Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 1 rep
Build to heavy.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Drop Snatch x 1 rep
Build to heavy.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
Build over the course of the 8 sets to today’s heavy complex.
Three sets for max reps of:
60 Second Assault Bike (for calories)
Immediately followed by…
45 Second Bar-Facing Burpees
Immediately followed by…
15 Thrusters (115/85 lbs)
Rest 90 seconds
Primary Conditioning Session
Four rounds for time of:
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50-Foot Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug)
12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 2″/0″ Deficit
9 Sand Bag Cleans (150/100 lbs)
50-Foot Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Kettlebell Rows x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Kettlebell Upright Rows x 8-10 reps
(place a towel through the handle of the kettlebell and hold on to each end of the towel)
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Reverse Hypers x 25 reps @ 1010
Rest 60 seconds
Glute Ham Raise x 10-12 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
Barbell Hip Thrusts x 10-12 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
One set of:
5 Minutes of Banded Marching
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Twenty eight (28) sets of:
30 Second Assault Bike @ 75-80%
30 Second Assault Bike @ 50%
Gymnastics Skills Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Legless Rope Hang Hold x 45 seconds
Interval 2 – Rope Hang Scissor Kicks x 30 seconds effort
Interval 3 – Toes-To-Rope x 15 reps (alternate sides of rope)
*During the first set place your right hand higher on the rope than the left, and on the second set place your left hand higher on the rope.
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Tempo Ring Dips x 4 reps @ 21X1
Interval 2 – Reverse Dips on Box x 6 reps @ 11X1
Every minute, on the minute, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Dynamic Push-Ups on Floor x 10-15 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Hanging Knee-To-Armpit x 30 reps (alternating)
Interval 2 – L-Hang Hold from Bar x 45 seconds
Interval 3 – Hand Plank Shoulder Taps x 60 reps
Snatch in rec 75,95,115,125,135,155
Sn bal 175,185,195
Hang snatch+OHS felt terrible missed 190
Conditioning 1 went well was hurting
Primary condition was real rough I got through it but I was hurting today for some reason. Had to sub hang clean sand bag with 150 lb sandbag over the shoulder atlas stone style because only access to the rogue strongman sand bag
A. Snatch in rec: 55/60/65/70
Drop snatch: 65/75/85
Snatch bal: 105/115/125/135
B. Hang snatch + OHS: 65/75/85/95/105/115/120/125
C. Max reps:
60 sec bike: 17/15/16
45 sec bar facing burpee: 10/9/10
15 thrusters:
finished set @ 3:21 w/ sets of 5
3:28 w/ 8+7
3:35 w/ 8+7
Primary conditioning:
C2bs in 2 sets every round
Sand bag carries with 100# DBall
Shspu – scaled with 30# seated DB press
DBall cleans w/60#
A1) Built to 115
2) 135
3) 155,165,175,185
B. 185,195,205,215,225,235,250F, 246F, 246. 1 lbs hang snatch pr
Wasn’t the smartest build for a hang snatch. Confident I can pull 250+.
C.assault cal- 24,19,19
burpees over bb- 16,15,15
15:37. replaced sand bag cleans w/ ghd situps. Crowded gym had to workout around people.
Every lb. counts! Great work Tyler!
Press: 65-85-95-115
Drop: 115-135-155
(155lbs most I’ve ever done a drop at)
Balance x 2: 175-195-215-235lbs
B: 155 up to 205lbs successfully. (91%)
Solid day of lifting dude!
Conditioning first
A. 15:52 (gymnastics all UB, 100#DBall for SB cleans, 90ish lb combination of the bags we have at the gym)
B. Banded March from strength accessory
A1. 65/75/85/95
A2. 95/105/115
A3. 125/135/145/155
B. 125/145/155/160x/160x/160x/160 – finally! Not much was working today ??♀️
Set 1: 16 cal/ 8 burpees/ 10-5 thrusters (3:05)
Set 2: 16 cal/ 9 burpees/ UB thrusters (2:43)
Set 3: 17 cal/ 9 burpees/ UB thrusters (2:50)
Strength Accessory
A. done
B. done
Thats kind of what happens when you repeat Open workouts and tax your CNS…
If I only I could do it right the FIRST time ???
A. Done
B. worked up to a clean 195#, no misses
didn’t have much time to throw down conditioning, instead I spent 5 mins or so working on butterfly chest to bar. linked sets of 5 comfortably
Sounds like a good use of time!
Session two after class
Strength warmup done
Push jerk emom started at 205 ended at 275
Did the safety bar lunge variation CJ posted instead of split squats and really liked it. Did versa climber instead of sled push due to weather/time
Conditioning nft
Did regular muscle ups on our ultra long straps since class was using rig
Step ups instead of walking lunge
I want a versa climber. Word on the street is that Assault Bike is bringing one out.
They could make it absolutely miserable if they put a wheel on one of those
Primary strength:
A) 45/65/75/85 snatch press from receiving
95/115/135 drop snatch
155/175/185/195 snatch balance
B) 135/145/155/165/175/185/195/200 hang snatch + ohs felt heavier than normal today
Strength accessory
A) done
B) done 185/185/205 for hip thrusts
C) done held onto a 30lb ball
Assault bike conditioning
380 cals held 70-75rpms the whole time. Went above 75rpms towards the end
Did some mobility wod afterwards and called it a day. Fun day today!
Pulling will definitely feel a little heavy after the repeat. Be safe and adjust accordingly until you feel back to normal!
Yeah I could feel the difference today, will do!
A) 30/40/45/50
B) 60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95 miss last
Really happy to hit this numbers in hang I used a grip a little bit wider and I felt good
C) bike: 24/19/18
Burpees: 10/10/9
Thrusters (8/7): 3’07/3’10/3’10
Rowing from yesterday:
1: 2’09’2 23s
2: 2’07.5 24s
3: 2’03.9 26s
4: 1’59.6 28s
5: 2’01’8 27s
Conditioning: sub shspu by 20 push up to take of my neck after the 18.4: 17’33
So fun workout with the sandbag!
Great day of lifting! Keep being smart and decompressing your neck until you feel recovered from 18.4.
Retested 18.4 yesterday but still no handstand walk:( I did walk 4 feet a couple times but failed to cross the line Otherwise Diane unbroken around 3:30 or so, tiebreak for deadlift 5:49 and then spent the rest of the time staring at the floor and falling 🙁 then did some of yesterday’s programming as well. Primary strength today A. 65-75-85-90 95-95-105 105-115-125-135-145 one rep, didnt ant to lower on my back B. Snatch and ohs 85-95-105-110-115-120-125-130, for a 5 lb snatch PR!!! It felt easy from the hang, while when I try from the floor it feels so heavy…… Read more »
Remember we talked about being better for next year? Do you think repeating helps with that goal?
Openers done
A. Bar/67/78/95
B. Built to 185
C. Bike-22.5/21.8/22.0
Thrusters 10/5-12/3-12/3
Primary conditioning: 26:30
Snatch press from Rec’v: 95/115/125/135
Drop snatch: 135/155/175
Snatch Balance: 185/205/225/235
Hang snatch + OHS: 1555/175/185/195/205/225/235/245xx
C. Bike-Burpee-Thruster
Calories: 30/23/18 (drop off was nuts ??♂️)
Burpees: 12/12/13
Thrusters: Unbroken (last set was brutal)
Round times: 2:34/2:32/2:48
just a slight drop off on the bike but nice work keeping the thrusters unbroken!
Rough night sleeping last night. My shoulder was really bugging me and I felt restless. I woke up and like checked the programming for the day (and it was like 1:30 AM) haha. Just couldn’t relax and felt so tired but like so tense.
Session 1-
Optional bike work
Snatch work
Called it there for now. Definitely feeling some fatigue from 18.4 and I want to be smart with my shoulder. One week left in the open but more importantly, I just don’t want any more set backs.
Repeating the workout on Sunday and training yesterday will do that. You’re CNS will be fried which is probably the reason you can sleep but feel tired. Take it easy today and let your body recover.
Thanks! Definitely feeling that way for sure!
Went back in the afternoon and did :
3 Rounds
:60 sec bike
:45 sec bar facing Burpees
15 Thrusters @ 85#
Felt better than expected and happy with my effort
Wasn’t wanting to push it with the chest to bars and the sandbag cleans on my shoulder so subbed this in:
15 HPC 105#
Then did some strict slow ring rows and sb carrys
Openers and activation done
A. 40-50-55-60kg
80-90-95-100kg onlo 1 rep on the last
B. 65-100kg new PR on the hang by 2.5kg
C. Bike 26-23-23
Burpees 10-8-8
2:50, 2:55, 2:57 broke thrusters into 2 sets, should have been ub
Waiting for sandbags to arrive so used 2×32 kg kettlebeket instead
19:44 (15 ub butterfly ctb on first set which is most I’ve done)
Pm session bike option
412 calories
Good day today
Thats a solid day of work Petr! You can definitely keep those thrusters unbroken 🙂
Oh and congrats on the hang PR!!!
I did the metcon with 150lbs d ball
And ground over shoulder with it instead of sandbag cleans
The heaviest D ball i have is 30kg (70ish lb) butbthanks for suggestion. Ordered new sandbags last week 🙂
Session one
Rowing spinal traction haha
2:14.9 avg 22 s/m
2:09.6 24
2:05.4 27
2:01.8 30
2:03.2 27
Emom 6: 30” step down box jump + strict toes to bar
Amazing what some air squats will do to you!