Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Start the clock and …
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side (add in 3-5 pulses)
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch
x 45 seconds per side
At the 5:00 mark, complete:
Honest Hip Cars x 2 reps per side
At the 8:00 mark, complete:
Hurdle Over-Under Drill x 5 reps per side
At the 11:00 mark, complete:
Row x 5 minutes at a light to medium pace
Three sets of:
Tall Clean x 2 reps (focus on technique, not weight)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Mid-Thigh Clean + Clean from 2″” below the knee
Sets 1-2: 70%
Sets 3-4: 75%
Sets 5-6: 80%
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Clean Pull x 1.1 @ 95%
Back Squat
x 5 reps @ 70%
x 3 reps @ 80%
x 1 rep @ 90%
x 3-5 reps @ 80-85%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Three sets of:
Thrusters x 15 reps (95/65 lbs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Box Jump-Overs x 15 reps (24/20″)
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets of:
Thrusters x 12 reps (65/45 lbs)
Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups x 12 reps
Box Jump/Step-Overs x 12 reps (24/20″)
Rest 3 minutes
A1: 44
A2: 66, 71.5, 77 (U.K. Based so converting from kg!)
A3: 82
B: 5@77, 3@88, 1@99, 5 @ 93.5
C: Fried legs so 3 rnds
12 thrusters @ 55
8 banded pull ups medium band hope that’s a suitable option or would 1 strict be better if I almost have it?!
15 box jump overs 20″
Tall Clean x 2 reps – 65/75/80#
Mid-Thigh Clean + Clean from 2″” below the knee – 115/115/125/125/132/132#
Clean Pull x 1.1 – 147/147/157/162#
Back Squat
x 5 reps – 145#
x 3 reps – 165#
x 1 rep – 185#
x 5 reps – 175#
And then took it easy today.
I did 18.4 today as I didn’t get a chance to do it over the weekend when I was in Dallas. Did the 21 DLs in 0:52 split into 8-7-6 (in hindsight, I could have split those 12-9 or even done them UB). Then I had more than 8 mins to do some HSPUs. I got 18! I’m putting this in the win column despite not quite making my goal of getting all 21 and getting back to the DLs. 18 is 18 more than I got last year, so I’m happy with the improvement. Still a lot of work… Read more »
Thank you, Scott!
So happy to hear this!!! 🙂
Thank you, Miki!
That is a major win, congratulations!
Thanks, Nichole!
A1. Tall cleans 115#. A2. 175, 190, 205. A3. 245 B. 245(5), 280(3), 315(1), then 280 for 5 reps. A little tougher than last week. C. 1:24, 1:22, 1:20. Subbed 15 Hand Release pushups for C2B (elbow). I went fairly quick and unbroken each set but was gassed after that third one. Thrusters just jack up my heart rate. Elbow seems to be slowly getting better. Still feel a little something when I hang from a bar, but much less noticeable than last week. Hopefully it’s turning a corner cuz I’m dying to get back to pull-ups. Might be taking… Read more »
Great work Mike! No push-ups for you today, I’d suggest just resting!
A1) 65/85
A2) 105/105/115/115/125/125
B) skipped. Not ready to back squat yet
C) only did 2 sets since I still had an hour of PT to do.
2:58/3:20. C2B died on second set. I really need to figure out how to butterfly those.
Your lifts looked good today!
Film your butterfly attempts so we can take a look at them!
Great! I’ll post something tomorrow
I had a lot of time over the weekend to consider how I was feeling after my Friday attempt at 18.4, and I decided to do it again today. I’m really glad I did. Since I had a great split time for my old score (:26, 22 reps), I decided to take the DLs casually and to treat the HSPUs as practice. This approached worked. 🙂 First, I made a few adjustments, using a gymnastic mat instead of plates and abmat, so I could clearly see the boundaries of where I could put my hands and still make a good… Read more »
Wonderful to hear Miki!!
Great job, Miki!
Thanks, Silke!!
Great job!
Thank you!!
18.4 well let’s just say this whole experience has put plenty of fire in my belly. 21 deadlifts. That’s it. I got my head about 2 inches off the floor but man I have some work to do before next year!!!!! I’m not proud of it but gotta start somewhere I guess.
Absolutely Rachel – great goal to have and we definitely practice a lot of strict hspu and work to build strength for that skill!
Cool, I’m genuinely excited thanks Nichole!
Rachel – this is exactly where I was last year! And today I got 18! You will definitely improve if you follow the program!
Thanks Silke that’s really good to know, awesome!
Well, I’m super behind on my posting.
18.3 341 – this is the only workout that I finished feeling that I didn’t do my best as I had several misses. On the other hand maybe it is an accurate indicator of where I am with ring muscle ups. Definitely a post Open priority.
18.4 119. I don’t know which I liked better, 18.2 or 18.4!
Everyone is giving a great effort and learning tons about themselves. Keep after it for one more week!
DMA – done
A1. – done with just the bar
A2. 130 (2 sets) – 140 (2) – 150 (2)
A3. 180 (for all sets)
B. 180 (5) – 205 (3) – 230(1) – 205 (3)
C. 1:45 – 1:35 – 1:32 (All sets were unbroken)
Blazing fast Barry!
Redid 18.4 and got 15 more feet of HS walking. But still a fumbling mess when walking under fatigue. Need to use this standard when they come up in training workouts.
114 and 7:09
117 and 6:58 (better tiebreak time as well)
Might try some of C. later.
Thats a major improvement Stephanie!
Thanks Nichole!
18.4 scaled this morning. 7:40. Happy with this. My goal this year was just do the workouts realizing I have to scale. The Open not being my main goal this year. Also knowing next year I will be able to do RX.
I will complete the cleans and squats this afternoon.
Good job everyone who is smashing the open!
18.4. 121. HSW when fatigued needs some work ??
A. Tall cleans. 50kg 60kg 65kg
Mid thigh + Low hang. 85kg 90kg 97.5kg
Pulls. 115kg
B. 5 x 112.5kg. 3 x 128kg. 1 x 144kg. 5 x 136kg
C. 1.09. 1.10. 1.11. All unbroken.
Quad burn ???
Really fast Stephen, awesome job!!
Thanks Nichole.
Those are some awesome times on C man
Thanks Pete.
Redid 18.4 went from a frustrating 47 to a I feel better 66 still got no repped or messed up 12 times total. I’d say 5 or actual no reps other were failed attempts like I came down and never went back up or what ever. Much happier smarter approach. Was still tough
Happy to hear that Doug!
Redid 18.4 then did
3,3,5,5,7,10 of
Thrusters ctb and box jumps. Wrist was sore so I eased into it
Nichole, is this your prediction for 18.5 . 🙂 . you’ve been spot on with a similar workout each week prior to the announcement!
I foresee if Thrusters come up it’ll be DB Thrusters.
I think I’m doing DB thrusters tonight because I feel like he is going to do that too.
Great job brother with the Open
You too I hope I can hang on for one more week . And then getting ready for aolq… Good luck the rest of the way . How the shoulder holding up?
Agree on dB thrusters. Can’t wait haha
She knows what she’s doing!
Yes she does 🙂
I am trying to incorporate movements that I think we will see come Thursday night – I’d love to have some thrusters and pull-ups announced for 18.5!