Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then . . .
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 5-6 pulses
and then . . .
One set of:
Psoas Pulse x 30 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progressions x 3 reps
Banded Pass Thru’s in a Squat x 10 reps
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (focus on your landing for the power snatches)
Rest 2 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Snatch Lift-Off x 1.1 + Snatch
(Start at 75% of 1-RM and build over the course of the 6 sets)
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Pull x 1.1.1 @ 95% of 1-RM
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Shoulder Press x 5 reps @ 2111
(sit on a bench without back support, and overhead press as much as you can for 5 reps)
Rest 2-3 minutes
*Same as last week, try to increase the load used
Complete as many rounds and repas as possible in 3 minutes of:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
5 Deadlifts
1 Legless Rope Climb
30 Double-Unders
Rest 2 minutes then repeat for a total of four sets. Pick up where you left off.
35-49: 255/205 lbs
50-54: 225/185 lbs
55+: 205/155 lbs; 5/3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups; 1 Rope Climb with feet; Step Ups okay
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Warm Up
10 Minute Jog
At the top of each minute sprint for 10 seconds
Followed by…
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Hands Behind Back Drills
Pony + Pony with Forward Movement
Followed by…
50 Meter Sprints @ 60%, 70% and 80%
Rest as needed in between
Main Set
Two sets of:
1600 Meter Run @ 80-85% of your pace from your Time Trial last week.
400 Meter jog/recover
Cool Down
400 meter jog
10 Minutes of static stretching (Focus on Hips, Quads, Glutes and IT Band)
A. 135,145,155
B. 130,140,150,160,165,165
C. 100. Up from 95
D. No rope. Subbed strict pull ups. 6 rds.
A. 145/155/165
B1. 166/170/175/185/190/195
B2. 195×5
C. 115/115/120/125/130 15# more than last week.
D. Subbed rope climbs with 10 ring rows because I didn’t have access to a rope today.
– 8 rds
A. 65/75/85# B. 80/80/85/85/85/90–had trouble catching these today, so didn’t move up a lot, then 100 for last part C. 70/70/70/75(3)/75(3) D. This section a bit of a mess! Started each round again back at beginning–just not good at following directions. Elbow has been sore since last weeks rope climbs, so subbed 10 ring rows instead. Thought 5 sHSPU would be a good amount, but then round 1 were easier than I thought so upped the amount to 7, but in round 3/4/5 had to kip last 2-3. Round. 1: 1 plus 2, then 1 round for next 3, then… Read more »
A. 55, 65, 75
B. 75-95 staying light to work on form
C. 85-95
D. Did our general class Wod
Dead lift set one x 3 75-80% 1RM
Set two x 2 80-85%
Set three x 1 85-90%
Set four x 3 80-85%
Set five x 2 85-90%
Set six x 1 90-95%
Peaked out at 335 for today
EMOM for 10 min
Deadlift 225 x 3
6 burpees over barbell
All dead lifts touch and go, burpees unbroken about 35 seconds rest each round
A1. 115/125/135
B1. 125/130/135/140/145/150
B2. 155 over 5 sets
C. 125/130/130/130/130
D. 4 rounds + 5 hspu
Deadlifts @225
Rope pull ups 4 each side (8)
A. 155 / 175 / 195
B.1 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225
B.2 225 x 5 Sets
C. 95 / 105 / 115 / 135 / 145 (10# increase)
D. 4 Rounds + 1 SHSPU =
A. 145#
B. 145, 165,175,185,195, 200# (missed)
C. 200#
D. 6rds +5 reps. Scaled shspu with toes on box.
A. 125-145
B. 115-135
C. 115, glad to see presses in this cycle
D. (35-49) 7+14
A. L-sit 0:45/0:36/0:35
Bar Muscle-ups 8/6/8
B1. 8 sets of back squats at 265#
B2. 8 reps at 185#
C. Jackie: 6:02. Paced this a bit too much. Thrusters felt better than they have before on this workout. I dropped off the pull-up bar when I should have just pushed through. Sub 6 is definitely within reach.
Nice to hear that the thrusters felt good!
First workout with the Masters group in two months. Just completed the 8 week strength training cycle with Hunter – so we’ll see how the workout goes.
Mobility – done
A. 65 – 75 – 95
B1. 95 – 100 – 105 – 110 – 115 – 120F – 120
B2. all sets at 125 lb.
C. Did these with dumbbells rather than a barbell – L. arm 25#/R. arm 30#
D. 8 rounds minus 30
Strong work on D! Hope you enjoyed the strength program!
Thanks Nicole. Enjoyed the change and felt good with the gains I made, particularly with my back squat. I improved my 1-RM by 23lb.
That is AWESOME Barry!!!
DMA, then today I had: A. Front squat: 4 reps, 125#, @33×1, 5 sets B. 4 sets tng c&j, :90 between C. 4 sets tng power snatch, :90 between D. 16.12.8 Back squat 135 Row cals It’s really hot today, and I didn’t sleep well last night. As a result, I felt sluggish until D. LOL. 🙂 A. Done. B. worked up to 105. These felt heavy tng for 5 today. C. worked up to 85. These also felt heavy tng for 5 today. D. Time: 6:43. This actually made me feel better! Overall I was a bit conservative, not… Read more »
8am session 4X20 goblet squat (toes off box) @3.2.X.1 on 1 min rest (16/16/24 for 18 reps/20kg) 4X10/side DB bird dog @3.1.X.2 on 1 min rest (20/25/25/30lbs) 10am session A. 35/40/42kg B.1 43/45/48/50/52/54kg (missed the snatch twice before getting it, just missing a little focus and confidence) B.2 All at 57kg C. 73/68/68/70/70lbs D. 5 + 5 reps – Did kipping HSPU to practice for comp coming up, will do some negatives this week to work on HSPU strength. Legless were about to 11′, we only have 12-13′ to work with and I always stop right below the thick knot… Read more »
A. 95,95,95
B1. 115,115,125,125,125, 125 – no misses, compared to last weeks train wreck this was a win
B2. used 145#
C. 105,105, 95,95,95
D. 5 rounds +10 reps
Good work today Chris!
Mobility done
A. 140/155/165
B1. 150/155/165/170/175/180
B2. 190
C. 120/125/130/135/140 (3 unassisted, 2 assisted)
D. 4+4 RX. I have a lot of weaknesses, but SHSPU is at the top of the list. Always humbled when I do these – am working hard to improve them and they are coming along, but it is a slow process. Everything else was unbroken and felt great – but hit the wall in the middle of the 3rd round of SHSPU and went to grinding out singles.
Will run later.
Have you tried adding some shspu work into your training routine so you hit them 2-3 times a week?
Been doing them 2x per week – when we do them and once with Travis’ gymnastics program. Maybe I should add a third day.
You could but if you are seeing progress with that then stick to it.
Mobility done
A1) 75, 85, 90lbs
A2) 90lbs, 95, 100, 105, 110 (f), 115 (post marathon PR and only 5lbs under my lifetime Pr! Video on FB page)
A3) 115lbs
B) 55, 65, 70, 75, 80×4
C) 1 round each set. Strict HSPU with 10lbs and 1 abmat under head, deadlift RX, 3 towel l-sit(ish) pull-ups and dubs UB.
That was hard! Strict hspu and heavy deads are my goats.
That is AWESOME Dawn!!! Great job today!! How was your marathon?!
It was the NYC marathon and an incredible experience!
crossfit and lifting took a back seat for about 4 1/2 months while I was training for it. That was in the fall. It’s taken a lot of patience (and some frustration) to regain my strength on these lifts but it was worth it. I ran for an amazing charity.
Mobility: done
A: 85lb, 100lb, 115lb
B1: 100lbx2, 110×2, 115, 125
B2: 140lb
C: 100, 110, 120 (5lb more than last week)
D: 3 sets: 1 round each 3min — scaled to 5xHSPU, 255lb dl, legless l-sit rope off floor (ft), 30 DU unbroken.
Good improvement Tom.
Is there a sub for the rope climb? My elbow still flaring up especially on rope climbs.
If your elbow is flaring up then I would say omit the rope climb and do 5 strict pull-ups instead. Do strict pull ups bother it?
I don’t have a rope in my garage gym where I’m working out today, I was thinking either 5 strict pull-ups or 3 L-sit towel pulls ups for the leg less rope climbs.
Which would you suggest?
I would suggest 3 L-Sit Towel Pull-Ups so you get to work on your grip!
Mobility completed
C)100#/105/110/115/120 up 5# from last week
D)6+2 My kryptonite: sHSPU and heavier DL. Was able to stay rx throughout the conditioning. As a smaller person the legless rope climb and the du were the easiest part for me.
A. 95,115 and 135. All felt much better today got down faster than last week. Will post videos.
B. 95, 115,115, 125, 135 and 135
C. 95,115,125,130 and 135
D. First round was RX 1+10reps. started 2nd rd as RX ans switched to kipping hspu.
1. 1 +10
2. 1 + 15
3. 1 + 15
4. 1 + 15 all legless rope climbs!
Good job on the legless climbs!