June 24, 2023 – Masters Program

Activation & Warm-Up
Posterior Chain Mobility Drill x 10 reps per side

into …

Kettelbell Deadlift Warm-Up
Deadbug x 30 seconds
Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps @ 4011 tempo
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 10 reps

and finish with …

30 seconds single leg banded hamstring curls per side

Eight sets of:
Deadlift x 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
5 Close-Grip Push-Ups
Rest 90 seconds

Make sure you pull the slack out of the bar and keep safe and proper mechanics. Perform the concentric as fast as possible

Followed by…

Two sets of:
Deadstop Deadlifts with 1″ deficit x 8 reps (no %, go by feel)
Rest as needed

Three sets of:
Barbell Goodmornings x 12-15 reps
Rest as needed

Two sets of:
Glute Ham Raise x Max Reps (to failure)
Rest as needed

Use assistance if needed on the GHR:
Banded Glute Ham Raises

For total time…
Five sets of:
400 Meter Run
8 Deadlifts
Rest 2 minutes between sets

35-49: 295/185lbs
50-54: 275/155 lbs
55-59: 255/135 lbs
60+: 235/115 lbs

After the final 2 minute rest, complete the following…

Three rounds (no rest) of:
500 Meter Row
25 Wall Ball Shots

35-54: 20/14 lbs to 10/9′ target
55+: 20/10 lbs to 9′ target

Three sets of:
Banded Leg Extensions x 15 reps
Rest as needed

General Training Notes
Back to our regularly programmed training week! All the posterior chain work today with heavier deadlifts from last week paired with close grip push-ups (more tricep work). Then you’ll do the same progressions from June 10th so try to bump up your weight and get a few more reps then previously. You’ll then tackle a longer conditioning piece today. You’ll start with a hamstring heavy conditioning with running and deadlifts. You’ll rest 2 minutes between sets but include that rest time in your total time. Then you’ll finish with row and wall ball shots. Your goal today is to keep the wall ball shots unbroken! You can absolutely, 100% do it!

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