June 20, 2015 – Masters Off-Season

Workout of the Day

Five sets of:
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells or Dumbbells
10 Meter Handstand Walk
Rest 4-6 minutes – use that time to mobilize your hip flexors!


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32/24 kg kettlebells or dumbbells
55+: 24/16 kg kettlebells or dumbbells

Optional Additional Work
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete:
500 Meter Run

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Michael Paulus (42/5'9"/178/CE
Michael Paulus (42/5'9"/178/CE
June 22, 2015 5:14 am

45 min of trail running. Needed to get outside since it has been raining for the last week.

Ron Der/55/5'-8"/165/NorCal
Ron Der/55/5'-8"/165/NorCal
June 21, 2015 11:11 am

Subbed with 40 cal row and 20 wall runs
24kg KBs

Jem Sibay (40)
Jem Sibay (40)
June 21, 2015 9:26 am

Traveling so had to improvise at a globe gym outside Paris. Least they had a rower.
5 rds, every 7min 40 calories, 20 lunges (24kg), 20 handrelease pushup.
Last 2 rds, grip died on lunges finished in more like 9min.

Gary Stokes
Gary Stokes
June 21, 2015 4:57 am

Done with rower 30 cal.
Used 45 lb DB in each hand.
Did wall runs and hand stand holds. Don’t have walks
Avg was 315 each round

Olli-Petteri Hallikainen
Olli-Petteri Hallikainen
June 21, 2015 4:46 am

XC MTB marathon for 60 kilometers for 3 hours. First two hours with race speed and then slower speed for a last hour. Left in 6 am in a sun rise – wonderful ride in the woods.

John Davis 42
John Davis 42
June 20, 2015 9:48 pm

On vacation with the family so had to modify some movements in the resort fitness center.
A. 30 cal row, 20 lunges with 65#, 10 strict press 115#

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
June 20, 2015 8:29 pm

A. 6:22/6:48/7:03/6:45/7:40 3 UB handstand walks! 25lb DB

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
June 21, 2015 10:24 am
Reply to  Litsa Olsson

Awesome job Litsa!

Joe M47
Joe M47
June 20, 2015 8:04 pm

5 rounds running done-right quad started to tighten up.
All rounds under 2 min. Just not as fast as I used to be in my early 40’s. Weird as my cardio stays strong but my legs start to feel like jelly around 300 meter mark? Not enough running or just a lot of leg work during week?

Kevin G. 53 North Central
Kevin G. 53 North Central
June 20, 2015 7:13 pm

A. Every 4 min for 24 min 500 meter run (2:38, 2:48, 2:47, 2:45, 2:43, 2:31
B. 7 station Tabatta at the Box.

June 20, 2015 3:45 pm

A) 30 Cals on Assault bike; 20 Wlunges w/16 kg KBS; 20 taps wall runs (5:15, 5:20, 5:10, 5:13, 5:12) *rested 5 min. b/t sets
B) 6 x 500M run on track E4MOM (2:05, 2:04, 2:05, 2:05, 2:05, 2:06) calf didn’t cramp on me today yay! Wore my running shoes ; )

Todd K (M-41 -5'8"-165 - SW)
Todd K (M-41 -5'8"-165 - SW)
June 20, 2015 2:24 pm

A. 5 sets: 40 cal Bike and 2 x 2 pood KB lunge. Shoulders needed rest, so didn’t do HS work.
B. Ran 1.25 miles at a medium pace in the 115 degree AZ sun. Love the heat!
With the Bulgarians a few days ago;last night’s Back Squats and Deads in the metcon; and today’s 100 lunges with big boy KBs. Holy Posterior Chain!

David (41/5'9"/170)
David (41/5'9"/170)
June 20, 2015 1:40 pm

1000M run
45 pullups
40 backsquats @ 115
35 snatches @ 115
30 Burpees
25 thrusters @ 115
20 SDLHP @ 115
30 situps
20 pushups
10 broad jumps
1600M run
apprx 35 min

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 44)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 44)
June 20, 2015 1:23 pm

A. 4:09, 4:05, 4:04, 4:01, 4:01
I had to row 30 cal instead of airdyne. Used two 24kg kettlebells for lunges. HS walks went well and unbroken.

Joe M47
Joe M47
June 20, 2015 11:56 am

4 rounds with #45 OH Lunges
Each round under 3 min
Pulls were 40/40/41/44
On 4th round of lunges felt pop in right quad. Little sore but scared me more than anything. Shut down after 4 rounds.
HSW attempts 2 min each round. Very happy actually moving 1-3 meters each attempt.

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
June 21, 2015 10:25 am
Reply to  Joe M47

I hope you didn’t run if you heard a pop! How is it feeling today?

Joe M47
Joe M47
June 21, 2015 10:47 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

O’h I did and luckily the quad feels ok this morning. Not sure what the pop was as never experienced before.

Matt L 43
Matt L 43
June 20, 2015 11:30 am

Did yesterday’s.

M and A done
A. Done
B. Up to 185. Should’ve gone heavier.
Then Class WOD.

C. Squats. 245, 285, 315, 345. 315 x 4.

Granite games wod tomorrow. Might run tonight.

June 20, 2015 10:58 am

A. Done – 24# kbs, stayed light – have a strength seminar tomorrow.
Rowed instead of run – 4x500m.
Have a great weekend!

Kimberly Cantrell Trego
Kimberly Cantrell Trego
June 20, 2015 8:16 am

A. Five sets 5:16-5:40. 24kg/h wasn’t as hard as I expected. The wall runs really helped my handstand walks today.

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
June 20, 2015 10:02 am

Awesome to hear!

Mikael Edvardsson 43
Mikael Edvardsson 43
June 20, 2015 4:31 am

A: 40cal Rowing @2:00-ish
10+10 Walking Lunges @2x32kg KB
5-10m HSW

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