AM Session
Three sets of:
T-Spine Pulse on Bench x 45 seconds
Band-Assisted Hamstring Floss x 30 seconds per side
Foam Roll Lats x 30 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Cross Over Symmetry Victory x 10 reps
Single-Leg Hip Bridges x 10 reps per side (make sure you don’t drop your pelvis to one side)
Take 3 minutes to draw out your foot work
Jump & Lands x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Drop to Split x 2 reps
Six sets of:
Pause Jerk x 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of your dip and in your receving position. Please use blocks.
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 5 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1-2 reps @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Two sets of:
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Right Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Left Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Left Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Right Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
PM Session
Six rounds for time of:
15 Calorie Row
15 Burpees Over the Erg
10 Toes-to-Bar
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
55+: 6-8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
One set of:
10 Tuck to V-Up Complexes
followed by…
One set of:
100 Hollow Body Bounces
followed by…
Three sets of:
L-Sit Flutter Kicks on Kettlebells x 15-30 seconds
Rest as needed
Today is usually my rest day but wanted to get some of the work done.
Did Deadlifts at 60kg, 78kg, 90kg, 102kg and 2 at 108kg.
Did one arm suitcase carry at 32kg KB and core work.
Will try and make up the rest of the training over the weekend
Session 1 – AM A1. jump and land – done A2. drop to split – done @ 85# A3. pause jerks – 125/155/175/195/195/205 <–little wobbly on the last set B. Metcon – 22:34 – burpees got so slow, everything else was pretty even. Victory of the day was doing all 10 HSPU unbroken in each round! And without getting close to failure…. Session 2 – PM A. Deadlifts – 185/210/235/275/290×2 – the last set felt really good, I wasn't super positive about these after how crappy the 10's felt 🙂 B. Suitcase carry – 70# KB….I need heavier KBs Single… Read more »
That is a MAJOR victory Beth!! You should be so pumped about the sHSPU!!! And pumped that your deadlifts are feeling good! This seems like a great training day 🙂
A. Pause jerks @125/145/175/175/175/175. Really tried to work on technique here.
B. 175/210/235/270/290×2. My deadlift weights are so sad….but at least this felt good!
C. Suitcase carry done with 88#KB. This was too light
Ditto on the abs!!!
Yes! My abs are still not working correctly! Maybe GHDs last Friday?? I know mine were sore after that….
Yep, it was the GHDs! I’m certain! LOL
Yeah, that was a lot of GHD sit-ups! I have them in for tomorrows training but based on your feedback, I am going to remove them!
If you can Teresa, film your lifts and post them here or in the FB group – would love to see your deadlift technique!
Swam 4×25 2×50 then 300m in 6:07
Then to box
A. Nursing a sore mid back so stayed light 185
B. No back pain w deads 10×245, 10×290, 5×335, 3×375/1×400
Then did the met con 17:17
You mean you crushed the metcon!
Yay for no back pain! Al – awesome work on the conditioning!!!!! You smoked that!
one session
A: 225 rack
B: 464 harder than it should have been for last single
PM A: 27:29. not good. didn’t kip one shspu and time tanked. ugh
Nice work getting in 60 sHSPU today!!!!! MAJOR deal!
Swim session at pool:
6x25m, 3x50m, 1x300m (6:13)
Mobility done
1A. 125-145-155-165-175-185#
1B. 205-245-280-325-340#x2 reps
2A. 20:27 (sweaty, hot mess in Kona…the burpees got very hard, and had to break up the hspu today)
2B. Done
Yay for pegboard!!
A. Drop to split 135
185, 195, 205, 205, 205, 205
B. 245, 285, 315, 365, nope..
C. 106# kb, 4×45# on sled
Hey Matt! How are you feeling today after the jerks and deadlifts?
Feel fine, just no strength in the movements
Drop to split up to 85lbs
Pause jerks 125/135/145/155/160/165
10×155, 10×185, 5×215, 3×235, 2×255
Conditioning: 18:31. Burpees got rough in the last three Rds.
Taking the sled and heavy KBs to park tonight to do the strongman portion and abs.
Blazing fast on the conditioning Karen! Nice work!!
How have the deadlifts been feeling?
Are the sled drags reverse with one arm?