Workout of the Day
Every 6 minutes, for 36 minutes (6 sets), for times:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
20-Meter Sled Push (heavy – should take 20-30 seconds)
Optional Additional Training Session
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Five sets of:
400 Meter Sprint
Rest the exact time it took you to run your 400 Meters
Still traveling so had to sub at a globo:
20 calorie row
15 push ups
7 strict pull ups
10x each leg lunges with 22.5kg dumbbells
A. subbed 30 cal row for airdyne, sled push 180+ sled
Cycled 5 miles singletrack.
Had a feeling that I need to run longer
Did my granite games qualifier event instead. I would like to make this one up though. 135/304/135 on GG2. 40-44
Did my Granite Games word #2
Big weight and reps, nice job Beau!
6 sets between 3:30-3:50. Sub 6 strict pull up and think I went little more than 20 m. W95.
Only had 30min to do any type of work and I had no assault bike so I did 400m run, 15 pushups, 10 pull ups. 6 rounds every 5min.
2:00, 2:10,2:26, 3:06, 3:32, 3:40 sled push was 190
I was visiting a gym that had an assault bike. This was the first time that I have been able to do your programming when it is included. It hurt!! Thanks much
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Made it to CrossFit Koo’lau for an open gym. Tried to do some of the lifting I missed this week and had fun with it (no lifting shoes or belt): A. Behind the neck snatch grip push press x 4 reps: 105, 110, 115, 120, 125# B. Clean and jerk: 125#, 125, 135, 145, 145# (felt heavy!) C. Snatch complex (hang, ground); 105, 110, 115, 120, 125# D. Back squat from Friday: 135#, 155, 175, 190, 175×4 We’ve also done 3 fun hikes this week (6.5 mile Kealia hike and a couple shorter ones) plus two 2-3 miles slow beach… Read more »
A. Used rower and 200# sled: 2:45-2:40-2:42-2:37-2:41-2:30
A) I had to adapt…I didn’t have a bike neither a sled….so I did 6 rounds with 20cal Row and 10x 24kg KB Swings (around 4min each round)
B) I will do the 400m sprints this Sunday
6 rounds
20c Rower, 10 SPU, 20 PU, 100 banded marches
Started high 3’s and ended high 4’s each round.
A) 15 Cal on Assault Bike/15 push up/10 pull up/20m sled push with 320# on sled 3:04-3:10-3:15-3:18-3:18-3:20
B) 5x400m work=rest 1:37-1:30-1:29-1:31-1:31 @ track
*Happy with my effort today.
Did friday’s too.
A. Done
B. SPP – up to 150
C. 195/215/245/280/245 for 4
D. 7:48
A. today’s x4 rounds – 325 on the sled 4:12/5:05/5:12/5:34
We do not have an Assault bike but an old school Schwinn bike; so I rode that for 2 minutes with the idea of keeping the RPM’s high and then did the rest as prescribed with exception of sled push. Modified that to 60m pushes and focused on long steady strides. I tweaked my calf yesterday with the DU’s during Granite Games qualifier. It’s a re-occurring issue; almost like a cramp that won’t let up. I am trying to decide if it was a result of the running on Wednesday. Any thoughts besides stretching, foam roller, Compex unit, lots of… Read more »
Granite Games WOD 195/ 306 reps/ 195
Performance Partner WOD 29:05
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My back was really cranky yesterday and still a little this morning so I only did 4 rounds after my mobility. Did it at home so used rower instead of bike and no sled. Rounds 1&4 strict banded pull ups. Rounds 2&3 jumping pull ups. 4:15, 3:39, 3:35, 4:16
If your back is bothering you then I would suggest staying away from the erg for a bit since that is a ton of hip flexion – stick to the air dyne or get in the pool for a swim!
No assault bike but did a test run of a qualifier workout for Karjalan Kovin ( Competition in North East Finland). With a 25 Min running clock 0:00-5:00 25 Bar Facing Burpees ME Pull Ups with remainder of time 5:00-10:00 Set a 1 RM Snatch 10:00 – 13:00 Rest 13:00-25:00 12 min AMRAP of Hang Power Clean Front Squats HSPU (2012 regional standards) Ascending Ladder 2,4,6,8,10… 1) 70 Pull Ups 2) 80 kg – First time ever (since 2009 that my knee collapsed forward in the squat. Not sure if it’s the new Romeleos 2 or what!) 3) 145 reps… Read more »
Karjalan kovin qualifiers, I’m impressed
Sami if I qualify I will compete. I competed in the individual category last year. If you are there I will definitely see you.
Absolutely! I’m not going to do qualifiers this year… Or maybe as ‘shadow’ version to comparing own level to you guys).
Next year I’m able to compete in masters division at Karjalan Kovin because turning officially 40 end of the year. Hopefully we are competing at same competition then
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