Bicep Curls x 5 reps
Bicep Curls with nuetral grip x 5 reps
Overhead Lateral Raise x 5 reps
Overhead Nuetral Grip Raise x 5 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Minute 1 – Max Strict Pronated Grip Pull-Ups in 30 seconds
Minute 2 – Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 5-6 reps with a 4.5/3″ deficit; Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 4 reps with 3/1.5″ deficit
Minute 3 – DB Reverse Flys with rings x 10 reps
For time:
1200 Meter Run
immediately followed by…
Three rounds of:
100-Foot Handstand Walk (25-foot unbroken segments)
10 Front Squats (185/135 lbs)
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
30 Toes to Bar
immediately followed by…
1200 Meter Run
For time:
1200 Meter Run
immediately followed by…
Three rounds of:
100-Foot Handstand Walk (5-foot unbroken segments)
10 Front Squats (185/135 lbs)
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
30 Toes to Bar
immediately followed by…
1200 Meter Run
For time:
1200 Meter Run
immediately followed by…
Three rounds of:
50-Foot Handstand Walk (5-foot unbroken segments)
10 Front Squats (155/115 lbs)
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
20 Toes to Bar
immediately followed by…
1200 Meter Run
For time:
1200 Meter Run
immediately followed by…
Three rounds of:
25-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs/Step-Overs (24″/20″)
15Toes to Bar
immediately followed by…
1200 Meter Run
Three sets of:
Prone Lying Hamstring Curls x 8 reps @4111
Rest 30 seconds
Reverse Hypers x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Did running and swimming workouts today (Sunday). Felt a bit stupid getting out of the pool to do press ups and squats especially as there were a lot of spectators for a water polo tournament. Oh well I’m sure I gave them something to laugh at
lol good for you Debbie!
A. 10/10/9/9/9 Did 6 HSPU even then tried deficit. Never had done them. Worked to 3″ deficit. PR!
B. 25:35
Made up this weeks bench press. 155# x 2
Congrats Litsa – that is AWESOME!
A. 12, 11, 10, 11, 12 strict pu
5 x 6 kipping 5″ deficit
B. Holte, bbjo done at 20″ and still those were roughest part by far!! Treadmill runs… clock got reset in middle of workout, prob because they saw me taking burpee naps and figured i wasnt on the clock, lol
lol great work Matt!