Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Band Distracted Hamstring Floss x 60 seconds per side
Foam Roller Hamstring Curls x 10 reps
Hollow Rocks x 30 seconds
and then …
CrossOver Symmetry Rows x 8 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Pull-Downs x 8 reps
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 8 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 8 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Victory x 8 reps
and then …
Row 500 Meters @ an easy to moderate pace
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Strict Weighted Supinated Grip Pull-Ups x 3 reps
Minute 2: Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 5-7 reps*
Minute 3: Ab-Wheel Roll-Outs x 10 reps
Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Ups x 5-7 reps
Fifteen sets of:
*Deadlift x 1 rep @ 70% of 1-RM Deadlift
rest 30 seconds
*This needs to be as explosive as possible during the concentric phase
Squeeze and contract glutes as much as possible for 2 seconds at the lockout before lowering the bar to the ground.
Check out this great drill for improving your deadlifts.
Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes:
Minute 1 – Row x 250/200 meters
Minute 2 – Wall Ball Shots x 15 reps
Minute 3 – Burpees over the Erg x 10 reps
20/14 lbs to 10′ target
20/10 lbs to 9′ target
Please note how long each set took you and the difficulty level of this emom.
Three sets of:
Lying Prone Hamstring Curls x 8 reps @4111
Rest 30 seconds
Reverse Hypers x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Did this workout yesterday. Wb downhill so quickly after hspu. Managed the first 3rds Rx and scaled to amrap. 6 or 7 rds total. Cannot unbroken in 10 inch wb, which means I won’t finish this Wod Rx. Rowing takes 45-50s, burpees takes 45s.
Yes, I’m posting twice. 🙂 I had to do my Friday work today, bc I think the hubby and I might play hooky tomorrow and go to the beach. 🙂 Today I had: A. 5 sets: 2 min rest10/side banded 8″ lat step overs20 banded glute bridge B. 10 min emom: 5/leg back rack lungespick your own weight. C. 3 sets: rest 4 min21 cal bike18 kb fs 26lbs15 bj over12 dbl kb snatch 26lbs9 bbjo6 kb s2oh 26lbs3 burpee pull ups Great day!! Well, I DO wish I had a day torecover before doing this work,but it was fine… Read more »
DMA Done
A. Worked up to 25kg pull ups, 7 HSPU all sets
B. @ 105kg
C. 200m Row, Thrusters, burpees. Was hopping off the rower straight into Thrusters then :30 rest before burpees the :10-:20 rest and back on rower
D. Done
A. Done w/30# wb + 7 UB HSPU-right on the # because last round was difficult to get all 7.
B. 285#
C. Done, last 2 rounds were rough but on schedule.
A) 25# plate and 7 SHPU B) 285# C) :50-1:00 on the row, :40-:50 on WB, :30-:40 on Burpees, started dropping off after the 4th round, took 1 min round of rest between 4/5 and 5/6, 90 secs btwn 6/7 and 2min btwn 7/8. last 3 rounds row took a little over 1min and was pushing the min mark on wb and burpees. Was able to get all the work done within 3 mins for the last two rounds with the extra rest. All WB ub except one round I dropped after 9. Def surprised myself on this one even… Read more »
Well done Chris!
A. Completed as programmed
3@(30# wb), 5 hspu , 10 barbell rollouts.
B. 305#
C. 1-250/15/10, 2-225/15/10, 3-225/15/8, 4-200/15/8, 5-200/15/8, 6-200/15/8, 7-200/15/8, 8-250/15/10. (Last set went :55/:29/:45)
10 and 15 sec breaks wasn’t enough 20 seemed to give me just enough. All wb went ub. I could have maintained the burpees @ 10 but it effected my row considerably. Definaltey lack a high level of conditioning on Sprint type work.
D. Completing tomorrow on active rest.
DMA – done A – done strict pull-ups w/ 10# weight 5 SHSPUs to abmat (7 in last round) barbell roll-outs (don’t have an ab-wheel) B – 157# C – only scaled WBs to 12 in round 1-4 scaled WBs to 10 and burpees to 8 in rounds 5-7 went back to the 12 WBs and the 10 burpees in the last round Row was definitely the hardest. Was able to row just above a 2:00 min pace in rounds 1-4, then the row slowed down and I literally got off the rower straight into the WBs, so started those… Read more »
A. Pull-ups with 53# KB; 7 sHSPU each round. Barbell rollouts.
B. 300#
C. Row 48-50 seconds, Wall Balls 27-30sec, Burpees 27-30sec; First two rows were 250m, rest were around 225m. I basically stopped each row at about :50 to have enough time to get to WB). Hit wall at round 6, last two rounds rough!
D. Done.
B. Done
C. Done
Row 50 seconds
Wall balls 30 seconds
Burpees 30 seconds
D. Done.
I will do A tomorrow
Great job Theresa!!
A. Done/ hspu 6/6/5/5/6
B. 345 x15
C. Rx round 1, scaled to 200/15/10 rest
D. Will make up
A. Done. Strict chin ups w/vest x 5. Some HS walk practice beforehand.
B. 320
C. 250m row for 3 rounds, then ~210m last 5 rounds. Rowed straight into wall balls all rounds. WB 35-40sec. Burpees 30-35sec.
A. Took this off– shoulder is feeling better, but not really pushing it too much with push up moves
B.dL at 205#
C. A few modifications–10 wallballs and no jumping over erg. First 6 rounds semi ok, had to take extra 30 sec before starting round 7 for a quick pep talk! By end of 8 rounds back on time. Maybe could have tried 11/12 wallballs but not 15 for sure.
Glad to hear that Laura!
A. Done- strict sup pu @ 45,60,75,90,90
B. Done at 335
C. Complete.
All rows in :45-:50
WB done around:25-:35. First 4 rounds-15. Others -12. Getting off rower right into WB was rough
All burpees done around:25
Great work Keith!
DMA – Complete
A. 5×3(24kg kb), 5×5, 5×10
B. 350#x15
C. 1-R50/W30/B22; 2-53/29/23;3-53/32/24;4-C/36/38;5-C/36/43;6-C/30/29;7-C/30/40;8-C/40/35
Row was tough at 4th round…that was a grind.
D. Skipped
A. 5×3 reps – 5x 5 reps – 5 x 10 reps
B. 297×15
C. Done RX (Challenging. Next time I want to try not to rest 5 x)
D. Skipped
F. Karate Class
Nice work Marcos!
Thanks Nichole. Because of this WOD, I’m considering to read the book The Invicuts Mindset. I think I could push a little bit harder.
You should, it is a great book!
Feeling battered, so took day off. Every joint is aching, so listening to the body…
Good call Rob!! And make sure you rest tomorrow as well!
I am for sure. Recovery is terrible at the moment. Still suffering from MURPH – Particularly the Brachioradialis, which constantly hurts during elbow flexion.
Shoulder injury is feeling better, but both shoulders have been DOMs sore for a couple of days, and abs since last weeks ab wheel adventure.
On top of that, I sprained my wrist during some cleans a few weeks ago and tore my hand in the finger crease. I’m falling apart haha!
Sorry, moan, moan, moan…
Anyway, today is a bit better, so will re-assess tomorrow. Then light duties I think…
Yes, cut the volume in half to help get your recovery back on track!
A. 35/7hspu/10
B. 295×15
C. Done (that was a good grind)
Nice work!
Warm up done
A: done
B : done all at 100 kg
C : done last two set 8 burpees
Well done Tine!
Thank you ?
DMA – done
A. 15lb. for weighted PU’s
B. 15 @ 215lb.
C. Couldn’t really make the row (legs were tired right from start; AB intervals yesterday?)
WBS – :35-:40s but started to lose seconds each round (only 10R’s, then 12R’s on 6, 7)
Burpees – :40 or slightly under but this increased last couple rounds
D. done
A. Done
B. 195
C. Adjusted reps as I knew I’d bleed into next rounds
This kept me moving with a good 20-30 sec rest
This worked for me today
D. Done
Nice work!!