March 20-26, 2017 – Endurance Program

Invictus Endurance Logo

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This is the final week of the open. Please make this a taper week, meaning do slightly less volume or slightly moderate intensity so you will be ready to re-test your 1 mile next week.

Please post your results to the comments.

For pacing information make sure you refer back to the blog post I wrote.
Post your videos to social media using #InvictusEndurance

Make sure to use #InvictusEndurance when you post videos to social media and for feedback on form email me directly:

Session One
VO2MAX Workout
Run x 5 minutes @ moderate pace (50%)

Followed by…

Two sets of:
Samson Stretch x 10 reps (each leg)
Reverse Lunges x 10 meters
High Knees x 20 meters
One Leg Jumps x 10 reps (each leg)

Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Pulling with forward movement

Followed by…

Sprint 50 meters @ 60% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 70% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 80% effort
Rest as neeed
Sprint 50 meters @ 90% effort

Beginner and Intermediate
One set of:
60 Second Sprint
90 Seconds Rest

Two sets of:
30 Second Sprint
120 Second Rest

One set of:
90 Second Sprint
60 Seconds Rest

Two sets of:
60 Second Sprint
90 Seconds Rest

Two sets of:
30 Second Sprint
120 Second Rest

Two sets of:
90 Second Sprint
60 Seconds Rest

Cool Down
400 Meter jog
10 Minutes of Static Stretching (Focus on Hamstrings & Hip Flexors)

Session Two
Aerobic Threshold Workout
Run 800 meters @ 60%

Followed by…

Two sets of:
Perfect Stretch x 20 meters
Reverse Lunges x 20 meters
A/B/C Skips each x 20 meters

Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Maintaining Ideal Position (Posture Drill)
Ball of Foot Hopping Drill

Followed by…

30 second sprint @ 50% effort
Rest 30 seconds
30 second sprint @ 60% effort
Rest 30 seconds
30 second sprint @ 70% effort
Rest 30 seconds
30 second sprint @ 80% effort

Twenty Minute Run
Every 3 minutes, Sprint for 20 seconds then go back to a moderate pace

Twenty Five Minute Run
Every 3 minutes, Sprint for 20 seconds then go back to moderate pace

Thirty Minute Run
Every 3 minutes, Sprint for 20 seconds then go back to moderate pace

Cool Down
2 Minute Jog
10 Minutes of Static Stretching (Focus on IT Band, Gluteus, Adductors)

Session Three
Lactate Threshold
Warm Up
Two sets of:
200 Meter Jog
100 Meter Backward Jog

Followed by…

Two sets of:
Forward Lunges x 10 reps
Lateral Lunges x 10 reps
High Knees x 10 reps
Skipping for height x 10 reps
Skipping for distance x 10 reps

Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Foot Drag
Ball of Foot Hopping Drill

Followed by…
Tabata Sprints @ 70% effort
20 seconds run, 10 seconds rest x 8 sets

Run x 5 minutes
Rest x 1 minute
Run x 4 minutes
Rest x 1 mInute
Run x 3 minutes
Rest x 1 minute

Two sets of:
Run x 5 minutes
Rest x 1 minute
Run x 4 minutes
Rest x 1 mInute
Run x 3 minutes
Rest x 1 minute

Three sets of:
Run x 5 minutes
Rest x 1 minute
Run x 4 minutes
Rest x 1 mInute
Run x 3 minutes
Rest x 1 minute

Cool Down
3 Minute Jog
10 Minutes of Static Stretching (Focus on Shoulders, Low Back, Hips, Calves)

Banded Hip Opener

This is a great hip opener before you go out for a run. Place the band about knee high on a rack or a post. Bring that band to your hip crease, and bring that same leg down into a runner’s lunge so that knee comes down to the ground. Make sure there’s some tension on the band (you can add resistance if you’d like by pushing down on the band). You can make this drill more dynamic by going from a standing position into a lunging position. Spend two minutes per side before your running sessions.

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