Three sets, not for time, of:
L-Sit x 30-45 seconds
Bar Muscle-Up x 5-8 reps
(Options if you don’t have Bar Muscle-Ups:
Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups
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x 5-8 reps
Bar Muscle-Up Stomps x 5-8 reps)
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 45 seconds
Eight sets of:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 75%
Rest 90 seconds
Then. . .
One set of:
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 50%
For time:
Row x 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45/33 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
Optional Session
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Two sets of:
DB Z-Press x 5 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Three sets of:
200-Foot Sled Push
(100-foot out, 100-foot back)
Rest 2-3 minutes
A. 30sec L sit, 5 bar mu
B. 290, 195
C. 9:57. Pretty terrible. Lots of resting during thrusters.
A. Check 5 Bar MU per round. Strung together 4 in one set. Chair drill has definitly been helping
B. @ 250
C. @170
D. 8:39 Slow Row, never set bar down on thrusters but did rest on shoulders. PU wanted to go unbroken but rip in my hand prevented that.
E. Partner Sled Drah alternate every 100m for 800m.
June 17th-
A. 1 rope climbs every 30sec/ 3 Bmu every min/ completed all elbow jacks and straight leg sit ups every 30 sec.
B. 4 sets Death March 16kg KB, went lighter than I think I could have gone, but I have never done this movement before so wanted to have weight I could keep good form on.
Bent-over supinated grip row 40kg – 8 reps – went too light again I think
C. 27:12 row 1500m/20 Pwr Snatches/40GHD/20pwr snatch/ 1500m row – subbed T2B to GHD as hands a little torn and didnt want to tear them further.
A. Did target taps, target taps +air chair swing; then did l sit and jumping bar MU*8 reps; then failed a couple attempts at BMU.
B. 195 over 8; then 130
C. First time done. Did at 9:00. Think I came out too fast in row avg 1:40 then did thruster 25/10/10/5 and Kipping pull up 10/5/5/5/5
Affliate workout today:
20min amrap. Ascending ladder of thrusters (95lb) and pull-ups. 200m run between each round.
11 rds
A) skipped the l-sits since my jammed up hip is finally feeling better and just practiced BMU – still super ugly but getting them on the first shot and can string 2 now – miraculously since when i look at the video I am barely kipping ? B. Was gonna make up yesterday’s squats, decided to do some dead stop front squats but was having weird pain in my lower back so called it a day after a few sets. C. 8:20 – I’ll have to find my last recorded time, I have a feeling it was around the same-ish… Read more »
A)Completed with x5 bmu
C)7:24 Struggle bus. No energy. I think I stayed up to late watching Kong Skull Island.
WU- Done
A. Muscle-ups – 17/10/6
B. Front squat- 240/255/275/255/285/305 5#PR
C. Started warming up for it and decided to call it a day. In an effort to catch up with the programming today was my 6th day in a row and my mental focus and motivation was low so I figured it just wasn’t worth it to grind myself into the ground. Tomorrow is another day!
Get some rest!
A. Gymnasty stuff done
B. 250/175
C. 7:01
Have a great weekend!
A. 40,40,35 and 8,8,8 bmup
B. 335, 225
C. Later
Oh yoke walk 100′ 180,200,220
Zercher walk 220 ,260,300 50′ walk with 24 sec. hold on last set
A:L-sits 2×15-20 sec 3×6 BMU
Last set 6 unbroken. PR
D:Out of time
A. Done (MUs scaled),
B. 122,5/82,5
C. 8:41 slow row, 50 unbroken thrusters and 10,8,7,5 pull-ups (goal was 10,10,10).
47yo male
A) done 40 secs and 8 MU x 3 rnds
B) 8 sets of 2 @ 106kg
C) 5:51 all unbroken
Damn that’s a fast jackie!
Thanks. Cardio and gymnastics are in my wheelhouse but fark I wish I could lift like you.
not with my shoulder the way it is you dont! haha
Awesome job Cam!!
A. skipped MU work, but practiced some Power cleans instead
B. 8×2 at 145kg fast and easy 1×8 @ 100kg
C. Jackie 5:59 3:27 row, UB thrusters and 25+5 pull-ups
D. sled work and DB Z Press done (25kg) – no yoke
Nice Rob!!