Primary Strength Session
Mobility and Activation
Foam Roll IT Band
Foam Roll Adductors
Lacross Ball Glutes
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Bent Knee Iron Cross x 10 reps
Rollover into V-Split x 10 reps
Rocking Frog Stretch x 30 – 60 seconds
Fire Hydrant Circles x 10 reps each direction each leg
Mountain Climbers x 10 each leg (hold each position for 3-5 seconds)
Cossack Squat x 10 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Sotts Press x 3 reps
(clean grip, pressing from the front-rack position in receiving)
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
(Power Clean + Jerk) x 2 reps
Build over the sets to establish a 2-RM power clean & jerk.
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Power Jerk x 3 reps
*Sets 1-2 = @ 75% of 1-RM
*Sets 3-4 = @ 80% of 1-RM
*Sets 5-6 = @ 85% of 1-RM
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Ground to Overhead (245/165 lbs)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
4 Ground to Overhead (245/165 lbs)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
2 Ground to Overhead (245/165 lbs)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Four sets of:
EZ-Bar Bicep Curl x 6-8 reps
EZ-Bar Tricep Extension x 6-8 reps
Three sets of:
Med Ball Side Toss to Right x 10 reps
Pallof Press Right Side x 10 reps (band tension to left)
Rest 60 seconds
Med Ball Side Toss to Left x 10 reps
Pallof Press x 10 reps (band tension to right)
Rest 60 seconds
*Working side is the side you are throwing the ball towards.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Option
Ten sets of:
300 Meter Row
25-Foot Handstand Walk
3 Muscle Ups
Rest 30 Seconds
Rowing Endurance Option
Eight sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
Rest 60 seconds
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across all sets. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and note how your heart rate follows your perceived rate of exertion over the course of your workout.
A Barx1, 65×3
B 85/105/125/145/165/175/185/195/205/215×1
C- 160/170/180
Conditioning: 6:07rx My weakness paired with my strength 🙂 I Just wish it was 30 G2OH and not 30 C2B
Accessory: Done
A/G: Done, not timed. Subbed Run for Row, all unbroken
Rowing- 1:53.2/1:55.0/1:54.5/1:53.6/1:53.9/1:53.0/1:56.5/1:54
heartrate climbed gradually, started at about 115, then the middle three about 124, last two 132
Warmup done
B. Up to 245#
C. Skipped
Primary conditioning-done, all squat cleans + split jerks
A. Done with 85# on bar
B. 20# wb/pallof press done
A. 35/35/55/55 – wore flats today
B. 105/125/135/145/155/165(F)/165/170/175/180
C. 150×2/160×2/170×2 all touch n go
8:10 – today was the first time I’ve ever used grips a little new to me!
A. 35/35/55/65
B. 105/125/145/145/160/160/170/170/175/180
C. 135/145/155
D. Conditioning.
Flew across the country all day. Completed this at what would have been 11 pm. I won’t lie I mentally gave up. Started with 165 and dropped to 145. 6:54 mental game was weak today.
Primary Strength Session
A. 95#
B. Up to 265#
C. 215# / 225# / 235#
Primary Conditioning Session
6:42. Scaled the weight to 205#
Strength Accessory Option
A. 65# for both
Primary strength
A. Sotts press @25
B. Power clean + jerk x2’s built to 115
C. Power jerks @100/100/110/110/115/115
Strength accessory:
A. Did regular barbell bicep curls and tricep ext
B. Medball tosses and pallof presses done
A B C. Wrist still hurts so I did some techniques instead. Worked on some clean high pulls focusing on balance and jerks with a PVC pipe working on my foot movement. Primary conditioning Did the chest to bar sets resting 60 seconds between them just to keep the stimulus and the work volume. Strength accessory A. 45/55/65/75 lb for both movements. B. 20 lb med ball and green band. Rowing conditioning Time (HR avg/max) 1:46.6 (forgot the polar) 145.4 (152/165) 149.9 (163/165) 151.0 (161/167) 152.6 (157/166) 149.5 (162/171) 149.6 (165/173) 151.7 (152/174) * I definitely came too hot out… Read more »
Great observations Eric. That’s exactly what we want to use these sessions for…if you can learn more about your pacing and how you feel at different points through the session you’ll be able to use that in unknown events to huge benefit!
Thanks CJ!
Primary strength
Mobility done
A. 55-65-75-85
B. 85-85-105-115-125-135-145-150-155-160
Pretty stoked, my 1rm for power clean and jerk is 165
C. 125-125-135-135-140-140
Strength Accessory
A. Curls @55#
Tris @45#
B. Done
Focused on getting work done as close to unbroken as possible.
Most MU unbroken. Had to break up HSW quiet a bit
Awesome work Amanda! I am pumped to see your power clean and jerk numbers are bumping up!
A. 35/45/55/65
B. Pwr clean n jerks
C. Pwr jerk triples155/155/165/165/175/175
D. Metcon 5:45 c2b UB
clean n jerks 1 @ a time
Nice work Ashleigh! You going to have a go at Granite Games? You should get some of the CFM kids together for a team!
Or possibly a team with Jill Crespi and I!
Awww…maybe for another comp! Where are you located?
Would love to, but Bike Ms is that weekend. We ride a 100 miles. ☹️ Jenna, Steph and I were thinking about it though.
And…I’m moving into an Asst. Principal role next year! Beginning of the year might not be wise to take off days. ??
Session two
Press with bar
Muscle snatch 75
Press + ohs 95
High hang 135
Hang 165
Lift off + snatch 185
Deadlift 185
Front squat 135/165/185/205/225/225
Lunges + ghr
Primary conditioning: 8:43-8:27-8:39
Squats slow and heavy
Runs slow and not that heavy
Muscle ups unbroken on long straps
C)subbed to do some strict press work. The bar took a good chunk of skin off this weekend with s2oh at a comp.
primary conditioning
20-15-10 c2b, unbroken on 15 and 10
6-4-2 at 205
Accessory strength done
Dropped into the downtown location and did the 3:00 comp class with Hunter – 10×20 cal sprints on the bike was a rude awakening after no metcons for 3 weeks
Oh damn dude! I was there and didn’t have a chance to say hello. You coming back tomorrow?
Not sure about tomorrow, my girlfriend basically told me I have until 10:00 at the gym and the comp class isn’t til 10:30, but I’ll definitely be in on Saturday morning
Come in at 9:00 if you’re feeling like sneaking something in (and if your girlfriend is cool with it). Our teams will be training then.
A. 45/55/60/65
B. 135/185/205/225/235/245/255/265 made first missed second/265 put shirt on and made both cleans but missed last jerk/265 for 1 not tng all others tng.
C. 205×2/220×2/235×2
D. 8:53. 245 was heavy and after 5 reps I resorted to split jerks. C2b went 30 13/7 10.
Solid learning on the t-shirt for cleans. 🙂
*One day behind this week
Snatch Press from Rec’v: 95/115/135
Muscle Snatch: 135/145/155
Snatch PP+OHS: 155/185/205
HH Snatch: 135/165/185
Hang Snatch: 205/215/225
2 Snatch LO+Snatch: 225/235/245
Halting Deadlift: 245/255
Tempo front Squat: 185/205/225/275/285/295
D. Done with 53lb KBs
Primary Conditioning ?
Just want to say I’ve never ran a slower 400m as i did on the last one. Felt like i didn’t have legs
6:11/6:22/7:14 – MUs and Squats unbroken. MUs were the rest.
Assault Bike Conditioning
67/64/63/63=257 total cals
RPMS: 70-73/73-76/75-80
Ha. Sounds like you and Jake both had some heavy legs.
Still a little banged up from the Comp this weekend (re-opened Murph rip on BMU ??♂️) but getting in what I can while trying to get back to 100% S1 Yesterday’s SAO A) 30” / 185 B) Benches @ 185 / Sled at 135 + Sled C) Bear Crawl 135 + Sled / 150 Sandbag D) Can’t take the sleds outside and with a 50ft turn around I just subbed 200m sprint on the new air runners. 2:13 Today’s SAO B) Complete S2 Yesterday’s Assault Bike Conditioning 213 Cals (55/54/51/53) (RPM Goals 65/70/75) Class WOD 50 Cal AB 50 DL… Read more »
Get healthy so you can get back to hitting it hard on Friday or Monday.
AM : runs from yesterday on the assault runner, yay finally got one at the gym! I need to test a mile on this bad boy but for today I kinda went by feel. My target for the 200m was around 12-12.2 km/hr and for the 400 was around 12.8-13 km/hr. The gym was a freaking sauna! It’s already humid as hades here and the guy that cleans the floors decided to do it during that time soooo everything was closed and no fan! Sooo gross! Just had to share haha Hamstrings lit up from yesterday! I even felt it… Read more »
I actually don’t want touch and go reps on those. When we’re solely weightlifting, our goal is to develop power and technique. We will note when we want to practice touch and go skills, and of course, it can be assumed in any section that is “for time.”
A. 45-55-75
B. 225lb; weights felt heavy this morning. Didn’t sleep well.
C. 190-205-215lbs
Strength Accessory complete
Rest up.
Aerobic work
22:23 total time
Power Clean + Jerk x 2
Failed 315
Power Jerk x 3
1-2 @ 250
3-4 @ 265
5-6 @ 285
Solid work buddy!
Mobility and activation done
A. 20-35-45-55kg
B. Up to 120kg
C. 95-100-105kg
Nice job Petr!
was short on time so didnt have time for accessory
sotts presses 95 115 135
power clean and jerk – up to 235 still getting back my strength after 2 weeks no training
power jerks 215 230 245
primary conditioning
scaled the cleans to 205 as wanted to power clean and not squat (is this good scaling ? )
If you only worked up to 235, 205 (or even less) would have been a good scale for the day! Good job Mohamed.
thanks Cj