Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat) x 2 reps
Build over the course of the five sets.
Six sets of:
2 Snatch Pulls + 2 Hang Snatches + 2 Snatches
(drop the barbell between the two pulls and two snatches, and between the two hang snatches if you need to – it’s more important that you work on perfect positioning and mechanics)
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Build to a load that is heavy, but allows you to maintain mechanics.
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Push Press x 8 reps
Aim for three heavy work sets.
Goal is to be 3-5% heavier than February 25, 2019.
Complete rounds of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Thrusters (55/35 lb DBs)
Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Immediately followed by. . .
200 Double Unders
If possible, note your time through the couplet, then total time after the 200 double-unders.
Three sets of:
Pause Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12 reps @ 32X1
Rest as needed
Pronated Wide-Grip Strict Pull-Ups x 10-12 Reps
Rest as needed
A. Up to 135. Felt okay.
B. Up to 135, this was fun.
C. Up to 170. 3% more than Feb 25.
D. Skip. Rode the fat tire bike around town today. I think I logged 5 or six miles through snow, slush, and rain.
E. Did the bench with 50lb DB’s. Skipped pull ups due to shoulder issues. Doc said if I keep pushing it on the hanging work, I’ll likely need surgery.
A. 85, 90 95, 100, 105
B. All sets at 85#
C. All sets at 85#
Didn’t have time for D
A: up to 135
B: 135-155-175-185-195-215
C: 155×2-185×2-205
D: 8:06 for couplet (50# db), du done at 10:24 (started at 8:30, unbroken)
19.3 redo – (42 HSPU) / 4:30 split >> got 6 more HSPU & improved my split
A. Worked up to 125
B. 75/85/95/100/105/115
My shoulders were smoked so I called it a day here ??
A. Up to 95
B. Up to 90
C. 75/85/95/105/115. +5PR from last week.
D. RX 9:23. Oddly, I like DB thrusters. Couldn’t get my legs to move fast, though, on the BBJO.
Then, 3:51 for the DU (this included about 45 sec of rest after the first part)
E. Done
Long day short on time tonight did:
D. 12:26 / 16:48
Thrusters ub
Du were 100 / 60 / 40
Fun workout thanks Tino!
A. 30/ 40/ 50/ 60/ 70kgs
B. 30/ 35/ 40/ 45/ 50/ 55 kgs
C. 50/ 60/ 65/ 70/ 75 kgs
D. Accidentally I went with two 20kgs Dumbells, I didnt recognize that it should have been with 25kgs 🙁
And with 200 DU’s: 14:18
E. DB bench press 1×12 @20kgs/ 2×12 @25kgs
Pull-ups: 12/ 12/ 12
Empty snatch warmup
Press in snatch Empty barbell
Ohs 5reps normal 5reps with 3s pause bottom and top / 5reps 1 and 1/4 Ohs
A. 40/50/60/70/80kgs felt solid
B. Snatch complex : 40/50/60/65/67,5/70kgs
2s pause in snatch focus on being fast and stable
C. Push press 8reps : 60/70/80kgs
Oups just 3 sets … last time 50/60/70
D. 11’02 Rx ugly couplet
2’53 200 DU
E. DB 26kgs 3*12 32×1
Wide grip pull-ups 3*12
A. 45/50/55/60/70 kg
B. 30/40/45/50/52,5/52,5 kg
C. 40/50/60/70/72,5kg
D.15:47 with Du 22 kg DB