Workout of the Day
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Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 5-6 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
High Hang Clean
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x 3 reps + Jerk
*Build over the course of the six sets but let form dictate load.
Three Sets of:
Row 500 Meters
20 Pull-Ups
10 Burpees Over the Erg
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets of:
Single Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Ring Support Isometric Hold (Full Elbow Extension) x 20-30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
A) all at 60kg
B) 40/50/60/70/80/80kg
C) 3:09/3:30/3:40
Back from two days off. Made a turnaround trip the San Diego County Fair with the family on Tuesday and massage therapy yesterday.
A. 55/65/70/70/70
B. 55/65/75/85/95/105
A. 65/75/80/85/85/85
B. 65/85/95/105/110/115/120/125
Had massage right before was recommended not to wo but wanted to do something.
A. Built up to 60kg
B. Built up to 80 kg
C. Did at home and had to adjust, every 7min 500m row, 10 burpee over urg, 10 strict pull ups
D. Used 16kg kb, 30 Missisipi count for hold
A. 135×5,155×4,135×5,140×5,140×5
B. 155,165,170,175,185,190
C. 3:21,3:32,4:01 happy to get all 3 sets of pull-ups unbroken
A. 55, 65, 70, 75, 80
B. all at 85
C. 4:08, 4:04, 4:24
D. 25#, 35#, 40#
A. 95,100,105,110,110
B. 125,125,130,130,135,135
C. 4:02,4:12,4:25
D. Done (55#)
Still have shoulder soreness, so went light with weight on overhead movements…. presses and jerks
Mobilty: Pec barbell and ball smash; T-spine stretch, Ys,Ts, Ws.
A. Seated Shoulder Press: 75-95-105-95-100
B. High Hang C&J: 95-105-115-125-135-135
C. 4:25, 4:55, 4:50 (Conservative and slow with pullups – shoulder)
D. Done: L-Sit on rings. 44# KB for Single-arm row
A.95/95/95/90/90 (lbs that is)
C.3:00/3:17/3:27 wowsers
D. 55 lbs
a. all 6 except last…55, 75, 81.6, 86, 90.4 (4)
b. struggled with turnover today; only did 1 hi hang followed by jerk; 85, 96, 105, 116F, 109.4F, 109.4F, 109.4, 109.4, 116
c. 4:49, 5:00, 6:03; pullups weak, ran out of gas on last one…
A. 95/105/110/115/120 – big weakness
B. 125/135/145/155/175/185
C. 3:27/3:32/3:44 – I played around with each set. First one sucked the most.
1. row 1:42 / 5-5-5-5
2. row 1:50 / 10-5-5
3. row 1:57 / 10-10
D. done – 65# db
A. Used dumbbells for my left shoulder is still a bit weaker than my right – 6 reps all sets – 20/25/30 X 3 sets
B. 85/ 95 X 5 sets
C. Skipped for last day mountain biking in Bend, OR – rode 19 miles, 1:50
D. Added 20 pullups to set. Did rows @ 30# x 10 reps
I LOVE Bend, how fun!!!
And great work using DBs if you feel like one side is weaker then the other!
A. 65,85.115.125,3×135,6×125
B. 95,115,125,135,155,165,175
C. 2:55, 3:00, 3:03
D. 40,45,50 Done
A. 95-115-125-115-115
B. 115-125-135-145-145-145
C. 4:36-4:19-4:18
D. Done 24kg KB
A) didn’t know what to expect on this. Did 35, then 55 for the rest – all 6 reps
B) 55,55,65,65,65,65 – practicing jerk form so I kept it light.
C) 6:21, 6:33, 6:03 – did pull ups as 4 rounds of 2 banded strict + 3 Kipping (that’s where form breaks). Last row was the slowest but it was my fastest overall
D) done. Used 20# db
B Yesterday Snatches-Up to 155, felt pretty good as patella holds helped me correct my posture from leaning over to much.
A-Up to 155×5
B-Up to 195×2 and Jerk
Skipped D as I was tired.
A. 65/85/90/95/100 all @6reps
B. 85/95/105/1155/120/125
C. 4:24 4:30 4:09
D. 50# db @ 10 reps. 30 sec hold each time
A. 75 – 125# all at 6 reps
B. 95-185; need to start these heavier but I always use a few rounds to warm up in addition to warm up rounds!!
C. 3:43/ 4:18/4:45 – slower due to pull ups, this was the first workout I have been able to do all butterfly and I had to drop to singles on the latter part of the last two rounds.
D. only able to do ring holds due to time
A. 115×6
B. 145-185
C. 3:40/3:42/3:50. My pull-ups were horrible today.
D. 65lb DB 30sec hold
A. 75(6)/85(6)/95(6)/105(5)/105(5)
B. 95/105/115/125/135/135
C. 3:43/4:23/4:32. Pull-ups went south in Rds 2 and 3.
D. Done. 40#x10; 20/21/22.