 2 minutes; Complete 4 sets
Three sets of:
Reverse Snow Angles x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
L-Sit x 20.20
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Back Squat:
Set 1 – 10 reps @ 65%
Set 2 – 8 reps @ 70%
Set 3 – 8 reps @ 75%
Set 4 – 4 reps @ 80%
Set 5 – 4 reps @ 85%
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
Partner Assisted Single Leg Hamstring Curls x 6 reps per leg
Rest 90 seconds
Elevated Ring-Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Dragon Flags x 4-5 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Late lost again
Did only part of the workout today, short on time. Stayed super light for the snatch as I had physio after.
Is there a video for the partner assisted hamstring curl please?
Late post.
DMA done.
A. Built up to 105#. 110#(f). I haven’t gotten 105 in a while.
B. Done with 165#
C. Running out of time, so I just did 24 C2B’s (6 reps UB) and a 7:30 mile run.
D. No time.
Nursing a minor mid-back strain of something.
Mobility Done
A. Built up to 65kg
B. 60-70-82kg
C. AB held 72-74 RPM each set and PUs UB
D. Done, Bent knee for some of the L-Sits
Another awesome sess, thanks guys!!
Solid day Ben!
Thanks! I am loving the program!
Mobility: done
A: 100, 110, 120, 130, 135, 135 (failed at 140 last rep, dropped backdown. I have a mental block at 135, though I can power snatch 135 and ohs much more)
B: 100lb
C: 1:14; 1:17; 1:24; 1:44 (subbed 20 cal row, all c2b unbroken other than last set)
D: done (could only manage l-sit for first 20 of each set)
We need to get you snatch balancing 135+ lbs so you can break through that mental block!
Thanks Nicole. I’ll start doing more snatch balance!
Mob Done
A. Hung out at 145
B. Same as A
C. 1:05/1:07/1:08/1:00 (butterfly last set)
D. Done
Op Session
A. 250/280/300/320/340
B. Done
Nice job on your squats!
Dynamic Mobility & Activation = Done
A. Snatch Lift Off + Snatch = 95 / 115 / 135 / 155 / 175 / 195
B. Barbell Glute Bridge = 3 Sets @ 245×8
C. Metcon = R1) 0:48 R2) 0:50 R3) :60 R4) :75
D. Reverse Angels & L-Sits = Done
A. Backsquat 1) 10×255 2) 8×275 3) 8×295 4) 4×315 5) 4×335
Nice work on that Part C and good work on your squats
DMA: Done Then I had: A. 10 min EMOM Clean & Jerk building B. 3×3 @ 80% of A C. 3×3 Clean Pulls @ 110% D. 10 min AMRAP 5 pull ups 5 cals bike 5 burpees Then I did D from today’s programming. A. Built to 125, failed 135, failed 130. I have not jerked in a while, so it was good to work on technique today. Practiced split jerks in this section. I’m not nearly aggressive enough in the split jerk, so need to keep working on that. B. Worked at 105. Practiced push jerks in this section.… Read more »
Feel free to upload your video of you lifting so I can take a look at it and provide feedback!
Okay, I will next time. Thanks! (sigh…got to remember to video. :))
Back squats (knee was a little bit cranky so did box squats):
155-175-195-215-235# reps as prescribed
A. Snatch liftoff + Snatch (kept these as power snatch):
B. 155-165# BB glute bridges
C. 1:00, 1:09, 1:14, 1:22
D. Done
A. Snatches built to 125#
B. used 65lbs on glute bridges
C. 1:16, 1:21, 1:45, 1:43 – wheels fell off on the AB in rounds 3&4 and do singles on 10 ctb.
No time for the rest
am A. Snatch Technique – kept it light; worked on hitting hip crease from high hang, mid thigh and ground. B. Glute Bridges – 65lbs – 6 reps each set C. Elevated Ring Rows – 10 reps each set Dragon Flags – 5 reps each set (2 sets only) pm A. Back Squat – 150(10) – 160(8) – 175(8) – 185(4) – 195(4) B. Cleans – went back to these today since I didn’t have a good day with them yesterday. Felt much better today. 100 – 100 – 110 – 110 – 120 – 130 – 140 – 145… Read more »
Oh sorry to hear that Barry!!! I hope you feel better soon – by the end of the week would be perfect. 🙂
Thanks Nicole
Mobility done
A. Done as Muscle Snatch @ 50kg. Knees not good atm.
B. 60kg, 70kg, 72.5kg
C. No assault bike so subbed for rows. 1:30, 1:31, 1:32, 1:38 (unbroken butterfly CTB except last set)
D. done
Nice work on your butterfly chest to bars!
Nice to do them. One of the reasons I left my old program is that I didn’t get to do them or muscle ups or handstand push ups. Sorry shouldn’t look back hey just forward.
A. Snatch lift off+snatch
C. 1:25,1:23,1:38,1:28
Mobility done
A. 135/145/155/165/175
B. 135/155/175
Then did the optional back squat session (wont have time to get back in the gym later)
C. Done – all rounds consistent at 1:30 (within a few seconds either way)
Ran out of time…damn tax season.
Mixed and matched today
Front Squat & Ring Dips
Clean Pull & Cleans from Yesterday
Low Box RMU & Glute Bridges
Assault Bike & Pull Up
:61 :64 :69 :36 no pull-ups even with tight kip, almost strict, my shoulder started getting cranky, So I stopped, def was not doing butterfly
30 shoulder mobility
DMA done. A. Did 17.4 yesterday and are experiencing some flu symptoms, so was using today as a recovery/skill day. Did some Snatch Balances, but changed to Drop Snatches. With the Snatch Balances I’m still pushing the bar up (too high) and then only do I ride it down into a full depth squat. I can’t seem to just catch it in a full depth squat?! With the Drop Snatch I decided to focus on having VERY little or NO upwards movement on the bar before I push myself down. Was using less weight, but felt faster, which is what… Read more »
Mobility completed
C)Performed conditioning from Monday of MU/OHS/BJ 7:13. MU went 6/6/5-1. OHS steady but need to perform faster.
Overall felt really good considering I performed 17.4 on Monday.
Optional Session
Dark Horse Rowing session
Great time on yesterdays workout Dean. Well done!
Thanks Nichole! MU felt really good today. Hopefully we will see them in 17.5
A Got up to 120 failed at 135 was a bit dissaointed since I did 135 during 17.3
C. 150, 153 203 203 can’t string c2b right now because of my shoulder. I can not come down with out restraining it but the pull us fine. So I drop each time.
What is going on with the shoulder?!
Had surgery on 2 years ago and it is never going to be the same again.( labrum tear and mircro-fracture surgery on glenoid joint and humeral head). I have learned when to just cut back on it. It had taken a beating from all the hanging and pulls and sand bag work for OCR training It hurts at the bottom of a pull up. I was able to string together a few c2b today pain free which is good. I have got a pretty good idea of how it works and when to not push it. I am using the… Read more »
Love crossover symmetry! It sounds like you are being very smart with it!
I try to make sure I take care of it.
A : failed @55 kg
B : 45/50/55 kg
C : 1= 1:47 / 2 =1:43/ 3= 1:57 / 4 = 1,30 stopped at 6 pull ups ( hand ripped)
C : done
Nice and consistent – sorry your hand ripped!
A bit frustrated in the moment, but I got over it fast 🙂
A. 115, 125, 130, 135, 135, 137.5
b. 165
C. Subbed a 400m run (don’t have an assault bike or rower). Averaged 2:15 per round. Added another 4 x 400m as APFT prep.
D. Complete. Added APFT prep (pushups sit ups)
Activation and M. Done
A. 75,95,95,115,125M, 115
B. 95/115/125/125
C1:18, 1:50(had to row, someone stole my bike 🙁 ) 1;22 1:16
D. Done
Overall felt good. 1st day switching my workouts to early morning. 5:00am. See how this goes after a few weeks 🙂
Yes, note your energy levels and performance when switching training times!
I will note energy levels for sure. I switched for two reasons…I run a landscaping company and by the end of the day, I am wiped out, and it is hard to get a workout in with any enthusiasm. 2nd…the evening classes at our box are so busy, it is hard to get a un-interrupted workout of my own in without delays and distractions of Kids CrossFit, and other classes of 25+ going on in the same area. Hopefully this will be a cool solution if I can get my diet and rest in line with the new time slot