Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets, not for time, of:
Rack Assisted Squats x 8-10 reps
Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Hip Circles x 10-12 reps per side
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes complete:
Minute 1 – Weighted Pull Ups x 3-4 reps
Minute 2 – Handstand Walk x 15-20 meters
Minute 3 – Double Unders x 40 reps
*Use assistance for the handstand walks if needed
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 rep @ 80%
*Set 4 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 6 reps @ 80%
*Set 6 – 2 rep @ 85%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 15 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots
Minute 2 – 12 Toes to Bar
Minute 3 – 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
40-54: 20 lbs to a 10′ target/14 lbs to a 9′ target
55+: 20 lbs to 9″ target/10 lbs to 9″ target; Box step ups are allowed
There are still spaces available to the last Invictus Athletes’ Camp before the 2015 CrossFit Games! Camp will be held June 12-14 in San Diego, CA. Please click here for more information and to register.
B. Used 125kg
C. After rd 3, needed to scale down to 10 WBs, 10 T2B and 10 BBJ
mob done
A. 20#x3, working on hsw/ 40 du ub
B. 195, 205, 220, 205, 220, 235#
C. 15ub/subbed hollow holds 30sec/6bbjo
Mob done
A. 10LB x 4/20-30ft hsw/40du ub
B. 175/185/200/185/200-3-3 f last one/ 215 1.1
C. 10/8/8 last 3 rounds 6 bbjo
A. Pull-up@20#–4/4/4/3/3; HS hold 20 sec; 40 du (last 3 rds ub)
B. 145/155/165/155/165/175
C. Done w/rep scheme of 15 (ub)/8/6 so I could sustain for 30 min.
Mobility complete
A. 25#, handstand walks sucked today, 40 ub
B. 215,230,245,230,245,260,
C. Only had time for 15 minutes worth and I got my moneys worth in 15 Rx. Couldn’t have made another min Rx I would have to scale something probably the Burpee box jumps.
A) PU @ 10kg / HS Holds / DU
Have had shoulder issues and working on HS progressions each day now.
B) 77/82.5/88/82.5/88/93
C) Done but with Burpees Only – Toe injury prevented BBJ – congrats to those who did it..
Andrew / 40 / Australia
Take care of that shoulder!
A. Weighted PUs; 45lb bumper plate. Assisted Handstand Walk and Shoulder tap/Wall Runs. DUs were fine in the first few rounds, but have trouble stringing more than a few together once I break a sweat.
B. FS: 185 – 195 – 210 – 195 – 210 – 220
C. Did all reps as prescribed in each minute in the first 15 minutes, but took a couple 1 minute breaks in some later rounds, so I didn’t miss a rep but extended Metcon by a few minutes.
A) All Rds: 4 Pull-ups Supine grip with 10# (can go heavier next time); HS Walk to wall 3x’s 3-4 steps each (baby steps); 40 DU’s
B) 105,115,120,115,120,127
C)All Rds: 14# WB 15 unbroken, 12 T2B, 10 BBJO (Rd.5-10 stepped) OUCH!!! Very tough both mentally and physically.
C. 10 UB WBs for 9 rounds, 0 in 6th round/12 TTB first round, then 8 T2B , 0 in 6th round/8 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 0 in 6th round. Lots to work on, but glad I set aside time for this one to work on toughing it out.
Mobility finished.
A. Finished with the following modifications: unweighted pull ups X3, HS walk attempts for 30 seconds and 40 DU’s. I train without a partner so nobody is able to hold my legs for HS walks; I am getting closer but still struggle holding the posture.
B. 175/190/200/190/200/215
C. Finished with the following modifications due to shoulder still funky. V-ups and box jump overs. Was able to go all rounds UB with recommended reps; I am sure not doing the burpees helped!
Well some part of workout from last night strained my left tricep.
A-Switched weighted pull-ups to 10 push-ups. HS Holds. DU all unbroken.
C-Skipped give tricep a rest.
Oh no Joe! How is it feeling today?
No pain right now we will see tomorrow when I hang from the bar. Thanks for checkin in.
M&A done A. plus 44lbs x 3reps each rd on pull-ups, HS Hold (tried to walk but only made a fool out of myself) and did OK (finally) on the DUs. B. 165/175/190/175/190/200 C. WBS – 15 each of first 6 rds then dropped to 10 for the remainder, T2B – 10 each of first couple of rounds but couldn’t hold it from 3rd on, dropped to 8 for a couple rds and then 6, BBJO – stuck with 6 reps each rd of burpee box step overs. Worked on the mental aspects a bit (so I could finish) –… Read more »
A – Done with 5 strict pull-ups, 15 meter unbroken hs walk, 40 DUs
B – 125#, 135, 145, 135, 145, 155
C – Rx except only did 8 BBJOs per round – SO painful!!
Great work Leticia!
Thanks Nichole!
Did these out of order to make sure I had time to do the long one (had to coach tonight). All that work after the wall balls was tough! Mobility done A) done – 3 strict (ish) pull ups, HS walk attempt for :30 (about 20-30 feet), DU’s three sets unbroken. B) 65,75,80,75,80,85 C) wbs Rx, sub :20 hollow hang for ttb, 5 burpees box jump overs per round. (8 on the last) I don’t know if it is the intention or if anyone else feels the struggle, but these Emom’s especially the long ones are really a mental test… Read more »
Def a mental test.
A. Min 1- 4 reps w12#
Min 2 – assisted 15′ + 2 sets 20 wall walks
Min 3 – 40 reps
B. 110/120/130/120/130/135 (First time squatting in months – knees were tight)
C. 16# WB – 8 rounds only – gassed from 13 hr drive and went from sea level to 6000 feet – thought I was going to puck – wow, welcome home!
M and A done
A. Did 10 minutes of devoted HSW practice then 10 min of DU and pullups
B. 205, 220, 235, 220, 235, 250
C. Brutal for me. I’m terrible at wallballs so I focused on those. Hit all rounds RX but had one at 13. TTB RX first few rounds then dropped to 8. BBJO 6ish each round.
D. I did part D from yesterday
Mob and Act done
A. 3 pu w/20#, HS holds (no one to help), DU all but one ub
B. 135, 140, 150, 140, 150, 160 – sneaky little rep changes in there.
C. First half: 15 WB UB, 12 TTB, 7-8 BBJO. Second half: 15 WB UB but slower, 10 TTB, between 6-8 BBJO (IF I can call it that, last few rounds I kind of stubbled over the top and fell off to do my burpee). I wanted to stop half way. Was happy to finish but one of the hardest I’ve done.
A. Made this 20 min and worked weighted ring pull-ups on min 1&3, hsw on 2 and du on 4. Worked 30 sec on hsw, max I got was 7 feet! Love these EMOMs!!
B. 165/180/190/180/190/200
C. One of the worst I’ve every done…eyes were rolling back in my head on my short rests!!! Rx for 2 rounds then had to adjust to survive…all wb were UB but ttb went to 8 and 8 box overs, no jumping for me. Gassed……
Great job Karen
One of the worst for me too. I cried a little, said swear words in all kinds of combinations and then just kept moving. Nice work!
I’m telling you if I had eaten prior to I think I would have lost it
That is funny!
I feel your pain!
A. with 10kg 4 reps, static hs hold for 35sek, DUs – all ub
B. 85kg, 90kg, 95kg, 90kg, 95kg, 102,5kg
C. Did 21min this one. Very good workout:) Scaled wb’s to 12 ub from Rx 15 ub.
M & A Done
A. 35# x 3 reps, HS walk for 8-10 meters, DU’s felt good today.
B. 145, 160, 170, 160, 170, 180
C. Could only get 1 Rd as EMOM, then went to Completing 5 RFT in 21:55 (Felt off today).