Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes mashing the pecs.
Partner T-Spine Stretch on Pull-Up Bar
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
and then …
Barbell Warm-Up
Clean-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Clean Pulls x 3 reps
Power Clean x 3 reps
Front Squat x 3 reps
Press x 3 reps
Full Clean & Jerk x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Press in Split x 2 reps
Immediately followed by. . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete (3 sets):
Tall Cleans x 2 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Clean with a 3 second pause at knee + Jerk
*Set 1 – 2 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 2 – 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 4-5 – 1 rep @ 90% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
(Perform a regular Clean & Jerk, but, you’re going to pause at the middle of your knee for 3 seconds on the pull in the clean)
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Row 500 Meters
Burpees over the Erg x 15 reps
Compare your times to April 23rd, 2018.
For completion:
Weighted Banded March x 3 minutes (hold a medicine ball)
A) 95/105/155# for both
B) 175/190/205/215/225/215#
C) April/Today
2:57/ 2:54 (-:03)
2:55/ 2:54 (-:01)
3:01/ 2:52 (-:09)
3:05/ 2:50 (-:15)
D) Done
Really good work Chris!
Thanks Nichole! Super stoked with the improvement!
B. 135, 155, 165, 175, 185 miss Jerk
C. 2:51, 2:58, 3:02, 3:10
A. 65/75/75; 75/85
B. 103/113/118/123/133–failed first jerk/123
C. 3:32/ rower shut off so no exact time/3:35/3:31– row and burpees seemed slow mo today!
A. Press in split and tall cleans 95-135 B. 175, 190, 205, 215, 220, 205. Jerks felt fantastic. C. 2:29, 2:28, 2:27, 2:26 (June) vs. 2:29, 2:29, 2:29, 2:31 (April). I refused to look at April’s numbers in advance and ended up using almost the same strategy. Whoops. The difference this time is I had more gas at the end and actually got better. Main difference was row times (1:50 – 1:46). Burpees same every round. Stroke rates: Rd1: 19, Rd2: 24, Rd3: 28, Rd4: 28 tapering to 19. Went out hot in round 4 but struggled to hold it.… Read more »
Just started at the new gym and want to get to know some people there, so jumped in with the class WOD: A – strength – back squat – 4×10 @ 125# (~ 62.%) – 3 mins rest between sets B – metcon Row 50 cal Run 800m 40 KBS @ 24kg (American) Run 800m 50 burpees 20:20 Rx Rested a while after that Then did the barbell warm-up from our program and A1 – Press in Split – 55/65/70# A2 – Tall Cleans – 65/70/75# B – Clean w/ 3 sec pause at knee + jerk Set 1 –… Read more »
hope you had a fun day!
A. 75 pounds
A2. 95 pounds
B. 170, 195 , 210 , 220, 220, 205 pounds
C. 2:56
Wow – crazy consistent on C! Well done!
Thanks silke. I surprised me too.
Great work Richi!
A. Did these as controlled press drills and OH positioning work. Been working on getting my scap to move correctly. It moves as smooth as traffic in LA. The tall cleans were also utilized as technique drills, only working to 50kg, focusing on the pull under.
B. Up to 85kg (185ish) Then went to some Jerk Recoveries to work more on positioning. Not happy with how my OH is right now.
C. No times to compare with but all rounds right under 3:00 today
D. The burn is real…
Just got back from 3 days in Palm Beach.
Didn’t have much time.
B. Done up to 85%. Felt super heavy getting out of the bottom of the squat.
C. 3:04, 3:06, 3:08, 3:04.
Hope you had fun in Palm Beach!
Have been bad about posting.
DMA Done
A. 95,115,115
B. 145, 165, 175, 185,175 – stoked on hitting all %’s. Cleans have been a mental challenge for me since hurting my wrist a while back.
C. 2:42, 2:37, 2:38, 2:41 – did log April, so don’t know how this compares.
Thanks for posting!!!!!
A. Done.
B. Up to 185
C. 2:36/2:35/2:34/2:34, 4/23 was a Qualifier workout day
A. 4 sets: 1 min rest10 cal bike20 banded glute bridge:30 kb fr squat hold B. 1 rep max back squat. 20 mins to find C. 80% of B- Amrap to failure D. Amrap 12:250m row10 burpees over erg Loved today!! It just felt so good to move. 🙂 A. done. great warm up. 🙂 Used 26# kbs for fr squat holdbut next time will try 35s. B. Today I tapped out at 205. Failed 215. Had wanted225. 220 is my old pr. But it wasn’t happening today. Everything felt good though! So no issues, just didn’thit my goal. Next… Read more »
Mobility completed
D)Completed with a 20# wallball
Well done Dean!
Thank you Nichole! Wait until I post my results from today. Today was not such a good day. I am not sure why but I struggled mightily today.
A. 115/135/155 Tall cln- 135/155/175
B. 160/185/195/205/215/220/195
C. No times for April but 2:58/2:57/2:59/2:55
D. Done with band and 20lb med ball. Ouch
DMA – Complete
A1. 135lbs (Press in splitx2 – 3 sets)
A2. 135/145/155 (Tall Clean x 2- 3 sets)
B. 180×1/205×1/215×1/230×1/230×1/215×2 (C&J w/3sec pause @ knee)
C. Every 5min for 20mins(500m Row & BurpeeOverErg x15)
A/B: A=4/23 times; B=Todays times
1. 2:19 / 2:20
2. 2:26 / 2:19
3. 2:30 / 2:30
4. 2:43 / 2:35
D. Complete (Weighted Banded Marching x 3mins)
Great improvement!
DMA done
A1 + A2: 45-50-55kg
B. % of 90kg
C. Avg 2:40-2:50 per set (no jump over erg)
D. Green band only
Awesome WOD. Specially Clean with pause.
A.1) 3 x 88 lb
A.2) 3 x 88 lb
B. 154 – 176 – 187 – 198 – 187 lb I focused on controlling tension, shrug and feet work. I felt difficulty to perform Split Jerk. It seems that I do not connect my front foot on the floor.
C. 2:52 – 2:57 – 2:58 – 3:11
D. Done
Have a great week everybody.
Taking a recovery day today. Did Saturday’s programming yesterday and need the rest!
A.1 – 75/85/95 lbs
A.2 – 105/115/125
B- 145/165/175/185/175lbs
C- 2’47”/2’36”/2’44”/2’41”
D- Done
DMA: done
A. press in split: 55#, 65#, 75#
tall cleans: 65#, 75#, 85#
B. 95#, 106#, 115#, 120#, 115#
C. April/today
1) 4:12/ 3:47
2) 4:15/ 3:57
3) 4:04/ 3:58
4) 4:15/ 4:14
D. done
Major improvements, well done Tabitha!
thanks! 🙂
A. Done
B. Done at %s. Felt solid
C. Done 3:25-3:30. Consistency 3-5 seconds faster with my last round being fastest. Row felt smooth. Burpees better, but not super speedy
D. Done. Ouch, but I truly enjoy the pain haha!