June 29, 2022 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
30/20 Calories of Machine of Choice
20 Air Squats
10 Ring Rows

Every minute, on the minute for 4 minutes:
3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Hang Cleans

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@ 40%

Rest 60 seconds

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Hang Power Clean + 2 Hang Cleans @ 60-70%

Followed by…

Five sets of:
Hang Clean + *Low Hang Clean @ 70-85%
Rest as needed

*Low hang clean you will go just below your knees.

Five sets of:
15/12 Calorie Ski or Row
5 Squat Cleans (205/135lbs)
Rest 60 seconds between sets

After the fifth set, rest 2 minutes, then…

Three sets of:
15 Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
150 Foot Shuttle Run (30′ Increments)
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Three sets of:
Max Sandbag Hug Hold
Rest 90 seconds

Hold the sandbag while keeping your butt and back touching a wall. Your heels should be within a few inches of the wall.

Three sets of:
Banded Monster Walk (Lateral) x 50 Feet each direction.
Rest 30 seconds
Wall Sit x 60-120 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Plank Hold x 60-120 seconds
Rest as needed

Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is some power output sprintervals. The first five sets should be an all out sprint. We want you to hammer on the ski erg/rower and then see how well you can hold on to the barbell. The squat cleans should be a weight that you can hit all 5 unbroken, but is still somewhat challenging. The rest should be just long enough to recover and hit it hard again. If you move fast enough you can make this a 1:1 work:rest segment. The second portion will take a little bit longer, but we want you still working on cycling the barbell. It’s not often that we end workouts with a shuttle run, so here’s your chance to really push those sprints. The gas pedal should be all go on this segment as well. If you have to break the 15 power cleans, take a quick rest and then get back at it!

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James Wozniak
James Wozniak
June 30, 2022 5:16 pm

Warm up ✅
A1. 125×4
A2. 185/185/195/205
A3. 215/225/235/245/255
B1. Rx w/row all UB cleans 1:15/1:18/1:17/1:16/1:20
B2. Rx UB 1:32/1:35/1:31
C. Done
D. Done

Pedro Mendoza
Pedro Mendoza
June 29, 2022 6:52 pm

Warmup ✅
A) Mechanics focus with BB only in basement setup ✅
B) ✅ 🔥 Used 45# DB set for the squat cleans + row 1:38 – 1:47 – 1:27 – 1:27 – 1:25 … part 2 = 5:40 total time, used 25# DB set
C) no sandbag access ☹️
D) ✅ Felt good!

This was a fun day!

~(Pedro’s wifey)

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedro Mendoza
Alex González
Alex González
June 29, 2022 5:26 pm

Warm up: done
A1: 115 lbs
A2: 165 lbs
A3: 185/195/205/215
225 lbs failed
B: 2:05/2:01/1:58/1:59/1:55 With ski
B2: 3:45/3:50/3:43
C. Done
D. Done

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
June 29, 2022 1:15 pm

Warmup done
A. 55/55/60/60Kg
B. Rx w/row – 1:20/1:18/1:23/1:23/1:22; all fast singles.
Rx – 1:35/1:36/1:38
C. Done w/ 70Kg SB
D. Done

Last edited 2 years ago by Wilson Hopkins
Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
June 29, 2022 11:58 am

Good push today!
Warm up done
A2. 85
A3. 105/105/110/110/110.
B. 15:52, 105lb bar
B2. 13:52, 85lb bar

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
June 29, 2022 8:03 am

A. Had to skip this today – maybe later or tomorrow can squeeze it in
B1. RX with ski 1:08/1:15/1:07/1:12/1:08
B2. RX 1:45/1:46/1:36
This was rough
C. Done
D. Done

Last edited 2 years ago by Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
June 29, 2022 7:46 am

A. Had to skip this today
B1. RX with ski 1:08/1:15/1:07/1:12/1:08
B2. 1:45/1:46/1:36
This was rough
C. Done
D. Done

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