Workout of the Day
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Five sets of:
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells or Dumbbells
10 Meter Handstand Walk
Rest 4-6 minutes – use that time to mobilize your hip flexors!
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32/24 kg kettlebells or dumbbells
55+: 24/16 kg kettlebells or dumbbells
Optional Additional Work
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete:
500 Meter Run
45 min of trail running. Needed to get outside since it has been raining for the last week.
Subbed with 40 cal row and 20 wall runs
24kg KBs
Traveling so had to improvise at a globe gym outside Paris. Least they had a rower.
5 rds, every 7min 40 calories, 20 lunges (24kg), 20 handrelease pushup.
Last 2 rds, grip died on lunges finished in more like 9min.
Done with rower 30 cal.
Used 45 lb DB in each hand.
Did wall runs and hand stand holds. Don’t have walks
Avg was 315 each round
XC MTB marathon for 60 kilometers for 3 hours. First two hours with race speed and then slower speed for a last hour. Left in 6 am in a sun rise – wonderful ride in the woods.
On vacation with the family so had to modify some movements in the resort fitness center.
A. 30 cal row, 20 lunges with 65#, 10 strict press 115#
A. 6:22/6:48/7:03/6:45/7:40 3 UB handstand walks! 25lb DB
Awesome job Litsa!
5 rounds running done-right quad started to tighten up.
All rounds under 2 min. Just not as fast as I used to be in my early 40’s. Weird as my cardio stays strong but my legs start to feel like jelly around 300 meter mark? Not enough running or just a lot of leg work during week?
A. Every 4 min for 24 min 500 meter run (2:38, 2:48, 2:47, 2:45, 2:43, 2:31
B. 7 station Tabatta at the Box.
A) 30 Cals on Assault bike; 20 Wlunges w/16 kg KBS; 20 taps wall runs (5:15, 5:20, 5:10, 5:13, 5:12) *rested 5 min. b/t sets
B) 6 x 500M run on track E4MOM (2:05, 2:04, 2:05, 2:05, 2:05, 2:06) calf didn’t cramp on me today yay! Wore my running shoes ; )
A. 5 sets: 40 cal Bike and 2 x 2 pood KB lunge. Shoulders needed rest, so didn’t do HS work.
B. Ran 1.25 miles at a medium pace in the 115 degree AZ sun. Love the heat!
With the Bulgarians a few days ago;last night’s Back Squats and Deads in the metcon; and today’s 100 lunges with big boy KBs. Holy Posterior Chain!
1000M run
45 pullups
40 backsquats @ 115
35 snatches @ 115
30 Burpees
25 thrusters @ 115
20 SDLHP @ 115
30 situps
20 pushups
10 broad jumps
1600M run
apprx 35 min
A. 4:09, 4:05, 4:04, 4:01, 4:01
I had to row 30 cal instead of airdyne. Used two 24kg kettlebells for lunges. HS walks went well and unbroken.
4 rounds with #45 OH Lunges
Each round under 3 min
Pulls were 40/40/41/44
On 4th round of lunges felt pop in right quad. Little sore but scared me more than anything. Shut down after 4 rounds.
HSW attempts 2 min each round. Very happy actually moving 1-3 meters each attempt.
I hope you didn’t run if you heard a pop! How is it feeling today?
O’h I did and luckily the quad feels ok this morning. Not sure what the pop was as never experienced before.
Did yesterday’s.
M and A done
A. Done
B. Up to 185. Should’ve gone heavier.
Then Class WOD.
C. Squats. 245, 285, 315, 345. 315 x 4.
Granite games wod tomorrow. Might run tonight.
A. Done – 24# kbs, stayed light – have a strength seminar tomorrow.
Rowed instead of run – 4x500m.
Have a great weekend!
A. Five sets 5:16-5:40. 24kg/h wasn’t as hard as I expected. The wall runs really helped my handstand walks today.
Awesome to hear!
A: 40cal Rowing @2:00-ish
10+10 Walking Lunges @2x32kg KB
5-10m HSW