June 24, 2021 – Invictus Athlete

Swimming Technique and Active Recovery Session
Swimming workouts designed by Heidi Fearon
4 Minutes of Hip Flexor Mobility of Your Choice
4 Minutes of Anterior Shoulder Mobility of Your Choice
4 Minutes of Quad Mobility of Your Choice
4 Minutes of Lat & Subscap Mobility of Your Choice

Focus on relaxed breathing throughout these mobility drills. If you cannot breathe properly, the stretch is too intense and you need to back off to the place where you can maintain a rhythmic breathing pattern.

Warm-Up Technique Drills
Four sets of:
50 Meter Finger Tip Drag
Rest 20-30 seconds

Followed by…

Four sets of:
50 Meter Catch-Up Drill
Rest 30 seconds

Main Set
Do your 100’s on a pace that will allow you about 10 seconds of rest at about 70% effort- then maintain that pace for your 200’s. You need to maintain this same pace at 400 so you are probably going to feel very relaxed and slow as you start out.

Four sets of:
100 Meter Freestyle on one of the following intervals: 1:25/1:30/1:35/1:40/1:45/1:50/1:55/2:00

Followed by…

Two sets of:
200 Meter Freestyle on one of the following intervals: 2:50/3:00/3:10/3:20/3:30/3:40/3:50/4:00

Followed by…

One set of:
400 Meter Freestyle on one of the following intervals 5:40/6:00/6:20/6:40/7:00/7:20/7:40/8:00
(the goal is to try to maintain the same pace throughout)

Cool Down Technique Drills
One set of:
100 Meter Kick-Only

Followed by…

One set of:
100 Meter Pull-Only

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