Session One
Five sets of:
Double Kettlebell Overhead Squats x 2 reps @ 4311
(stick to the tempo, slow descent, 3 second hold)
Rest as needed
Build to the heaviest set you can safely support with good mechanics.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 3 reps
Keep the barbell close and be quick and aggressive in your turnover.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Loading per set (by %): 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 88, 90, 92, 94
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Build to today’s heavy.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 90% of today’s heavy
Granite Games Qualifier Week 3
Event #4
Complete rounds of 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10 and 5 reps for time of:
Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs)
Toes to Bar
Session Two
Granite Games Qualifier Week 3
Event #3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Deadlifts (245/165 lbs)
12 Handstand Push-Ups
8 Deadlifts (245/165 lbs)
Five sets of:
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 4111 @ 77-80% of 1-RM Squat
Rest 2 minutes
Three rounds of:
Kettlebell Reverse Lunges x 16-20 reps
Rest 15 seconds
60 seconds of 95/65 lb Barbell Good Mornings x Max Reps
Rest 15 seconds
Three sets for times of:
500 Meter Row
15 Burpess Over the Erg
30 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
Rest 3 minutes
Hey! Sorry this is late, totally forgot to input these! SESSION 1 A.) 25/35/45/53/53 These felt ok, but the heavier these got, obviously the mobility in the back started to show more. I like these as a good warm up tho! B.) 95/115/130 Feelin good here, turnover feels quicker. 115/125/135/145/155/165/170/175/175/180 These felt rough today, was catching forward on alot of the reps, saved them. Didn’t miss a rep but I know they could be alot cleaner. Will work on cleaning up the form before going heavy. C.) 135/155/185/205/225/235miss/235/245/255miss/255miss These were horrible today, barbell just felt heavy in general today. Fatigue… Read more »
Session one:
A. 15# kb’so
B. 55/65/75
C. 105/115/125/135/145/155/165/170/175/180 (F jerk)
D. 155/155/155/160
Granite games week 3: 10:37 RX all sets UB
Session two:
A. 180#
B. Lunges with 45# kb’s 20/16/16
GM 20/16/15 at 65#
C. 4:37/4:30/4:39..left shoulder was bothering me a little bit so I did Russian swings
Session 1
Granite games OHS t2b WOD
Snatch- 115/115/135/155/155/175/185/195/205/216
Hips felt really slow after GG wod
Session 2
Granite games WOD #3
211 reps….. Hands ripped bad. Going to get thru 6 rounds + Planning a redo. Lots of wod repair over the weekend!
Tempo Back squats @305lbs…. Rough
Reverse lunges 53lbs/53lbs/72lbs
Good mornings – 17/15/15 reps
Solid work dude! Look after those hands!
Session 1
A. Used 10# db, didn’t have any kettlebells smaller than 18
B. MS 65 for all three sets
S 70/75/80/85/90- after this I couldn’t hit a snatch to save my life.
C. Hit my current 1RM 125# (probably not anymore) it felt so solid!
D. 110#
Session 2
A. 105#
B. Used 26 on the kb and empty bar for good mornings because I really struggle with those
C. Used a 26 on my kbs, not sure if maybe I should’ve gone to up to a 35
One session today in between coaching…
Session 1:
A. Done 35# KBs – good fight for position on these
B. Muscle Snatch- 85#
Snatch- 105—>165#
C. C&J: worked up to 205#
D. E90 sec- done at 185#
Session 2:
A. Tempo squats- done @ 205- couldn’t maintain tempo at 77% (215#) so dropped to 205
B. Lunges x 20 done w/ 35# kb
Good mornings: 20/18/18
C. 3 sets row/ burpee/ KBs
Only had time for 2 sets, wasn’t moving very fast anyways lol.
Lunes and goodmornings
Snatch 260
Clean and Jerk 325
Granite Games #3
5 rounds + 23
Granite Ganes #4
Session 1:
A) 18/18/26/35/35
B) 65/85/85
The past couple weeks, 115 felt super heavy for some reason. Today didn’t feel heavy until 120.
C) 105/115/125/135/145/150/155f/155/160/165f
D) done at 145
Session 2:
A) went lighter than %, but 10# more than last week, done at 165
B) 16 lunges at 53#, 17/11/11 on good mornings
C) 5:57/5:48/5:55
Session 1
A. done with just 8kg KBs – tough for me to get into that position
B. just snatch technique work for me today
C. C&J x 10 – worked from 125 to 180#
D. C&J x 4 at 160#
Session 2
A. Tempo back squats – 5×5 at 190#
B. KB lunges done with 44#, 15 good mornings/round
C. 3:57, 4:03, 4:14 – forearms on fire after those KBS!
Session 2
A. All sets at 250(80%)
B. 53lb KBs on lunges
20,20,21 on good mornings
C. 4:08, 4:41, 5:12 Rows:1:44.9,1:44.3,145.3
KB swings unbroken doing hybrid swing just above head height, heaviest KB I’ve used since injury, very difficult
Times got slower because of the burpees getting slower and a longer rest between burpees and KB swings. Hands were so sweaty, had to wipe off before kb swings
Try having the mentality that you will never fail a burp or KBS, keep moving and limit transitions, these movements at these reps are all mental.
Session 1:
A. Skipped don’t have two of the same KB so did OHS holds
B. MS: 95,105,105
EOMOMx20: 115, 120, 130,140,150,155,160, 165, 170(f), 170(f)
135,155,170,185,195,205,215,225<— heavy for the day
D. 90% 4×1
200(f), 200, 200, 200
Session 2:
A. 270 for 5×5
B. 40×16 reverse lunge
ME good mornings w/95lbs: 18,18,13
C. 500m, 15 Burpee over erg, 30kb swings
Times: 4:22, 4:29, 4:22
*nice that I could actually split the sessions up and rest a good 3 hrs between sessions
Session 1:
A) 35, 35, 44, 44, 53
B) 135, 155, 165
Up to 255 for last set. No misses.
C) up to 325 (missed jerk here on initial attempt. Just a poor attempt).
Session 2:
A) GG qualifier 4: 5:55
(Was going to attempt workout 3 after this but grip was gone and wasn’t feeling it. Will attempt tomorrow or Monday).
Smoking fast on Event 4 dude! Great work!
Session 1
A) KB o squats 26# each hand.
B) muscle snatches at 155# for speed
Snatch based if 245 worked up to 235. Working on catching lower and narrower stance for receiving
C) clean and jerks (working on NOT doing power cleans)
Worked Up to 295
D) sets at 265. Felt light
Session 2
After kiddos get to bed
7:42 on granite games wod #4. I was a pansy and fell off the bar on last rep so Kyle beat me 🙁
Redid snatch EMOM about 20 mins after and hit up to 240 again before missing at 245. Pull felt a lot better this time around
The fact that you were able to repeat the snatch EMOM and hit 240 again probably meant you could have pushed qualifier 4 a little harder 🙂
I think that’s going to be a true statement for any ttb workout haha grip wears out quick
I’m taking way more rest than one second at the top of these Tempo squats… I think I would need to lower the weight significantly to stick to Tempo… So that is the Smart Choice?
Stick to the tempo as much as possible, if its an extra second at the top on later reps thats ok, as long as your not pausing for 5 seconds 🙂
Pausing for 5+ seconds after rep 2
Session 1- A. 20 lb kbs – that’s a tough one! B. Muscle snatch- 95/105/115 B. Hit a 185 power snatch at the end of the snatch work which is a 10 lb PR. Started snatching a month ago. C. Built to 250 which is a 15 lb PR – was about to try 260 feeling great and at the YMCA were I train the Olympic lifts I was told to stop dropping the weight from above my head because people were complaining. Needless to say I canceled my membership right after that session and am signing up for the… Read more »
Awesome day of lifting Tanner!! Awesome work on those Prs!
Session 1:
A. 15# KBs across all sets. My mobility overhead was preventing me from keeping a good lockout at heavier weights.
B. 95/115/120
C. Worked up to 205
D. 185 for all sets
Session 2:
A. 235 for all sets
B. 20 reps with 54# KBs for the lunges for all sets with 15/10/10 for the good mornings
C. 5:03/5:15/5:42
Sesh 1: A. 26# KBs. Focused on pushing hips back first. Once I got about 1/4 into the squat. Happy I can do these, just need more work on flexibility. B. Muscle snatch 85/90#. Then built to 140# snatch cause of times sake. GG workout 4: 8:29. Overall happy with my effort. Forearms started to go. I feel like my OHS are slow. Here is a link to my YouTube video; If anyone can give me feedback on where I could improve that’d be awesome. Going to try to get GG wod 3 this weekend but I’m recertify ing my… Read more »
Move fast on the ohs and shorten rest periods on toes to bar. You can do singles on ttb and take off 60 seconds if your disciplined on getting straight back on the bar
Session 1.
A. 2 x 32 kg kB, then missed second rep on 40 kg,
B. MU snatch: 50/50/50 kg – focus/speed
C. Up to 87 kg – felt terrible,
D. Up to 110 kg – stoped, bad lifting day,
C. Last metcon with KH before she is travelling over to you :o),
For time:
20 MU
30 snatches 70 kg
40 Overhead walking lunges 70 kg
50 C2B
Res: 15.11
Sessions two:
Skipped, smoked after The metcon and little tired. Focusing on rest for tommorrow,
Session 1:
Granite Games Qualifier Event #4
A. 25#
B. Muscle Snatch: 75
Session 2:
Granite Games Qualifier Event #3
Muscle-up Drills
A. Can’t do this :/ my shoulder mobility is not there yet.
B. Up to 240 – 2×1
C. 305 x 1 – PR is 325.
D. GGQ – 8:43