Primary Strength Session
Build to today’s 3-RM…
Low-Bar Back Squat @ 32X1
Please perform these barefoot, with a wide stance. Sit back and focus on keeping your shins as perpindicular to the floor as possible. Hold position for 2 full seconds just below parallel, then drive to full extension. If you have access to a Safety Bar, perform these with a safety bar.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Snatch Press from Receiving x 4 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Drop Snatch x 1 rep
Build to today’s heavy Snatch from High Blocks – the barbell should be at mid-thigh in the starting position.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Perform these from the floor, with the same weight you built to from the high blocks. Focus on achieving the same contact point and positioning created by starting from the high blocks. For most of you, this will mean being more patient than normal.
Primary Conditioning Session
“Granite Games Qualifier Event 1”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs)
10 Alternating Front Rack Reverse Lunges in place (135/95 lbs)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
If qualifying for the Granite Games is a priority for you, please make sure you’re hitting this qualifier workout fresh. Give it your best effort the first time around so that you aren’t in a position where you’ll have to consider repeating it.
If you haven’t signed up for Granite Games yet, please make sure to do so before Monday. Click here to Register, then you’ll pick your age group, and your community – please pick “Invictus Athlete” as your community if you aren’t otherwise obligated. We would love to have a strong showing of Invictus Athletes!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets) for max calories:
30 seconds of Assault Bike
Note results for all ten sets and look for inconsistencies and critical drop off.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Four rounds performed at 75-80% effort of:
Run 800 Meters
2/1 Legless Rope Climbs from Seated (15′)
12 GHD Sit-Ups
1 Legless Rope Climb from Seated (15′)
A. Up to 195. Heaviest I’ve built in this movement.
B. Used 35-105 for technique
C. Up to 125# with no misses, missed 130#. This was weird but I really liked it!!!
D. Used 125#, missed first two so went down to 115# and then back to 125# for prescribed reps
Granite Games: 3 rounds plus cleans and lunges.
Did GG 1: 5+10 but my video stopped. Not sure if I’ll re-do on Monday or not. I doubt my legs will be fresh enough to do it at that pace again or not.
A: up to 330, also, ew.
B: 45/55/66/95/115/135
C: hit 245! 98%
D: missed the first three, didn’t know how to approach it, just started at 245 from the ground, wasn’t sure if we were supposed to build back up or just go from the last weight, got a little squirrelly after and tried for 255, missed, but will have soon
I’d recommend hitting a couple of lighter reps to prime your first pull. It’s tough going straight from high hang to floor and it throws your first pull off.
29:48 rxd
Primary Strength
A. 3rm tempo low bar @140kg
B. Sn press from receive 40kg
Drop snatch 60kg
C. Sn from blocks upto 100kg
D. Done at 100kg
Assault Bike Conditioning
1. 28
2. 20
3. 22
4. 21
5. 16
6. 17
7. 17
8. 20
9. 17
10. 18
Haven’t done much AB for a while, that was nasty!
C. Snatch from high blocks 235lbs. (These felt fast & smooth) D. Snatch missed two reps, and the reps I got were still hit forward. I always hit the bar forward on regular snatches, what I’m I doing wrong?⚠️ GG : 6 + 2 (242 reps) I love workouts like this, your basic crossfit workout just a barbell & a pull-up bar. Tried to keep a two minute per round pace, did hang squat cleans in two sets every round (9/1) lunges UB. For pull ups I did two sets of 10 each round, need to work on my CTB… Read more »
Primary Strength:
A. Built to 165#
First time doing these, wasn’t sure on the form. Felt I could have gone heavier, but didn’t feel comfortable without a spot. The video of Maddy on Instagram will help for next time!
B. SOTS with 35# barbell. These are feeling better and better.
Drop snatch: 55/70/75
C. Built to 110#
D. 110# patience was definitely key
GG Event 1:
3 rounds + 20 reps = 140 reps
(3 seconds left to get to c2b, didn’t make it)
Hang squat cleans: 8+2/5+5/5+3+2/5+3+2
C2b: 8+7+5/8+6+6/8+5+3+4
A. 90kg First time doing low bar, squat was no worries just felt awkward holding bar in that position.
B. 20kg starting to feel better motor control over scaps in this.
40kg Drop Snatch, light for tech
C. 60kg, no blocks so did mid thigh pause snatch
D. 60kg
2 Rounds + 35 reps Rx (115 reps)
Stuck to 7/3, 4/6 for barbell work. Butterfly ctb fell apart.
Primary Strength Session A.3-RM Low-Bar Back Squat @ 32X1 180✅ B. 4 Snatch Press from Receiving 35/45/55# 1 Drop Snatch 75/95/105/105# C. Snatch from the blocks (mid tight) 135#✅ D. 4×1 Snatch @135# Set 1:❌ Set 2:❌ Set 3:❌ Set 4:✅ Ok i normally NEVER fail with this weight, but the transition from mid tight from block to floor felt strange. Were we allowed to warm up to this weight? Or was it supposed to be from high block direcly into snatch? Assault Bike Conditioning Option Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets) for max calories: 30 seconds of… Read more »
I would have hit a few lighter weights from the floor before you hit the same weight you hit from high blocks, just to get used to that first pull again.
Yes i should defenately have done that. Dont know why i though i have to go directly into in? Lesson learned.
Session two
Bulletproof work
Assault bike: 211 cals
Today’s schedule and recovery didn’t go as planned, but I told myself that good athletes find a way to push through it
AB outside tonight:
14, 16, 15, 13, 13, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13 – 134 total. PR for this interval set.
Time for Compex, dinner and an epsom salt bath. Though not all at one time.
Kept it all light today. Watched the knee.
A. 255
B. 45
B2. 75
C. 165.
D. 165.
GG – 4+7. Definitely can get 5+, but the knee was getting annoyed. Happy with today.
A. Push Press used 140 as 1RM instead of 150
5 @ 85# 60%
3 @ 100# 70%
1 @ 110# 80#
5 @ 100# 70%
3 @ 110# 80%
1 @ 125# 90%
5 @ 105# 75%
3 @ 120# 85%
1 @ 135# 95%
B. Two sets
100 ft prowler push, 220#
100ft yoke walk
C. 3×20 reverse hypers
GG qualifier: 202 reps – I think this is a pretty decent score… I tore the last round 🙁
Not lost it! Great work!
Gg first.
4 rounds 31 reps
Might run we again on Monday and shoot to get into my 6th round. I think I can. Broke mentally and dropped bar last set of lunges.
The did strength this afternoon
Light on squats
Snatching up to 205 then did last few singles there to. Could go heavier but didn’t want to push it with the tight hammies.
You guys think my score is good or should I redo?
I’d like to see you over 5 rounds 🙂
Okay… I rest up and give it a go on Monday. Thanx man. I still only have 3 abs. 😉
one session today:
a: box squat emom at 245×5 reps for 10 minutes
B. hang power snatch up to 260 for a 10lb PR
Couldnt do the GG qualifier due to ankle but did the comp blog workout:
21-15-9 assault bike + C2B
2:37. UB
then did 3×30 second L-sit rest 2 minutes between sets
3×20 second L-sit rest 1:30 between sets
3×10 second L-sit rest 1:00 between sets
Revernse snow angles 3×15 with 2.5’s
#bikebuddies #bikeeveryday #whatissquat #suchaerobic
Do you guys compare injuries too…:)
Strength: A: 225 – just shut it down there. For someone who loves to squat these did not go well… either they hurt my low back, I’m doing them wrong or both. Used a safety squat bar which I thought was really awkward/uncomfortable. B: Snatch Press: 55, 65, 75 Drop Snatch: 85, 95, 105 C: Snatch from High Hang: Up to 165 and then stopped. Really tried to simulate the high block set up. Every time I set up with plates it’s a minor safety disaster so I just take it from the hang! D: Done at 165. Snatch work… Read more »
Soooooo are we making a return to GG?
TBD! ?
Primary strength:
A. 3RM tempo low bar back squat 85# I had a hard time figuring these out
B. Snatch press from rec 35/45/55#
Drop snatch 65/75/80#
C. Snatch from blocks 95#
D. Snatches 95#
Morning session: GG – 4 rounds and 1 hand squat clean, not sure if I want to do this again lol I’m slowly getting better at hang squat cleans (squat cleans in general) in workouts Primary strength session: A) only went to 205, this was my first time doing this, I couldn’t really feel the right spot for the bar on my back for this, I’ll get it better next time B) 45/45/55 for the presses and 65/95/115 for the drop snatches these felt great so I’ll increase the weight next time C) worked to 165 which I was pretty… Read more »
Today was awful for everything and I had a bad attitude about it.
Squats up to 230 somewhat the correct way.
Squats up to 260 the not correct way.
Hang snatches from mid thigh.
Stopped at 180.
Did the EMOM at 185. Kept going til I failed twice.
Went for 12 minutes.
That’s it for today.
Turn that frown upside down Camp.
Jared Enderton worked with me on some oly mechanics yesterday. Noticed the improvement.
A. 385
B1) 55,65,75
2) 125,135,145
C. no blocks 215
D. 215 done.
GG qual. 4+14. 174 total. Was way to hot out the gate. Transition times destroyed me. Will redo Monday for self gratification I can do better.
Awesome! Are you a member at his gym?
No. Had an appointment with him to critique a few things.
A. 335
B. 95/125/125
B2. 125
C. 230 – no blocks. 3 sec pause at mid Hang.
D. 225 – missed 3rd rep, tap n go x 2 on last set
GG – 200 – hit redline at 9:00. Awful pacer. RD 1, 1:24, rested till 1:45, RD 2, 1:36 rested til 4:00 3rd round done at 6:00 and just held on for dear life. Not fun.
Solid work Brady!