Three sets of:
60 Double-Unders
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
(working on smooth, efficient rhythm and mechanics)
100-Foot Handstand Walk
Rest 3 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Tempo Back Squat @ 32X1
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 82.5%
Followed by…
One set of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 82.5%
(no tempo prescription)
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
20 Push-Press (115/75lb.)
20 Toes-to-Bar
When the running clock reaches 15:00…
Five rounds for time of:
5 Devils Press (50/35 lb DBs)
10 Box Jump Overs (24″/20”)
20 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Three sets:
60 Second Wall-Sit (Front Rack Kettlbells – 24/16 kg)
100-Foot Bearhug D-Ball or Sandbag Carry (150/100 lbs)*
Rest 90 seconds
*If you do not have access to a sandbag please perform a front racked double kettlebell carry (HEAVY). Keep those elbows down covering your armpits!
A. 4:44, 5:10, 5:14 all du and c2b ub
B. Off of 265
C. 13:00
D. 15:57 man that was horrible
E. Done
A. Done du felt good
B. 295/320/340/365/375/375
C. 9:55
D. 15:57 done with a 15kg slam ball. That was a beat down.
E. Done mo or less
Wallballs with a slam ball ? solid finish to the week!
So, my plans didn’t work out this wk- got hit at work yesterday and bruised a rib, so I rested and “tried”to take it easy today. On the positive, one of my clients at the gym compared me to John wick today and I think that’s the greatest compliment I’ve ever gotten ??
A) done, but I totally missed the rest part.
B) 165/175/190/200/205 then 205 felt good
C) 11:53 Rx then
D) 9:42 Rx. Finished @24:42
e) done.
Thanks Tino!! hope you’ve had a great weekend!
Oh no!! What were you doing to bruise your rib that bad?!? I hope you feel up soon and can get back to a regular training schedule.
Got hit hard by a large out of control 5th grader, so hard it knocked the wind out of me. Hopefully will be better sooner than later!
Thanks Tino!
Sue them!
A. Done with reg pullups and 30sec hs hold
B. 225 240 255 275 285 285
C. 14:11
D. 14:25
Great workout thanks Tino!
Solid finish to the week Tim!
A) done
B) 275,295,315,335,355; 355×3
C) 9:40 all unbroken
D) 17:40ish
I was tired, everything hurt, was just happy to finish
I’m sorry…
Nothing to apologize for. I pushed hard and was happy with how the first part went and wanted to just hang on for the second. I did miserable but survived and next time something comes up I’ll be that much better and more prepared.
A: done with 30 shoulder taps instead of hs walk.
B: hip thrusters. M
C: 12:17
D: 15:03
E: done.
? ? ?
A. Done
B. Power cleans: up to 155
C. Rowed instead of run: 12:31
D. RX 15:29
This was totally mental. My legs have been so sore and fatigued since Wed, so this was tough to grind through. All WB UB, which was my goal and I’m happy with. Box jump overs were super slow-that’s where I could’ve pushed more, and shortened my transitions.
E. Done
Phew, tough week. Thanks for the challenging programming!
Tough first week of the new cycle! Enjoy your rest day, you’ve earned it!
A. Did as a warm up
B. As prescribed tempo 195/215/225/245/255, 3@255
C. 14:25 RX (did 400m on the assault runner) all PP unbroken. T2B were better and in bigger sets.
D. Died. Did 3RFT: 9:28RX.
E. Skipped
Body was feeling pretty beat down today. It has been a long/stressful week outside of the gym, so I just didn’t have it today. Looking forward to getting some good sleep and lots of food.
Oooo this would have been challenging in the Assault runner! Nice work!
Please be smart with training during stressful periods as you may be doing more damage than good. Use your gym time as an opportunity to decompress and have fun. You don’t want to beat yourself up more mentally and also add physical stress too. Hope things are better next week.
Thanks Tino! That’s the plan. Going to spend tomorrow resting, meal prepping and planning for the next week of training. Hope you enjoy the weekend!
E. Did this as a warm-up with 20# DB holds and 80# sandbag bear hug carries
B. As prescribed at tempo 125/135/145/155/160 then 160X3
C. 11:27 with 55# push press and 10 T2B
D. Hit a wall immediately on the first round so opted to do 3 RFT = 9:40
4 solid sessions this week and feeling good again at 14 weeks!
Yeah!! Great to hear Meghan! Keep up the good work!!
A-done 10power jerk 40kg 15 hang power clean 30 hs March
D-15:14 ball 15kg ????
Looks like you thoroughly enjoyed part D 🙂
Pure love ?
A. Done with 75ft walks. Slowly upping the distance!
B. Modified to 275 for all sets (65%) doing 3 reps at tempo.
C. Did 50lb DB push press – Finished around 12:00
D. 14:15 – 20lb WB
E. Apartment gym later
A. 2:42/3:05/2:57
B. 275/295/315/335/355 lb
C. 12:38
D. 20:38 (?)
E. Done (?)
Better with handstand but still hard for shoulder
Done based on 180kg
35/25 for wall sit
A. Modified to 50’ per round … still working on HSWs but super pleased to even now be able to do these at 50’ ! 2:46/2:25/2:43 B. 160/170/185/195/205, 205×3 C. 11:30 D. 18:19 ? just tried to not stop moving E. Holding one 36# KB for 30 sec and KB front rack with 36# KBs… only had so much let to give here Tino- feels like we are really ramping up the volume this cycle ?. I will try and stay on top of sleep and nutrition but for someone who doesn’t have a bath tub or stim stuff- do… Read more »
Ooops – accidentally counted the rest in my score haha time for D was 14: 49 haha
Can’t beat good sleep and nutrition. That’s the biggest game changer!
Solid finish to the week Brooke!
A) completed with 10 crb
B) 345 x3
C) 12:49
D) 14:56!
A. Used as warm up
14:53 total time
B. 265/285/305/325/335
C. RX 10:01
Rest to 15:00 did 3 devils press and was interrupted…
Started again at 19:00
D. 11:23 RX
I wake up very early
A: I did running intervals tempo run
With 90″ rest between each interval
B: Legs session
3*5 reps back squat@120*2/130kg (1+3 reps with pause 3″)
3*10 reps RDL 100kg
3*12 reps hip thrust 60kg
C: 3Rounds Ft
60du/15c2b/100fthsw. 9:27
Rest 5′
Every 5*3
400m row/20Ppr @50/20t2b every R at 3:20-3:30
D: core work
Solid finish to the week! I hope you get some better sleep tonight!
Unfortunately I feel cold… so I’ll skip today’s session… I felt yesterday that something is not right because everything felt so heavy and I wasn’t able to finish first part of workout even when I scaled it… And today I woke up with sore throat … So I’ll take a rest and I hope I will be able to train on Monday, then I leave to Spain for a holiday, just for a week.
Sorry to hear your unwell and I hope you get healthy in tome for your holiday!! Rest up, stay hydrated and eat well!
Thanks Tino! I’m sad because today’s session looks awesome !
Get well soon